In the scope of Turkish Language Courses Project for Syrian Children and Youth, we continue to prepare Syrian youth for both education and professional life. In this context, Syrian young refugees met with ILO (International Labour Organization) and MoLSS (Ministry of Labour and Social Security) representatives. In order to improve social dialogue in working life, Syrian youth have become aware of their rights and responsibilities in working life and also informed about the Turkish meanings of the legal terms in this field. Through the interactive presentations made by Ebru Öztüm Tümer from MoLSS, The Head of International Labour Force Policy, Agreements and Legislation Department and Tuba Burcu Şenel from ILO, Social Dialogue and Policy Advocacy Officer, Syrian youth had chance to ask some questions about their current problems and rights. During the seminar, Arabic booklets, prepared by MoLSS and ILO, about working life were distributed to make the beneficiaries’ families and their acquaintances directly accessible to the issue as a part of the informing activity.