General Principles

IBC acts with impartiality in the belief that all people are created equal and have right to live with dignity, the right to shelter, nourish, have health care and proper standards of living.

In this regard, IBC designs and implements projects in the fields of:

•  Relief and Rehabilitation

The activities within this field cover the assistance given to the victims of natural and man-made disasters and to meet their emergency needs of water, nutrition, shelter, sanitation along with psychosocial activities in order to alleviate the trauma of the disaster, especially on children and women. In addition to the relief and rehabilitation activities in post-disaster areas, activities aiming to alleviate the sufferings and to meet the needs of disadvantaged people especially living in underdeveloped regions and refugee camps are implemented.

•  Housing and Reconstruction 

Following the end of emergency periods in post disaster areas, activities aiming to meet the transitional or permanent housing needs and to reconstruct the social infrastructure including health and education units, along with the activities aiming to recover the means of livelihood and socio-economic life of the victims are implemented within the scope of this field.

•  Rural Development 

Activities in this field cover assistance to attain a comprehensive development process in rural areas, which support social development, through contribution to economic development by improving productivity of existing livelihood potential and through improving physical and social infrastructure, including education and health infrastructure, increasing their effectiveness as well.

•  Civil Society and Community Development 

The activities aiming non-governmental organizations, community based organizations and community groups to gain sustainable development by improving their financial and technical capacities, increasing effectiveness of their existing activities and developing new activities, organizing and establishing networks are implemented within the scope of this field.

•  Education & Training 

This field covers activities supporting formal and informal education. The activities aiming to support informal education through vocational, cultural and skill development programs and to support formal education through providing necessary tools and equipments to education units are implemented within the scope of this field.

•  Health 

This field covers the activities related to capacity building of present service units by means of renovation and supporting for their equipment needs and the activities related to awareness raising of the society to benefit from these units and activities targeting ameliorating of public health, such as taking protective measures, preventing spread of contagious diseases and improving personal hygiene.

IBC establishes and manages centers related to health and education in order to provide continuous and sustainable inputs to these fields in addition to its project planning and implementations. An education and rehabilitation center for the mentally challenged children in Kocaeli and first aid training centers in Ankara , Istanbul and Kocaeli are presently active and serving for this purpose. The centers support the projects of the foundation financially and in human resources apart from being the leading examples to the implementations within their fields.