Ref 1 | Project title | India Post-Earthquake Emergency Relief Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Various locations of Gujarat Province INDIA | 130.000 USD | 50 % | IBC | KINDER USA | 11-02-2001 - 03-03-2001 11 February |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed with the lessons learned during the disaster lived in our country the goal of this project was to provide initial and urgent needs of the victims which being drinkable water and fundamental nourishment requirements as drinkable water and bread and wheat flour. On the other hand within the campaign launched in Turkey, medical, hygienic and shelter equipment and material were being arranged for dispatch in order to elevate the sufferings. Within the framework of these project 3000 individuals has been benefited by distribution of 6 Tons of wheat flour, 15.000 loaves of bread and 42.000 liters of drinkable water that were the residents of the territories of Bhuj living in a distance of 450 kilometers whereas and additional aid has been provided with the two containers of material dispatched from Turkey. Since the project had been confined only by distribution additional social activities have not been achieved. However the distribution of the 2 container material with the cooperation of a local NGO may be considered as another activity. |
Ref 2 | Project title | Beyciler Assisted Self-Help Housing Program Turkey (Düzce) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 2.600.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (USA) | 01-05-2001 - 31-12-2003 01.05.2001 |
DUZCE MUNICIPALITY, DUZCE GOVERNORSHIP | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objective of the project was to provide durable housing solutions to most vulnerable 168 tenant families resident in Düzce and made homeless by the earthquakes of 1999, to establish community association to oversee managerial and financial responsibilities and to provide enterprise opportunities and skills training to the local community both new and existing. The main services provided included design of housing project with the beneficiaries, construction of 168 houses with the participation of beneficiaries and establishment of steering committees and association. As a result of the project, the beneficiaries became the owners of houses shaped by their own hands and ideas and most importantly beneficiaries started to advocate their own rights, to get involved in community issues and solidarity was established among the beneficiaries. Where IBC was the leading partner with all financial and operational tasks, Düzce Municipality was a partner organization. |
Ref 3 | Project title | Physics and Computer Laboratories at Adapazarı Canadian Elementary School | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Adapazarı TURKEY | 23.400 USD | 100 % | IBC | CANADIAN EMBASSY- ANKARA | 27-09-2001 - 14-11-2001 27.09.2001 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Developing the capacity of the autistic children get education in the new opened school. Through the laboratories they will be introduced to the modern techniques on physics and chemistry. Educational materials will help them for a better education and capacity building. 120 autistic children from earthquake hit Adapazarı. Children are abandoned because they lost their previous school collapsed from the earthquake. Families of the children benefited too because they got the opportunity to provide education to their special children once again after they lost one year. After meetings with the school manager and regional officials of the Ministry of Education the spaces for laboratories identified. With coordination with the school officials the infrastructure for the laboratories organized. Purchase for uniforms for the children, sports cloths, maps, geographical instruments and physics and chemistry laboratories completed through a tender issued locally. After installment of the laboratories training to the teachers provided. After the start of the education in the school periodical visits organized in order to evaluate the developments related with the education and use of the facilities. |
Ref 4 | Project title | Parent-School Participation Program – Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 274.677 USD | 97 % | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 12-12-2001 - 31-12-2003 12.12.2001 |
HRDF-Human Resources Development Foundation, CARITAS Turkey, Ministry of Education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to build the capacity of parent teacher councils at the school level, enhance parent skills, and increase teachers’ capacity to involve parents in the education of their children. The project activities were carried out in schools in Marmara Earthquake region. One of the most important results of the activity is that bonds between students, their parents and teachers were strengthened, their capacity were built in such a way that they became able to identify their problems and produce solutions. The main services that were provided include need assessment of beneficiary schools, implementation of training as well as common fund raising campaigns. Parents and school director were trained by foundations’ project coordinator and scientist in joint meetings. Brochures were distributed and power-point presentations were used during the training activities. The Parent - Teacher Association was founded. Funding opportunities were provided for the “parent- teacher associations” campaigns. |
Ref 5 | Project title | Heater Distribution to the Victims of Afyon Earthquake | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Çay and Çobanlar Provinces Afyon TURKEY | 65.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 14-02-2002 - 17-02-2002 14 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to contribute to meet the heating need of earthquake victims living in temporary shelters under cold weather conditions in order to prevent probable health complications that they might face with. Location Quantity Çobanlar / Center 90 Sets Çobanlar / Kocaöz / Istiklal, Fatih and Atatürk 151 Sets Çay / Center / |
Ref 6 | Project title | Mentally Challenged Education and Training Centre Project Izmit | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 2.160.000 EUR | 80 % | 50 | IBC | MINISTRY OF EDUCATION TURKEY, MALTESER GERMANY | 01-04-2002 - 01-12-2009 April 2002 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objectives of this project: Types of services provided: |
Ref 7 | Project title | Additional Building Construction for Yazlık Tabosan Elementary School | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yazlık Izmit TURKEY | 176.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | ISLAMIC RELIEF | 15-11-2002 - 15-11-2003 15.11.2002 |
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project was to contribute to meet the needs for education of the displaced from Gölcük students to Yazlık because of the devastating earthquake on 17th August 1999. Through the Project a new educational facility provided to the Ministry of Education in order to accommodate students in urgent need for education. Project beneficiaries are 60 children aged between 06-17 years old. 30 of them are beginners (6 years old). Their families and the entire community moved under very severe conditions to more secure Yazlık are the secondary beneficiaries. Types of services provided: |
Ref 8 | Project title | Ardahan and its Vicinity Economical and Social Development Project Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 3.134.000 EUR | 90 % | IBC | BAKU TBILISI CEYHAN COMPANY (BTC) | 01-06-2003 - 31-05-2008 01.06.2003 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project has covered implementation of small scale infrastructure projects in villages such as drinking water, school repairs, etc. improvement of livestock practice and introduction of horticulture practices, as well as income generation activities for women. The project has been implemented in Ardahan (center county), Posof, Damal and Hanak counties, including some of their villages in Ardahan. The project aimed to contribute to the socio-economic development of the rural settlements along the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline. With this purpose in mind; the main objectives of the project activities are as following: • Betterment of economic situation through income generating activities for people affected by the pipeline, Posof District and its affiliated 19 villages, 4 villages in Damal District, 4 villages in Hanak District, and 10 villages in the Central District, which are along the BTC Crude Oil Pipeline, are the direct beneficiaries in the project. Not only more than 16.000 people in the area but also the local farmers’ organizations such as Cooperatives in Posof, Ardahan and Damal, as well as unions, and rural legal entities will be the direct beneficiaries in the project. |
Ref 9 | Project title | Bingöl Post-Disaster Humanitarian Relief and Health Center Reinforcement Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Bingöl TURKEY | 130.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-06-2003 - 01-11-2003 June 2003 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The aim of project was to distribute the necessities required within the rural territory and to provide health services to the 25.000 inhabitants of the surrounding territory. The beneficiaries were the inhabitants of the territory covering 600 families. Information has been obtained from the crisis center governed by the Governor for the necessities. The priorities were determined as nourishment and napkins of being essential for hygiene. With the escort of a military team in order to provide security distribution has been made to the nearby villages which were in need. The packages were distributed to the families which had children between 0-6 ages. 25.000 individuals living in the Province of Genç and the surrounding villages. The crisis center that has been formatted by the Deputy Governor of Bingöl has been visited and information has been gathered about the necessities and the damage occurred. Situation assessment has been made by the participation of the Head of The Crisis Center, the Deputy Governor, District Governor of Genç, Bingöl Health Director, District Health Director of Genç and the IBC representative where the situation of the provinces were discussed since the reconstruction or renovation of the public hospital was to be handled by the Government itself. It was determined that the health center in Genç was highly damaged however the possibility of renovation being possible. The health center that had the possibility of giving considerable service was found worth to be renovated since giving service to the province and the surrounding villages and a protocol has been signed between IBC and the Head of the Crisis Center for renovation. IBC organized a technical team to overcome the burden taking into consideration the local suppliers that have been affected by the earthquake in priority in material supply. The construction works took place within three months and the health center of Genç was taken into operation. |
Ref 10 | Project title | Düzce Beyciler Health Centre Construction Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Düzce TURKEY | 92.450 EUR | 58 % | IBC | ISLAMIC RELIEF | 01-07-2003 - 01-10-2003 July |
MINISTRY OF HEALTH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed at meeting the health care need of the earthquake-affected people in Düzce, and at increasing the access to the health services in the area. As Düzce Health Center would be built in the same area with the permanent houses, 168 households living in those houses would directly benefit from the health services. In addition, approximately 12,000 people who live in the area will also have access to the health services provided by the new health center. IBC Düzce Beyciler Assisted Self-Help Housing Project team has initially completed the design of the construction plans, and a nation-wide tender was issued in order to receive the best prices for the construction of the building. Following the tender, the construction was started and finished on time. Once the construction of the building was completed, it was refurbished and equipped with the necessary medical devices and equipment. Medical staff for the operation of the health center was provided by the Ministry of Health. After the opening ceremony, the health center started to offer health care services and it was submitted to the Düzce Municipality. |
Ref 11 | Project title | Bam Post-Earthquake Emergency Relief and Temporary Shelter Camps Organization and Rehabilitation Program | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | IRAN | 995.800 USD | 100 % | IBC | Catholic Relief Services, Trocaire Ireland, Nicco Japan, Kinder USA, Reuters Foundation | 01-12-2003 - 01-08-2005 December 2003 |
BAM DISASTER MANAGEMENT CENTER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project goal was toprovide emergency relief for the victims of the earthquake in Bam city Iran, to support the victims of the earthquake in Bam in the emergency & transition phase of post-disaster, by creating safe and healthy accommodation set-ups with temporary shelter, water and sanitation facilities, to contribute to the physical and psychological health of pregnant women, babies and infants victims of the earthquake in Bam. The project which has been carried out in Bam (Iran), covers establishment and running of community training centers, establishment and running of laundry services in prefabricated camps as well as psychological rehabilitation and trauma centers. The services that are being provided include, design of project with beneficiaries, establishment and management of centers (8 centers with 2 shifts = 16 classes) as well as training and rehabilitation of communities. The 1st distribution of the relief project addressed a number of 1000 people in the city of Bam. The 2nd distribution rounds addressed 200 families living in tents in Baravat - the 13th zone of the city of Bam. The beneficiaries were selected from the families who did not benefit from regular support provided to other victims of the earthquake who decided to move in the organized camps in town. Therefore, IBC distributions’ beneficiaries were people living in tents in front of the ruins of their houses in Bam. After the identification of beneficiary mothers and infants living in Bam city and registered by the Bam Health Center’s 13 Zonal Branches, necessary products have been procured and delivered to the deposit of the Bam Health Center Headquarters. |
Ref 12 | Project title | Humanitarian Relief to Istanbul Terrorism Victims | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Beyoğlu Istanbul TURKEY | 26.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | ISTANBUL JEWISH COMMUNITY | 01-12-2003 - 01-02-2004 December 2003 |
BEYOGLU MUNICIPALITY ISTANBUL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to assist the terror victim families after the bombings in November 2003 in Beyoğlu area for a period of three months. Emergency food distribution and provision of school materials to the children of the families was targeted. The project beneficiaries were 150 families lost their members after the bombings in Beyoğlu-Istanbul area. Families lost their fathers have been prioritized. Families with income under 300 USD have been selected. Most of them have lost their businesses and jobs because of the bombings. The total number of the people benefited is around 500. The neighborhoods benefited from the relief operation were the poorest ones in the area. Just after the bombings in November 2003 IBC has contacted the authorities in Beyoğlu-Istanbul and informed them about our decision to launch a campaign to assist most affected victims in the area. In cooperation with Beyoğlu Municipality we completed the assessment of the most affected by paying visits to houses and families. From 460 families affected we selected the 150 most vulnerable, lost their properties, jobs and members. Main priority was to keep these families sustainable until the state assistance is organized. Facilities for the storage and distribution of the emergency relief was provided by Beyoğlu Municipality. IBC staff organized the packages and lists of distribution .Distribution of the food packages and school materials was implemented at the first weeks of December 2003, January 2004 and February 2004. |
Ref 13 | Project title | First Aid Training Centres in Istanbul, Izmit, Ankara | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, Ankara, Izmit TURKEY | 226.000 EUR | 100 % | 14 | IBC | OWN FUNDING | 01-01-2004 - 01-12-2009 January 2004 -December 2009 |
State Institutions, Private Sector, Local Authorities & Individuals, Ministry of Health | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project’s aims and activities comprised the following: First aid training for individuals; Training of first aid trainers; Firefighting training; Risks assessment and response training. Up to now, IBC provided similar training to the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Justice, multinational companies as Ford, Hyundai, Turkish Refineries, Petrochemical Complexes, Industrial Complexes of Gebze and Tuzla Istanbul, Shipbuilders Consortium etc. Family adaptation seminars for the families of the disabled in Izmit. The trainings were done for trainers, trainees and public and private sector professionals. |
Ref 14 | Project title | Yazlık Health Center Construction Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yazlık Gölcük TURKEY | 75.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MALTESER INTERNATIONAL | 01-02-2004 - 01-06-2004 February |
MINISTRY OF HEALTH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed at increasing the access to the health services and at improving the health standards of people. People who are affected from the earthquake and who reside in Yazlık Region are the direct beneficiaries of the project. The people who live in those regions which are close to Yazlık will also benefit from the health services. After the earthquake in 1999, International Blue Crescent started its humanitarian relief work in Golcuk, the epicenter of the earthquake. As the town was devastated to a large extent, its habitants relocated to Yazlık town in the north, which is safer. After the determination of a need for a health clinic and after meetings with the Kocaeli Governor, Mr. Erdal Ata, the land for construction of a health clinic was allocated and IBC started a campaign for the construction and refurbishment of the health clinic. Malteser International Foundation responded to the call for help and provided the financial support. After the design of the health center project, the tenders were announced and the construction was completed in five months. After the procurement of the equipment and laboratories for the clinic, an opening ceremony took place with the participation of the governor. The Ministry of Health assigned medical personnel to the health center therefore the sustainability of the health center was assured. |
Ref 15 | Project title | Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Management Trainings of Iranian NGO Representatives | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Marmaris TURKEY | 19.500 USD | 100 % | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 18-04-2004 - 26-04-2004 18 |
AHDER-Disaster Preparedness Association, AKA- Search and Rescue Research Association Green Think Tank of Turunç | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The aim of the project was to raise awareness of the representatives of various Iranian NGOs on the issue of disaster preparedness and response. The two main goals were; Raising the awareness level of the representatives about the risks and measurements to be taken to reduce them and their responsibilities. Realization of “Trainer Trainings” for the wide spreading of the knowledge and awareness. Implemented Activities: “A to Z First Step Community Disaster Awareness” and “Light Search and Rescue Trainings” were realized by AKA (Search and Rescue Research Association). |
Ref 16 | Project title | Ardahan Reproductive Health Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Ardahan TURKEY | 221.000 EUR | 84 % | IBC | BAKU – TBILISI – CEYHAN PIPELINE COMPANY | 01-12-2004 - 01-04-2006 December 2004 |
Turkey Reproductive Health Program, European Union through the European Commission Delegation, Ministry of Health Turkey | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objectives of this project is to outreach, through face to face communication, to 4000 men and 6000 women at the age of 15-49, including influential family members and opinion leaders in rural areas where access to services is limited and to contribute to raise awareness on safe motherhood, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS, breast and cervical cancer in wider public in Ardahan, and thus contribute to the increase in access to services and to the decline in unfavorable cases. Rural Settlement Units Trainings: Within the scope of the Project, in 100 rural settlement units, 6807 women were outreached face to face for 6 times, and 4219 men for 4 times. In the first of these training visits, a pretest was applied in addition to provision of the general information on stakeholders and the project content, and in the last visit, a post-test was applied in order to measure the improvement. In these trainings, information on safe motherhood, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS, breast and cervical cancer were provided, though the load of the trainings changed depending on whether the target group was men or women. |
Ref 17 | Project title | Posof Beekeeping Trainings | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Ardahan TURKEY | 17.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | EUROPEAN COMMUNITY, İ | 02-01-2005 - 30-05-2005 02.01.2005 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The aim of the project is to train 75 unemployed in beekeeping who are living in Posof County of Ardahan Province and to restructure their qualities and to give rise to entrepreneurship. In scope of the Project, 75 unemployed especially from the vulnerable group (women, disabled, ex-convict, adolescents, etc.) who are living in Posof County of Ardahan Province are trained in beekeeping. The Project apart from the climate and seasonal conditions that engender mandatory modifications executed as it is planned. |
Ref 18 | Project title | Raising Public Awareness about Women Trafficking in Turkey: Anti-Trafficking Forum and Creation of a Civil Society Network Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, Trabzon TURKEY | 147.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-01-2004 - 01-06-2005 January 2004 |
MEDECINS DU MONDE GREECE, BEYAZ GEMİ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The aim of the project was to reinforce the knowledge and debate regarding gender issues as well as stimulate members of the civil society to play an active role against new forms of slavery such as trafficking. The project aimed different aspects of women trafficking that were analyzed in Istanbul and Trabzon conferences and during network meetings. Creation of efficient strategies in terms of national and international cooperation about issues like supporting the victims, legislative preparations, execution procedures was discussed during these activities. Network meetings also became a mechanism for the related actors of civil society and government to discuss the problems and difficulties. There have been some improvements in Turkey about legislation and structure of related institutions dealing with women trafficking. Two conferences and film festivals on trafficking and its victims were organized, aiming to fight trafficking by enhancing the knowledge and promoting a sympathetic view of the plight of victims to decision makers and opinion leaders. Discussions around gender and human rights’ issues in general leaded to the adaptation of more contemporary and tolerant attitudes. This program aimed to present and make known the Human Rights violations endemic to the trafficking industry to the widest possible audience. Main beneficiaries were decision makers and stake holders. It is mainly targeted to form a network of NGO representatives and of course the potential trafficking victims. Four network meetings and two conferences were realized in the framework of the project. A contact list of related actors and institutions was formed at the beginning of the project to invite them to the network meetings. These actors have also been invited to the 2 day conference in Istanbul. In the first and second days of the conference the movie “Balalayka” form Turkey and “Lila4ever” form Ukraine was projected and for the purpose of drawing attention to the issue. The Trabzon conference was planned as a local conference to be realized with the attendance of local NGOs, representatives of governmental institutions and public again to draw some attention to the problem. Film projections were also realized. After these two conferences both local and national media was monitored to evaluate the impact. A conference book was published at the end of the project. Organization of the conferences, media monitoring, designing and publication of the conference book was realized by Beyaz Gemi Training and Consultancy Services. |
Ref 19 | Project title | Gaziosmanpaşa Reproductive Health Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul TURKEY | 444.023 EUR | 87,5 % | IBC | Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health, Program of Reproductive Health in Turkey, European Union through the European Commision Delegation to Turkey | 01-04-2005 - 01-02-2006 April 2005 |
Anadolu Bil High School, Gaziosmanpaşa Women's Culture and Solidarity Foundation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project's aims are to create an aware society in Istanbul Gaziosmanpaşa County on safe motherhood, family planning, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV/AIDS, early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancers, to widen the good applications and to increase the access to the related health services. The priority target group had been, women and men whom were between the ages of 15-49, and whom lived in the shanty towns of Gaziosmanpaşa where the access to health services being low. The second target group had been women and men of the same age group living in the urban settlement areas of Gaziosmanpaşa. The priority target group is; 75.000 women and men whom are between the ages 15-49, living in the shanty towns of Gaziosmanpaşa where access to health services are low. The second target group is women and men of the same age group living in the urban settlement areas of Gaziosmanpaşa. Project Activities : Within the scope of shanty town trainings, 7.500 women and 5000 men whom lived in 29 neighborhoods of the county center, 5 districts and 5 villages, whom were of ages between 15 and 49, had been actively reached. Beneficiaries were followed up with regular visits during the course of the project. Trainings were conducted in “reproductive health”, “family planning”, “safe motherhood”, “sexually transmitted infections”, “breast and cervical cancers”, importance and how to accesses related health services for the target groups. |
Ref 20 | Project title | Safe Behavior and First Aid Trainings for Children and Adolescents in Five Orphanages in Ankara | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Ankara TURKEY | 13.000 USD | 50 % | IBC | WORLD BANK SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM, First Aid Training Center | 01-05-2005 - 01-05-2006 May 2005 |
Ministry of Justice | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project's aims to raise awareness among children and adolescents in taking responsibility of their own health by preventing themselves from accidents and to establish safe behavior patterns also by teaching them basic first aid techniques that can be used in daily life which may give them the chance to reduce casualties and disabilities. 446 individuals, 335 being children and adolescents to the additional 111 personnel of the orphanages' staff, has benefited from the project. • Cooperation has been established between the World Bank Project Office, the General Directorate of Social Services and Child Protection Agency, the orphanages participating to the trainings and IBC. |
Ref 21 | Project title | Aceh Housing and Recovery for Tsunami Victims and Skills Development Trainings for Women | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Aceh INDONESIA | 3.100.500 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-05-2005 - 01-10-2006 May 2005 |
FAMILY WELFARE and EMPOWERMENT ORGANIZATION (Indonesia) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to contribute to the recovery of Aceh region through providing housing solutions and facilitating community-driven recovery activities, to the rebuilding of social cohesion and to the recovery process in Aceh after the devastating tsunami, to the welfare and empowerment of the families and also to provide a ‘workshop therapy' facility to the women by the organizing sewing and culinary trainings. 332 women have been directly benefited from the project. The Project beneficiaries were 500 families living in villages of Mukhan, Alue Mie, Kuala, M.Rayeuk, and M.Tengough. In accordance with the requests of the villagers, the food packages distributed consisted of items enabling them to bake sweet biscuits and other sweets as a tradition of the Holy Days, instead of standard food packages for minimum needs. Each package contained 3 kg sugar, 4 kg wheat flour, 2 kg rice flour, 360 gr. corn flour, 1 kg starch, 1 kg sugar powder, 150 gr. corn cracker, 12 packs of jelly,1 kg margarine and 2 kg of palm oil. On the other hand, being within the tradition, the first morning of the Idul Fitri 8 buffalos were sacrificed and distributed to the villages. Clothing and toys were distributed to the 24 orphans of the villages. • 22 women had been trained as sewing trainer and received the certification of the Family Welfare and Empowerment Organization, On the other hand, about 2000 families from the villages that the material donations had been done have benefited indirectly from the project. |
Ref 22 | Project title | Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Management Trainings for Iranian Local Authorities and Government Officials | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul TURKEY | 39.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 13-09-2005 - 18-09-2005 13 |
AHDER-Disaster Preparedness Association | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aims the capacity building and share experience about disaster preparedness and management of the representatives of Iranian local authorities and government. 1st day: The participants and members of the press were informed with an opening/press conference on the first day of the trainings. |
Ref 23 | Project title | Distribution of Food and Non-Food Items to the Victims of the Earthquake and Safe Building Trainings and Technical Assistance for Rural Housing Reconstruction in Salmia Union Council (16 villages and 45 sub-villages) / Hattian Tehsil / Muzaffarabad AJK | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 1.041.870 USD | 100 % | IBC | CRS – UMCOR – MALTESER Internatıonal - American Joint Distribution Committee | 01-10-2005 - 01-06-2007 October 2005 |
ERRA, SERRA PAKISTAN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project consisted in conducting safe building trainings in the earthquake affected area and providing technical assistance for rural housing reconstruction in one Union Council with 16 villages and 45 sub-villages in Azad Jammu & Kashmir / Pakistan. In this project IBC was the Partner Organization of ERRA – Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority. The project supported a number of approx. 30.000 beneficiaries. After the stage of community mobilization and lobby of the ERRA policy, Village Reconstruction Committees have been established at sub-village level. The implementation of the project was supported by the field office set-up in Rawal Gali / Salmia Union Council. IBC engineers have been trained by UN-Habitat and NSET in earthquake resistant techniques and leading 4 mobile teams (with masons, carpenters and social mobilizers) have trained artisans, self-builders, male and female community members. The project included a component of model houses, for which self-builders have been trained practically (hands-on-training). The beneficiaries of those houses (both bricks masonry & dhajji) are 80 most vulnerable household owners (widows, disabled and senior citizens). In the technical support component of the project, the following were implemented: tools sets; winter relief support; landless support; roads clearance. Immediately after the earthquake, IBC distributed food packages to 600 affected families in Rawla Kot / Ali Sojal tehsil (7 villages). Temporary shelter and basic survival nonfood items were distributed to 200 families in the high-up villages situated inside of Bagh District of AJK. The activities already implemented in the village are as following Two big size tents for the boys’ and the girls’ primary schools were provided; A playground for the children in the village was provided and installed; Educational, recreational (toys) and hygiene kits were distributed to 250 pre-school age children in the village; Winter jackets distributed to the boys and girls of the Sarbala Governmental Primary Schools; Road clearance was provided after a major landslide at the entrance road in the village. |
Ref 24 | Project title | “Bridge for Reaching the Forgotten Smiles | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 62.500 EUR | 80 % | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-01-2006 - 01-03-2007 January 2006 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objectives of the project are to raise awareness over the European integration aspects and policy alignments regarding the work on the mentally challenged / disabled individuals and to stimulate the dialogue between the civil society organizations. The specific objectives are: to facilitate and support the knowledge exchange and cooperation between the NGOs working in the field of supporting the mentally challenged in Turkey and Romania; to raise awareness over the situation of the mentally challenged and the need for policy design and proper implementation, at European standards, in the field; to create a basis for future partnerships in the field. Establishing the Civil Society Network for the Support of the Mentally Challenged by using the media and publication services; Knowledge exchange workshop; Cooperation between Civil Society Organizations for supporting the mentally challenged (“Building unchallenged bridges” Seminar; & “Golden bracelets” crafts exhibition); Publication of the “Bridge for reaching the forgotten smiles” brochure. Organization of conferences in Istanbul and Izmir for Mentally Challenged -Introduction of conferences in media (TV & Radio) Publication of the booklet which covers the presentations in the conference in Turkish English and Romanian. Distribution of this booklet to libraries, NGO’S private and public foundations and universities. |
Ref 25 | Project title | Public Awareness Project on Prevention of STI-HIV/AIDS in Central and Eastern Black Sea Region | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 892.100 EUR | 90 % | IBC | Turkish Republic Ministry of Health, Program of Reproductive Health in Turkey, European Union, through the European Commission Delegation to Turkey | 01-04-2006 - 01-07-2007 April 2006 |
Samsun Infection Disease and Microbiology Association SIMAD, Ministry of Health-Local Authorities in Black Sea | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to increase awareness of the 40% of population living in city centers, that are above 15 years old, especially the people who can influence various segments of the society, young people, people with hearing or seeing disabilities as well as constructions workers, on prevention of STI and HIV infection, to increase condom use in the target region as well as to increase access to and utilization of STI services, including screening counseling and treatment at the target area in one year. |
Ref 26 | Project title | Improving of Services on Protection and Prevention from HIV/AIDS in Istanbul Bayrampaşa and Paşakapısı Prisons | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 92.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | GLOBAL FUND | 01-06-2006 - 01-06-2007 June 2006 |
MINISTRY of JUSTICE – MINISTRY of HEALTH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed at increasing the access to the preventive health services on HIV/AIDS by the prisoners/detainees at the prisons and decreasing vulnerability of the prisoners/detainees through promoting safe behavior. |
Ref 27 | Project title | Sexual Reproductive Health Project for Young People at Highschool Age (Ardahan) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 250.000 EUR | 80 % | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-08-2006 - 01-10-2007 August 2006 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to contribute in increasing access to appropriate and accurate information on SRH, sexuality and STI/HIV/AIDS prevention for young people in one year and to contribute in increasing awareness among young people as to the risks of unprotected pre-marital sexual intercourse in one year. The target group contained 3500 young people living in Ardahan, especially high school students living in Ardahan Province and 14-18 years of age sportsmen/women of Ardahan Youth and Sport Club. In order to reach the target group effectively activities were designed in the framework of social activities. Health clubs in Ardahan high schools included peer trainings, visits to health institutions and seminars. Furthermore, two plays related to SRH were written by professional script writers and performed by student drama clubs to young people in Ardahan. A story booklet was produced on the basis of real experiences in relation to SRH and access to accurate and appropriate information was ensured. |
Ref 28 | Project title | Winter Relief Distribution and Landslides Victims Support Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 128.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE Through MALTESER INTERNATIONAL | 01-11-2006 - 01-01-2007 November 2006 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project addressed the most vulnerable families in Salmia Union Council in AJK, during the heavy winter, which affected the access in and out of the villages and put in danger the situation of the people living in the mountain area. An initial number of 521 vulnerable households were addressed, by providing kitchen sets, blankets, water tanks, quilts and pillows. An additional number of 235 households were included in the project, making the number of total beneficiaries to reach 756. Following the landslides occurring in Salmia UC, during the spring, resulting with hundreds of people have been put in the position to leave their torn apart households behind and sick refuge in IDP camps or else. IBC has supported the victims of this emergency, by providing them necessary items to fix a new temporary shelter out of the sliding land. Therefore, the onetime distribution project targeted 147 households and included the provision of CGI sheets, tool sets and plastic sheets. |
Ref 29 | Project title | Safe Building Trainings for Rural Housing Reconstruction in Sena Daman UC (19 villages) / Hattian Tehsil / Muzaffarabad District – AJK | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 125.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | UN-HABITAT | 01-03-2007 - 01-12-2007 March |
ERRA Pakistan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project consisted in conducting safe building trainings in the earthquake affected area, project supported by and in partnership with UN Habitat. For this project IBC is also the Partner Organization of ERRA – Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Authority. Five mobile teams (engineers, social mobilizers male & female, masons and carpenters) were active in community mobilization activities and lobby for the ERRA policy and Village Reconstruction Committees were established at sub-village level. Beneficiaries were trained in earthquake resistant building techniques. The implementation of the project was supported by the field office set-up in Hattian town. |
Ref 30 | Project title | Emergency Aid for Iraqi Refugee Families and School Materials for School Children | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Damascus, Aleppo SYRIA | 364.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MALTESER INTERNATIONAL – UMCOR | 15-06-2007 - 15-11-2007 15.06.2007 |
SARC | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project took place in the city of Aleppo / Damascus, in the following neighborhoods: Dar Al Zeinab, Jaramanah, Haret el Besam and outskirts. The target population of the project was the Iraqi refugees (500 families) who fled from the war in their country to Syria. Priority was given to those who came to Syria during the last years and were in need of startup kits and financial support, mainly large families, disadvantaged and elder or disabled were selected. In addition, 750 school children were distributed school materials. The activity was implemented through cooperation with the Syrian Ministry of Education Officials. Start-up kitswere distributed to 100 families. The Cash Donationsfor 300 families were organized in two rounds, amounts of 200 USD / family and 50 USD / family being distributed in different stages. At the same time, IBC distributed food parcels to 100 most vulnerable Iraqi refugee families. School uniform, bag and stationery materials for children of refugee families are planned to distribute in the project. The project beneficiaries were the most vulnerable 100 families and their children at the school age benefited from this project. The number of children is 750. After the assessment and determination of needs of people who became refugees because of the occupation in March 2003, the list of refugees has been prepared in cooperation with local authorities and UNCHR- Syria. 100 families who need help were determined though home-visits. After that, materials were bought and stored in depots. Kitchen sets, blankets, linen basket, broom, and hygiene materials were distributed to those 100 families determined earlier. (Each family is calculated as 6 persons). Distributions were made in return of signature to the householder. Moreover, 200 USD cash donation was made to renters because they could not afford paying for the rent of house about 4.5 months. After the conservation with schools; school bags, uniforms and stationery materials were distributed to 750 refugee children. |
Ref 31 | Project title | Kahramanmaraş Rural Development Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kahramanmaraş TURKEY | 1.744.600 EUR | 100 % | 6 | IBC | BTC CONSORTIUM | 01-06-2007 - 31-12-2011 June 2007 |
Local Cooperatives | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Akifiye, Alınoluk, Altınboğa, Başdoğan, Bektaşlı, Canbaz, Çokak, Geben, Gökçeli, Hacıveliuşağı, Kesim, Kumarlı, Orhaniye, Torun, Tufanpaşa, Yeşilova, Yeşilyurt villages in Andırın County; Çağlayan, Değirmendere, Doğankonak, Fındıklıkoyak, Küçükçamurlu, Mahmutbay, Mehmetbey, Mürsel, Tahirbey, Taşoluk, Yiricek villages in Göksun County, Tahirbey, Tufanpaşa, Genen and Değirmendere Associations, Andırın Agricultural Development Foundation, Andırın Göç Yolu Association. 9 villagers have been benefited from the beekeeping activity implemented Fındıklıkoyak, Mürsel, Çağlayan and Doğankonak villages in Göksun. All necessary equipment and material including food staff, sugar, training materials have been provided to the beneficiaries who were trained by the project team. Beehives are visited regularly and technical support given. By the year 2008, the number of beehives increased to 152. Apart from this, project will provide technical support to 25 households who do beekeeping in the project region with their own resources. Strengthening of agricultural sustainability, increasing productivity and income level Broadening the new agricultural activities (raspberry, blackberry) and establishing marketing networks Increase in high quality and healthy animal breeding The spread of practice in animal breeding recordings by means of uniform applications Development of beekeeping within the territory for income generation The strengthening of the associations or alterations on their structures by adding different functions of achievements |
Ref 32 | Project title | Capacity Building for Community Based Organizations in Kocaeli in Seeking Remedy for the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 73.000 EUR | 80,1 % | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-10-2007 - 01-08-2008 October 2007 |
Local NGOs on Disabled Issues | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The action aimed to contribute towards the strengthening of civil society organizations in Kocaeli province in the monitoring and advocacy for the rights of persons with disabilities. This was achieved by building the capacity of civil society organizations and by promoting the interaction between civil society organizations in Kocaeli province. The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the strengthening of civil society organizations in monitoring and advocacy for the rights of persons with disabilities. The specific objectives of the action were: To build the capacity of civil society in Kocaeli province of Turkey; To promote the communication and interaction between civil society organizations. The target group of the project was a number of 40 representatives from the 20 CBO’s active in the fields of the disabled in Kocaeli. Main activities of the project were: Mobilization of CBOs, Participation, including Visiting Community Based Organizations, Meeting with CBOs, Joint Announcement of the Project, Preparation & Publication of Project Broshure & Poster. Capacity Building Training for CBOs on the Rights of Disabled Persons, including Focus Group Discussions & Evaluation, Preparation of Training Material, Conducting the Training. Preparation & Distribution of Disability Rights Practical Guideline, including Preparation of the Practical Guideline, Publication & Distribution of the Practical Guideline. |
Ref 33 | Project title | “I have my rights and stories too! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 41.150 EUR | 100 % | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-11-2007 - 30-09-2008 01.11.2007 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The action aimed to increase awareness on Child Rights in the society, in particular among the primary school-age children in Turkey. The project comprised the following: Writing 11 Fantastic Stories based on Child Rights; Production of 11 TV Program based on the stories; Publication of Story Book; Publication of DVD of TV Programs; Publication of a web site to disseminate the audio-visual material and the stories |
Ref 34 | Project title | Permanent Reconstruction of 4 BHUs (Basic Health Units) in Bagh and Muzaffarabad Districts – AJK | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 423.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MALTESER INTERNATIONAL | 01-12-2007 - 31-08-2009 01.12.2007 - 31.08.2009 |
ERRA, SERRA PAKISTAN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC has reconstructed 2 BHUs in the rural area of Bagh District, in Kharal Abbassian and Kharal Maldialan villages, where IBC was active during the emergency phase in post disaster. In Muzaffarabad District, 2 BHUs have been reconstructed in Phagwan Dupatta and Komi Kot villages. Besides the clinics’ buildings, IBC has built also 2 housing units at each site for medical staff’s accommodation, a total of 2 clinic buildings and 4 accommodation units. The designs of the clinics have been approved by NESPAK, received NOCs from ERRA and have been constructed through 2 different contractors. IBC is presently in the final implementation phase of a project for 2 BHU / clinics and their staff accommodation facilities, at Bararkot and Lamnian Patian villages in Muzaffarabad District. The designs of these BHUs have been approved by NESPAK and ERRA has issued an NOC for them. The technology has been introduced by IBC in Pakistan for the first time with this particular project and has obtained the official approval of NESPAK. For use in the earthquake affected area as according to the letter 2778/33 (14)/TS/(18)/-183 of July 18, 2008. YTONG is known in literature as “auto-claved erated concrete” and is made from natural materials like quartz or sand, cement, lime and water, with an aerating agent. Thanks to its characteristic structure comprising millions of tiny pores, it offers optimum solidity at low weight. YTONG offers economical solutions for earthquake and fire resistant buildings. |
Ref 35 | Project title | Cyclone Nargis Victims Support Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | MYANMAR | 120.000 EUR | %100 | IBC | IYCA – MYANMAR Interfaith Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS | 26-11-2008 - 26-05-2009 26.11.2008-26.05.2009 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC shall cooperate with IYCA within the scope of the project “Community Rehabilitation Initiatives in Myanmar”, an IYCA – IBC – AJDC PROJECT. The aim of the project is to support the rehabilitation of the communities affected by Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar. The main objectives are; Providing support for shelter construction to the most vulnerable Providing logistical support for improving access of the beneficiaries to different outside village facilities Providing safe drinking water system in a village with no clean water resources Providing awareness raising and training for the community |
Ref 36 | Project title | Building a Community Center and Schools for the Sarbala People | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 331.175 USD | 100 % | 3 | IBC | AMERICAN JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE | 01-01-2009 - 01-12-2009 March |
ERRA PAKISTAN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The projects included the construction of a multipurpose building in the village of Sarbala, aiming at gathering different community level individuals, by providing an equipped community meeting space, a women’s vocational training workshop and a youth computer lab. In the built premises, different soft educational projects are planned to be implemented. Construction of three school buildings. Post Disaster Rehabilitation and Reconstruction |
Ref 37 | Project title | Rehabilitation of Schools Hosting Iraqi Refugees in Qunaitra, Rural Damascus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 474.000 EUR | 100 % | 3 | IBC | UNHCR | 01-05-2009 - 01-12-2009 May 2009 |
Ministry of Education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project consisted in the rehabilitation of the existing buildings and the extension of new facilities for 8 schools in neighborhoods with Iraqi refugee populations. The equipment needed was also provided to the targeted schools. The schools are under the administration of the Syrian Ministry of Education. Emergency Relief and Educational Materials Distributions |
Ref 38 | Project title | Transfer of the Amount Awarded to the Palestinian Municipality Abssar El Kabera for the Purchase of a School Bus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PALESTINE | 51.650 EUR | 100 % | IBC | PROVINCIA REGIONALE DI ENNA | 01-06-2009 - 01-07-2009 June 2009 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The purpose of this project is to purchase and deliver a school bus to the Palestinian municipality Abssar El Kabera for a local elementary school. So the Regional Province of Enna granted a contribution of the mentioned amount to the Municipality of Abssar El Kabera to buy a school bus for a local elementary school. The difficulty of the juridico-international process and the tensions which were afterward born in this zone prevented that this praiseworthy initiative succeeds, forcing for years the children of Abssar El Kabera to travel every day kilometers in feet to attend their school. Thereon IBC took care to transfer this vehicle in Palestine. |
Ref 39 | Project title | Publication of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Education School Disaster and Emergency Management Handbook | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 34.460 EUR | 100 % | IBC | UNICEF | 10-04-2010 - 30-06-2010 10.04.2010 - 30.06.2010 |
ISTANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The purposes of this agreement are for the publication of a School Disaster and Emergency Management Handbook for the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Education. Languages: The language of the handbook is Turkish Territories: The territory of distribution for the handbook is Turkey Copies: 250 copies shall be set aside as follows: Risk Red – 100 copies, UNICEF – 100 copies, International Blue Crescent – 50 copies. |
Ref 40 | Project title | Helping Hands for Japan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | JAPAN | 100.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-05-2011 - 01-07-2011 01.05.2011 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On March 11, 2011, an earthquake measuring 9.0 in magnitude struck northern Japan with the epicenter 80 miles east of Sendai, the capital of Miyagi Prefecture and 231 miles northeast of Tokyo. This earthquake then created another natural disaster, a large tsunami affecting Miyagi, Fukushima, and Iwate prefectures. Subsequent to the earthquake and tsunami, a third event occurred, damage to nuclear power plants with radiation leaks. Overall, the effects of this trio of events have been devastating. While the number of displaced people housed in evacuation centers has decreased since March, there is still a significant amount residing in these centers. The project aims to cover the emergency needs of 500 Japanese families moved to temporary shelters in the town of Rikuzentakata and Ofunato of Iwate prefecture. According to IBC local team’s assessment and the general policy of Japanese authorities we have composed a big package of food and hygienic materials, to meet the needs of each family for around one month. |
Ref 41 | Project title | Emergency Assistance for Drought Affected Families in Somalia | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SOMALIA | 1.576.923 EUR | 100 % | 6 | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 15-09-2011 - 31-08-2012 15th September 2011 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Overall Goal: To respond to the immediate needs of the drought affected people in South Central Somalia and improve their resilience to cope with future humanitarian needs. Output 1: Health and Nutrition: Enhancing access to basic primary healthcare and nutrition services to IDPs and host communities. Output 2: WASH: Immediate and timely support provided to pastoralists, IDPs and host communities by maintaining, rehabilitating and increasing access to lifesaving water and appropriate hygiene and sanitation facilities and practices in all target areas. Output 3: Livelihood/Food Security: Improved and secure food, security sources for the target communities exposed to the impact of climate change in the target areas. Output 4: Project and Basic Education: Provide protection and basic education for children from IDP families and host communities Provided Service: Humanitarian Emergency Assistance for Drought Affected Communities in Somalia. |
Ref 42 | Project title | IBC Van Earthquake Emergency Response Project with CRS and IRD - Provision of Emergency Medical Assistance and Capacity Building of Health Centers in Van Earthquake Affected Villages | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 228.310 EUR | 100 % | 4 | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES – ISLAMIC RELIEF – ARCIDIOCESI DI FRENZE – Centro Missionario Diocesano | 26-10-2011 - 21-06-2012 26 October 2011 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project was to provide emergency assistance for the victims of 2011 Turkey, Van E/Q. To provide hygiene packages (2000), blankets (1500) and stoves for cooking and heating (250) to victims of the earthquake in TR Van Region. Distribution of family hygiene packages for 1000 families for 2 months (1000 x 2 months) Distribution of caloric food baskets to school age children for 2 months (620 children x 2 months) Distribution of winterized clothing for pupils. To provide emergency medical assistance and capacity building of Health Centers Turkey, Van Region after 2011 Van E/Q. To cover the emergency needs of the communities and health centers across country side of Van Province are running of basic medical treatment materials and medicine Provided Service: Provision of emergency assistance for earthquake victims. Provision of emergency medical assistance and capacity building of Health Centers. |
Ref 43 | Project title | Playgrounds & Educational Materials/Supplies for Child Victims of the Floods and Immediate Relief Efforts in Pakistan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 85.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | AMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE | 31-10-2011 - 01-05-2012 31.10.2011 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project was to purchase and distribute food packages to the village of Basti Rindanthat, with a population of about 400 families, in Muzaffargarh region, through the Pakistan office of the IBC. The packages should be delivered in time for the Eid Al Adha holiday (November 16th), and should include: flour, rice, beans, sugar, tea, salt, spices, lentils, soap, detergent and shampoo. JDC would be allocating a one-time grant in sum of $25,000 for the following programs for children who have been resettled to temporary camps from the villages around Dera Gazi Khan Punjab, Pakistan; The construction of 10 playgrounds in 10 temporary resettlement camps The distribution of educational materials/supplies to 1.000 students |
Ref 44 | Project title | IBC Emergency Assistance for IDPs in Damascus and Aleppo, Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 254.310 EUR | 100 % | 17 | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. - MALTESER INTERNATIONAL Order of Malta Worldwide Relief | 01-07-2012 - 28-02-2013 01.07.2012 |
SARC | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project was to provide essential non-food and emergency relief items to meet the basic needs of IDPs displaced by the conflict in Syria. Project Specific Objectives: I – Distribution of “Start-up kits for new arrivals |
Ref 45 | Project title | Syrian Refugee Support Initiative – Ramadan 2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 26.250 EUR | 100 % | IBC | INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT & RELIEF FOUNDATION | 01-08-2012 - 05-09-2012 August 1st 2012 |
Turkish Red Crescent | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aims to cover the emergency needs of 1000 Syrian refugees moved to temporary shelters in the town Kilis of Gaziantep Province in Turkey. This number of beneficiaries will hopefully grow to 2000 and 3000 based on the funding capacity of International Blue Crescent. Provided Services: - Contingency planning with Turkish authorities – identification of refugees beneficiaries |
Ref 46 | Project title | Winterization Items Distribution to Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 2.136.680 USD | 100 % | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITEE, INC. | 14-12-2012 - 15-02-2013 14.12.2012 - 15.02.2013 |
Syrian Local Relief Committees | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The purpose of the project is to provide essential winter kits to meet the basic needs of Internally Displaced People (IDP) affected by the conflict in Syria. There are 15.000 IDP families (75.000 people in average) displaced inside Aleppo province who left their homes and belongings in civil war areas around Hama, Homs and Idlib and moved to Aleppo for safety running from basic surviving means and financial resources. |
Ref 47 | Project title | Winter Relief for Syrian out-of-camp Refugees in Kilis Province, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 295.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MALTESER INTERNATIONAL | 20-07-2012 - 08-02-2013 20.07.2012 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MI and IBC are establishing a partnership within the scope of the project “Emergency Relief for Internally Displaced Persons in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Hama, Syria. MI will support the emergency response of IBC distributing start-up kits, winter clothes and stoves to IDPs in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Hama. Target group of the project are up to 3.100 families that were internally displaced due to the intensification of armed clashes in their hometowns and subsequently have fled to Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Hama. The total number of beneficiaries is up to 16.500 persons |
Ref 48 | Project title | Emergency Relief for Internally Displaced Persons in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 30.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-04-2012 - 30-09-2012 01.04.2012 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The violence in Syria has forced thousands of families to flee the war-torn cities of Hama, Homs and Idlib to seek refuge and assistance in Aleppo and Damascus. The influx of the new arrivals, coupled with a large Iraqi refugee population displaced in previous years by war, has increased the cost of living dramatically. It is estimated the price of food and other basic commodities has doubled and the unemployment rate has spiked to over 30%. As a result, the thousands of Syrians are confronting a worsening humanitarian crisis in the weeks and months to come if they do not receive immediate assistance. Objective of this grant is to provide food and hygiene support to IDPs living in Aleppo and Damascus. |
Ref 49 | Project title | Refugee Emergency Response Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 20.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-04-2012 - 01-07-2012 01.04.2012 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As the civil war in Syria continues, thousands of civilians have fled the conflict to seek safety across the border in Turkey. According to the Turkish government, there are over 17.000 Syrian refugees living in Turkey, many of whom are in needs of food and other basic necessities. Through this initiative, IBC proposes to procure and distribute food stuffs and hygiene materials to 1000 refugees, 200 of whom will be children aged 1-5 years old. Objective of this grant is to provide emergency relief supplies to Syrian refugees located in Turkey. |
Ref 50 | Project title | Iranian Earthquake Response Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 20.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 06-08-2012 - 06-10-2012 06.08.2012 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Two devastating earthquakes measured 6.3 and 6.4 Richter Scale hit rural areas in Northwestern Iran rural between Tabriz and Ardabil on Saturday, August 10th causing the death of more than 300 people and injured more than 3000 people. Iranian officials have the fear that the death toll will increase. Four towns and 230 villages have been damaged badly. According to the preliminary estimations more than 16.000 families are left homeless and tens of thousands moved to the streets barrack and makeshift compounds because the damage of their buildings. Rescue work continues across the region and there are remote villages without access yet. According to the assessment the most hit towns from the earthquake are Ahar and Vargazan where the need of food and hygiene materials is emerging too. Objective of this grant is to provide food and hygiene packages to 3000 families displaced by the earthquake and living in temporary makeshift tents around their villages across the towns of Ahar and Vargazan for 60 days. |
Ref 51 | Project title | Syria Emergency Relief Damascus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 19.230 EUR | 100 % | IBC | COOPERATIVE HOUSING FOUNDATION | 01-04-2012 - 01-07-2012 01.04.2012 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As the humanitarian crisis in Syria extends into its 18th month, the conflict has shifted to the primary urban centers in the country, namely Aleppo and Damascus. This has precipitated large scale internal migration within the city limits, with most displaced people seeking shelter with host families in districts less affected by the fighting. In response to the evolving conditions in country, CHF International intends to design a humanitarian assistance program aimed at assisting conflict-affected households in both cities. The goal is to conduct a survey of displaced families in the target area, utilizing survey instruments developed by CHF International’s humanitarian assistance unit. The contractor will also be responsible for procuring supplies required for the host-family assistance kits, identifying priority beneficiaries, and delivering said kits to the 125 targeted households. |
Ref 52 | Project title | Emergency Education Support to Korsan IDP’s Schools. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SOMALIA | 91.680 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-01-2012 - 30-06-2013 01.01.2012 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Somalia is a country with a dire case of literacy: more than 72% of adults (over the age of 15) are illiterate. Fighting as result of lawlessness and other calamities render the region behind in education and there is a little access to other social services. Objectives of this grant are: to increase access to basic free education for children in four IDP camps; to support establishment and strengthening of education systems, structures and policies in affected areas; to support 40 teachers in four schools for a period of one year through payment of incentives to enhance and sustain the schools; to achieve mobilization of community towards education and establishment of academic centers; and to improve school management in four communities by supporting and training Community Education Committees in targeted schools. Recovering from the effects of their country’s recent famine. Somalis continue to confront severe drought conditions in rural areas that have decimated entire villages’ livelihoods and caused mass migration in and around population centers, leading to the formation of large communities of displaced individuals. As the number of individuals living in informal camps around Mogadishu increases, so does the need for services. IBC seeks to provide the requested services through the provision of education materials and training, food, psychosocial counselling and additional support in sanitation initiatives to displaced people living in Korsan Camp in Mogadishu. Objective of this project is to provide food and support in education, health, psychosocial initiatives to address the needs of displaced people affected by the Somali famine. |
Ref 53 | Project title | Emergency Assistance to Urban Refugees in Kilis Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 354.870 EUR | 100 % | 9 | IBC | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 30-11--0001 - 30-11--0001 01.11 2012 31.12.2012 Extended until end April 201 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goal: War-affected Syrians live in safe and dignified conditions. Strategic objective 2: Extremely vulnerable war-affected Syrians in Kilis town have improved ability to cope with winter weather. |
Ref 54 | Project title | Emergency Relief for Internally Displaced People in Syria (Damascus, Syria-North) and for Syrian out-of-camp refugees in Kilis, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA TURKEY | 3,260.860 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MALTESER INTERNATIONAL | 05-02-2013 - 31-12-2013 05.02.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MI and IBC are establishing a partnership within the scope of the project “Emergency Relief for Internally Displaced People in Syria (Damascus, Syria-North) and for Syrian refugees in Kilis, Turkey”. MI will support IBC’s distribution of relief items to IDP in Syria and the provision of relief items and financial support to particular vulnerable Syrian refugees living in Kilis, Turkey. Furthermore, IBC and MI will support the reception camp near Kilis in setting up a health unit. In addition, ambulances will support structures in Kilis and North Syria (cross-border relief). |
Ref 55 | Project title | Distribution of Winter Equipment to Internally Displaced People and of Education Needs of Syrian Children in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 50.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-01-2013 - 30-06-2013 01.01.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Due to the current conflict in Syria, the number of internally displaced families in Syria is increasing. People left their homes hastily without having time or an adequate financial situation to manage a transition to live in other stable areas in Syria. They left often without being able to make arrangements to sell off their assets and belongings. The inflation and the high cost of living-particularly rented accommodations-is depleting the savings of the displaced families, making them more vulnerable and unable to cover all their needs This project intends to improve the living conditions of affected Syrian families in rural areas by providing access to basic needs through the distribution of winter equipment and to ameliorate their living conditions. Since civil unrest began in Syria in March 2011, the security situation has worsened and the lives of its people are in great danger. As a result, thousands of inhabitants from these cities and surrounding villages fled north to the Turkish border at an average of 500 families per day. Most went to the camps in the Hatay, Gaziantep and Kilis provinces. Approximately 3.000 Syrian families live in Kilis city center. Livelihoods and living conditions of these families are in very low level. They survive only with the support of their Turkish neighbours and relief assistance from the Municipality, AFAD and the NGOs. But the assistance mostly is food packages and hygiene kits. The expatriates living in Kilis are in a big winterization need. The weather getting colder and all children need warm clothes. The project aims to cover winter clothes needs of Syrian expatriates living in cold homes without any winterization supplies. |
Ref 56 | Project title | Assistance for Urban Syrian Refugees in Kilis and Reyhanlı | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 326.350 EUR | 100 % | IBC | CRS –CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES | 15-03-2013 - 15-03-2013 15.03.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC launches child-friendly spaces in Kilis town to address gaps in education, unmet developmental and psychosocial needs, and community protection issues. IBC uses the No Strings International trauma healing film based on puppet methodology, a proven psychosocial support mechanism, to complement and enhance the developmental and psychosocial benefits of the child-friendly spaces. Strategic Objectives: Syrian refugee children (aged 4-17) participate in non-formal education activities in Turkey. Syrian refugee children demonstrate improved resilience to trauma and violence. |
Ref 57 | Project title | Assessment of Challenges Faced by Non-Camp Syrian Refugees in Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş and Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 106.640 TRY | 100 % | IBC | UNHCR – UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES | 15-02-2013 - 31-03-2013 February 15-March 31, 2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objective of this project is to identify the conditions, needs and problems of the Syrian refugees who live outside of the camps in Gaziantep, Kilis and Kahramanmaraş. As many Syrian refugees residing outside of the camps remain unregistered by the authorities, their access to the humanitarian assistance and other services are limited. With a better understanding of the conditions, needs and problems faced by Syrian refugees not residing in camps, UNHCR will be better placed to identify persons with special needs and any emerging protection trends, and to advise the authorities accordingly, so that the policies in place address and respond to the needs of the urban population. |
Ref 58 | Project title | Emergency Assistance for IDPs in Damascus and Aleppo - Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 2.499.866 USD | 80 % | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. | 01-02-2013 - 31-03-2013 February 10-March 31, 2013 (1 Month) |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Overall objective: To contribute to improve the living conditions of displaced families living in the most suffering areas especially rural areas of Aleppo. To provide essential winter kits to meet the basic needs of IDPs affected by the conflict in Syria. Specific objective: To improve living & protection conditions for the displaced families through providing winterization nonfood item kits. To ensure that basic winter need of 3000 families in Aleppo province secured. To contribute to the local capacity building by addressing one of the basic needs of the community. To contribute to the financial capacity of the IDP families so to enable them to meet further needs by their own means. To contribute to the safety and health of the IDP families. Target population: 3.000 Internally Displaced People (IDP) families (14.000 people in average) displaced inside Aleppo province. Description of beneficiaries: Internally Displaced Persons left their homes and belongings in civil war areas around Hama, Homs and Idlib and moved to Aleppo for safety running from basic surviving means and financial resources. |
Ref 59 | Project title | Distribution of Winter Clothes to Children of Internally Displaced in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 10.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | KINDER USA | 09-01-2013 - 31-01-2013 09.01.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project was the distribution of coats, sweaters, and boots to 250 Syrian children on the border with Turkey and Syria near Aleppo. The project has been accomplished within a month. Beneficiaries were those children of internally displaced families in Syria. |
Ref 60 | Project title | Humanitarian Relief for Survival of Syrian Refugees in Kilis Province | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 294.000EUR = 382.200 USD | 100 % | IBC | HELP-HILFE ZUR SELBSTHILFE e.V. | 15-09-2013 - 15-12-2013 15.09.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aims to cover the emergency food needs of 5.000 Syrians (1.500 of them children) that will be moved to temporary shelters and tents in the city of Kilis and for the new incomers from the Syrian side that will be accommodated in the reception camp. Targeted beneficiaries: |
Ref 61 | Project title | Emergency Distribution for Earthquake Survivors in Balochistan, Pakistan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | PAKISTAN | 45.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 08-10-2013 - 08-11-2013 08.10.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7.8-magnitude earthquake followed by many aftershocks (one was 7.2-magnitude) hit Balochistan province in Southwest Pakistan on 24 Sep 2013, causing at least 375 deaths and affecting over 300.000 people. Awaran and Kech districts have been hit the hardest, with 21.000 houses reportedly damaged and communication system disrupted in the remote and sparsely populated area. 200.000 people are estimated to lose their home. International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC) in cooperation with Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Balochistan, aims to cover the emergency food and non-food item (blankets) needs of 160 families (1200 inhabitants, mostly children) victim of earthquake in Mongoli Village of Awaran District of Balochistan Province, Pakistan. |
Ref 62 | Project title | Emergency Assistance for IDPs in Northern Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 595.175 EUR | 100 % | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE, INC. | 01-01-1970 - 01-01-1970 July 15,2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The goal of this project is to provide NFI kits to meet the basic needs of IDPs affected by the conflict in Syria. Specific Project Goals: To provide Non Food Item (NFIs) kits to meet the basic needs of IDPs affected by the conflict in Syria and fled to Al Raqqa and its outskirts and countryside and run out of basic NFI needs as hygiene packages, start-up kits, etc. Project Objectives: To ensure that basic NFI kits need of 5000 families in Al Raqqa governorate secured To contribute to the local capacity building by addressing one of the basic needs of the community To contribute to the financial capacity of the IDP families so to enable them to meet further needs by their own means To contribute to the safety and health of the IDP families Main activities: To conduct a rapid needs assessment in the targeted areas (should the needs assessment be difficult to conduct due to security situation, intensive information collection will be carried out instead) to produce a report. To distribute 5000 NFI kits to IDPs in Governorate of Al Raqqa to be provided. |
Ref 63 | Project title | Preparation to Disaster, Social Development and Increasing of Urban Space Quality by Admitting the Methods of Risk Decrease in Küçükçekmece District Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 567.500 TRY | 90 % | IBC | ISTANBUL KALKINMA AJANSI | 01-09-2013 - 31-05-2014 01.09.2013 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objectives of this project are as follows: - To define disaster and other risks in collaboration with Municipality and Local Administrations of Küçükçekmece District, to implement disaster information system software for the district by deciding disaster priorities. - To increase the disaster risk and urban risk management and emergency urban space equipment capacity of local administrations in the Municipality of Küçükçekmece District, industrial and/or free zone communities, employees of emergency response and non-governmental organizations. - To create awareness on taking disabled and disadvantageous groups under the content of disaster management system of the district between local administrations in the Municipality of Küçükçekmece District and non-governmental and volunteer foundations. - To share the study network for local disaster and risk management as a model in local, national and international dimension. |
Ref 64 | Project title | Emergency Relief Food Aid Distribution in Konna Mopti Region Republic of Mali | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | MALI | 10.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-06-2013 - 01-09-2013 June 2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project was distribution of relief food aid materials (rice, cooking oil, sugar and plastic banner printing) for 2.000 IDPs in Mali. Mali is one of several countries across the Sahel belt affected by recurrent and frequent food security and nutrition crises. In 2012, about 4.6 million people are affected by food insecurity and more than 175,000 children are at risk of Severe Acute Malnutrition. Since mid-January 2012, conflict in the north has deepened existing vulnerabilities, increasing the need for humanitarian assistance. Clashes between Tuareg movements, such as the Movement National de Liberation de l’Azawad (MNLA), and the Mali armed forces resulted in massive displacement, with an estimated 159,000 IDPs and some 220,000 refugees as of the end of November 2012. A military coup d’état in March 2012 further threatened Mali’s stability and political future. Two hundred (200) Families heads were benefited from the relief support from International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation each family head with number of ten persons, therefore the total beneficiaries of the relief projects is two thousand (2,000) displaced persons in Konna Displaced communities in the southern province of Mali. The government of Mali joined the displaced communities to extend sincere gratitude and appreciation to International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation for their kind gesture. In which the displaced community realized the fact that their Brother and Sisters abroad are always thinking of them in humanitarian and development. |
Ref 65 | Project title | Project for Education and Psychosocial Support for Refugee Children from Syria-Reception Camp Kilis, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 89.600 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-09-2013 - 31-08-2014 September 1, 2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objectives of this project are as follows: - To contribute to the training of Syrian children whose education was interrupted due to forced refuge. |
Ref 66 | Project title | Incentives for Syrian Children School in Kilis, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 27.460 EUR | 100 % | IBC | DEUTSCHE WELTHUNGERHILFE e.V. | 01-07-2013 - 31-08-2013 01.07.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aims at; - supporting a provisory school to continue the provided education to 1.200 students for the month of July , - providing snacks to these refugee students for the months of July and August 2013 The proposed activities will take place in a school in the city of Kilis close to the Syrian – Turkish border. The activities will further include monthly incentives for the teachers and staff engaged in the running and management of the school. |
Ref 67 | Project title | Medical Assistance for Syrian refugees and structural support to the Syrian Civil Society in Kilis, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 1.173.030 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MALTESER INTERNATIONAL | 15-05-2013 - 30-06-2014 15.05.2013 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aims to set up and run a Temporary Field Hospital (TFH) and provide medical assistance and psycho-social support to Syrian refugees. MI will support IBC in setting up and running a Temporary Field Hospital (TFH) and in providing medical assistance and psycho-social support to Syrian refugees. Target group and activities of the project are: TFH: Up to 600 Syrian refugees in Kilis (50 patients per month in the TFH) Mobile Clinic: Up to 3000 vulnerable conflict-affected Syrians in North Syria (500 patients a month) Structural support to the civil society: A competence centre as contact and training point is set up in Kilis 20 psycho-social consultations a month are conducted 20-40 traumatized refugees receive Trauma Stress Releasing Exercise Trainings Up to 1350 Syrian children receive regular food assistance at school Capacity building: At least 10 Syrian refugees are employed and trained at the TFH 30 Syrian refugees are trained in first aid 20 Syrian refugees are trained as peers in psycho-social support At least 4 trainings a month to enhance self-organisation and conflict transformation are conducted A sufficient number of teachers at the Syrian school is trained in peace education and trauma Up to 10 teachers are trained as peers in civil conflict transformation |
Ref 68 | Project title | Education and Psychosocial Support for Syrian Refugee Children in | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 1.655.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UNHCR | 01-01-2014 - 31-12-2015 01.01.2014 |
AFAD – Disaster and Emergency Management Directorship, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objectives of this project are as follows: To remediate the psychological conditions of children whose families were forced to flee to Turkey due to the civil war in Syria with the aim of helping such children to cope with the psychological impact of the events they witnesses, To contribute to the training of Syrian children whose education was interrupted due to fleeing Syria, To solve hygiene and health problems encountered by Syrian children caused by living with crowded families in tight spaces with unfavorable circumstances, To contribute to the solution of the nutrition problem of Syrian children by providing food packets, To allow Syrian children to socialize with Turkish children in the region where they seek refuge, To assist Syrian children in adapting to life and circumstances in the region and to help them in getting to know the society, To encourage children to make new friends in order to compensate for the friends they have lost in their homeland, To alleviate children’s anxieties for the future and to give them confidence for life, To develop artistic skills and competence in children, To attract children to get involved in fields such as music, theater, etc. an to support those with special talents, To improve competitiveness and self-confidence among children by organizing motivational competitions. And the operational context of the project is to build four child friendly spaces (tents) at locations in |
Ref 70 | Project title | Akçakale Rehabilitation and Consultation Center | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 428.385,77 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MSF Médecins Sans Frontières | 01-08-2014 - 31-12-2015 01.08.2014 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of the Project is to alleviate suffering, reduce symptoms, enhance functionality and restore dignity of the Syria Refugees living in Turkey through the provision of mental health and psycho-social care in the |
Ref 71 | Project title | Strengthening Capacity of National and Local NGOs on Combating Violence Against Women | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 204.000 EUR | 100 % | 7 | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-02-2014 - 31-01-2015 01.02.2014 |
Istanbul Aydın University – Municipality of Gaziosmanpaşa – Municipality of Sultanbeyli | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objectives of this project are as follows: Strengthening of local women’s branches, study networks and concerned NGOs on elimination of violence against women by establishing collaboration, training and local systems to be constant and local, national and international study networks in the districts of Gaziosmanpaşa and Sultanbeyli, Improving law consultancy services at the local level towards violence against women and disadvantageous groups and increasing access in case of need in the districts of Gaziosmanpaşa and Sultanbeyli, Building capacity of active “Municipality Women’s Branches” system about the main theme of project; “elimination of violence” and local, national and international new collaborations in the districts of Gaziosmanpaşa and Sultanbeyli. Type of services provided within the scope of the project: Training of project staff Capacity building training of local women’s branch and NGOs for establishing network Capacity building training of local women’s branch and NGOs for writing project Local law consultancy services Training of local beneficiaries (women) Training of local beneficiaries (men) Violence against women themed multiple group workshops Working group meetings with local authorities Studies for establishing international network Visibility activities |
Ref 72 | Project title | Black Sea Earthquake Safety Net(work) - ESNET | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY, BULGARIA, ROMANIA, MOLDOVA | 157.031,22 EUR | 100 % | 20 | IBC | EUROPEAN UNION | 01-03-2012 - 01-05-2014 01.03.2012 |
National Institute of Romania-NIEP, Bulgarian Academy of Science-GGG, National Academy of Moldavian Republic Geology and Seismology Institute | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the prevention of natural disasters generated by earthquakes in Black Sea basin by developing a joint monitoring and intervention concept. The specific objectives of the project are as follows: To assess the disaster potential, with accent on the seismic risk degree and the earthquakes effects in the intervention area. To develop an integrated seismic monitoring and intervention concept.
To increase the capacity of local institutions’ emergency intervention units for joint response activities in case of disasters. |
Ref 73 | Project title | High Secure Küçükçekmece – Increasing Local Implementation Capacities with Innovative Engineering Techniques and Alternative Models | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, TURKEY | 312.000 EUR | 90 % | 7 | IBC | ISTANBUL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY | 01-08-2014 - 01-08-2015 01.08.2014 |
Istanbul Küçükçekmece Municipality | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objective of this project is to increase sustainable corporate capacity of concerned occupational groups and NGOs with innovative engineering techniques and alternative models and implementations in order to strengthen high secure, active risk reducing methods in Küçükçekmece County. The specific objectives of the project are as follows: To build concerned occupation-based local implementers’ (engineers, architects, city planners) capacities in cooperation with Küçükçekmece Municipality, Local Authorities and Civil Organizations, under the title of “disaster risk management”, with innovative engineering techniques, implementations and trainings and to create new civil society based “risk measurement” models. To contribute to the sustainable social development in order to be prepared to the disasters by improving alternative mobile training methods (mobile disaster training truck/park and implementations) able to increase county’s local capacity in cooperation with Küçükçekmece Municipality, Local Authorities and Civil Organizations. To improve and diversify models capable to build capacity by developing alternative mobile approaches for occupational groups devoted to special needs of handicapped and disadvantaged groups, as well as handicapped people’s families, based upon Küçükçekmece County risk reducing disaster management principles. |
Ref 74 | Project title | Distribution of Winterization Packages and Materials IDPs in Al Raqqa Governorate Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 71.930 USD | 100% | 36 | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE IRC | 13-01-2014 - 31-03-2014 13 JANUARY 2014 - 31 MARCH 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal : Provide essential non-food relief items to meet the basic needs of around 45000 IDPs affected by conflict in Al Raqqah Governorate in six districts as protection against winter conditions. By the end of the proposed project implementation, it is expected that at least 7500 registered IDP families in Al Raqqa governorate will benefit from distribution of winter kits. Each family has between 6-8 members; IBC is giving priority to those families with children between 5-12 and in an average of 4 children at least. The total number of beneficiaries it is estimated as 45000. |
Ref 75 | Project title | Education and Psychosocial Support for Syrian Refugee Children from Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 97.510 USD | 100 % | 19 | IBC | UMCOR | 01-06-2014 - 31-08-2014 1 June 2014 - 31 August 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The overall objectives of this project are as follows: - To contribute to the training of Syrian children whose education was interrupted due to forced refuge. |
Ref 76 | Project title | Providing Basic Humanitarian Assistance for IDPs in Rural Damascus and Aleppo. Hygiene Distribution and Mobile Bakery | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 341.950 USD | 100 % | 7 | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEEIRC | 01-07-2014 - 30-11-2014 1 July 2014 - 30 November 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal : NFIs Distribution: Provide essential non –food relief items (hygiene kits) to meet the basic needs of IDPs families affected by conflict in Rural Damascus Governorate. By the end of the project at least 4000 registered IDP families in Rural Damascus benefit from the distribution of hygiene kits. Hygiene Kits composed of the following: toothbrushes, tootpaste, soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, women’s sanitary pads, towel, dishwashing detergent.
Mobile Bakery: Establish a mobile bread production system in Bab Al Salaam, Syria and provide bread (13.000 units of pita bread) on daily basis to beneficiaries directly affected by the conflict in Azaz and Afrin Districts, Aleppo Governorate Syria. |
Ref 77 | Project title | Distribution of Winterization Packages and Materials for IDPs in Aleppo –Al Hasakeh Governorates Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 93.400 USD | 100 % | 11 | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE IRC | 15-02-2014 - 14-04-2014 15 February 2014 - 14 April 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal : Provide essential non food relief items to meet the basic needs of around 90000 IDPs affected by conflict in Aleppo (six districts including the center) and Al Hasakeh Governorates in four districts as protection against winter conditions. IBC provide comprehensive support to IDPs families in Syria by distributing startup kits, hygiene materials, food packages, winter packages, diesel stoves and other materials. |
Ref 78 | Project title | Emergency Relief to IDPs Fled Talafer and Mosul – Northern Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | NORTH IRAQ | 253.500 USD | 100 % | 6 | IBC | UMCOR | 25-07-2014 - 10-11-2014 25 June 2014 - 10 November 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal: The project aims to provide emergency food kits for 1.5000 families displaced from fighting in North Iraq. The total population will benefit is around 5000. The project focuses to meet the food and hygiene needs of 1000 Syrian refuges families (5000 people in average) in urban Duhok and Zakho. 1000 families without any means for food and hygiene survive at least for one month through provision of their food and hygiene needs. Priorty will be given to gender led families and those having the most population of childen and lost their men or other members of their families. |
Ref 79 | Project title | Emergency (Hot Meal) Response for the IDPs in Zakho / Duhok – North Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | NORTH IRAQ | 1.027.750 EUR | 100 % | 18 | IBC | Federal Foreign Office Humanitarian Aid Budget Help | 10-08-2014 - 30-12-2014 10 August 2014 - 30 December 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal : Overall goal of the project is to provide monthly food packages according to WFP standards to 2.800 families (14.000 individuals) and hot meal to 1.000 families (5.000 individuals) in Zakho County center in order to eliminate the starvation of around 19.000 IDPs. Food Packages: Hot Meal: |
Ref 80 | Project title | Distribution of Winterization Packages and Materials for IDPs in Damascus and Rural Damascus Governorates in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 305.575 USD | 100 % | 11 | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE | 01-02-2014 - 30-04-2014 1 February 2014 30 April 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal : Provide essential non food relief items to meet the basic needs of around 9300 IDPs, 1550 families affected by conflict in Damascus and Rural Damascus and Governorates in Syria. Winter kits composed of two jackets, two sweaters, five pair of socks and stoves for heating and cooking were distributed families in need. |
Ref 81 | Project title | Training of Syrian Doctors on Emergencies | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 126.000 USD | 100 % | 11 | IBC | INTERNATIONAL RESCUE COMMITTEE IRC | 01-05-2014 - 31-05-2014 1 May 2014 - 31 May 2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal : The project aims to provide a training education programme on emergencies for Syrian doctors. IBC provide trainings for Syrain doctors and supporting staff of ambulances that will be selected from hospitals and clinics in Aleppo Governorate. The training is provided in theoretical and practical components. Trainers disseminate the cirriculum and provide the theoretical training in the Community Center of IBC in Kilis and then they allocate two days for practical training in the Hospital of IBC were they face live cases of injured and other patients. 75 Syrian doctor reached an education support in May. |
Ref 82 | Project title | Emergency Response to Syrian IDP needs in Reef Damascus, Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 60.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 01-05-2014 - 30-06-2014 1 May 2014 - 30 June 2014 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal: The project is committed to improving the living conditions of 1000 Syrian displaced families (appox. 5500 individuals) living in the most suffering areas, especially rural areas in Reef Damascus. IBC is committed to helping the innocent children, women and men affected by the ongoing conflict in Syria. The priorty will be to provide and distribute hygiene kits. One kit contains shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, washing powder, soap, sanitary towels, baby diaspers. These have been identified as the priorty needs by local community representatives that IBC staff interviewed and IBC. |
Ref 83 | Project title | Emergency Relief to Kobani Refugees in Suruç Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 83.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 10-10-2014 - 10-11-2014 10 October 2014 - 10 November 2014 |
AFAD | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal Main objectives of the response program are; 1. Food assistance in |
Ref 84 | Project title | Emergency Relief to Families Impacted by the Coal Mine Disaster in Soma, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 30.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 30-11--0001 - 30-11--0001 1 June 2014 - 31 August 2014 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Goal The project aims to provide 2 months Food packages to 300 families impacted by the coal mine blast in Soma, Turkey. Food packages that contains: 3 liter edible oil, 1 kg margarine, 2 kg rice, 2 kg beans, 2 kg lentils, 2 kg chickpeas, 1 kg sugar, 3 kg pasta, 1 kg tomato paste. Total 350 packages were distributed in the first delivery; the second delivery of 350 more packages were done at the end of July. In June 25th, IBC team started distribute of food package door by door, at first to the families of 190 disaster victims. The families of 160 miners who lost their job after the mine was closed also received those food items and 110 packages delivered to Disaster Relief Centre, rest of 50 also given to families in their homes. |
Ref 85 | Project title | Education and Psychosocial Support for Syrian Refugee Children in | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 2.794.000 USD | 100 % | 187 | IBC | CRS | 01-10-2013 - 31-12-2015 01.10.2013 |
AFAD – Disaster and Emergency Management Directorship, | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objectives of this project are as follows: To remediate the psychological conditions of children whose families were forced to flee to Turkey due to the civil war in Syria with the aim of helping such children to cope with the psychological impact of the events they witnesses, To contribute to the training of Syrian children whose education was interrupted due to fleeing Syria, To solve hygiene and health problems encountered by Syrian children caused by living with crowded families in tight spaces with unfavorable circumstances, To contribute to the solution of the nutrition problem of Syrian children by providing food packets, To allow Syrian children to socialize with Turkish children in the region where they seek refuge, To assist Syrian children in adapting to life and circumstances in the region and to help them in getting to know the society, To encourage children to make new friends in order to compensate for the friends they have lost in their homeland, To alleviate children’s anxieties for the future and to give them confidence for life, To develop artistic skills and competence in children, To attract children to get involved in fields such as music, theater, etc. an to support those with special talents, To improve competitiveness and self-confidence among children by organizing motivational competitions. To provide education to around 6000 Syrian children in these three provinces And the operational context of the project is to build seven child friendly spaces) at locations in |
Ref 86 | Project title | Emergency Relief (Tents and Blankets) fro Victims of Syrian Civil War in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY-SYRIA | 2.995.000 USD | 100 % | 12 | IBC | Qatar red Crescent | 01-07-2013 - 31-12-2015 01.07.2013 |
AFAD – Disaster and Emergency Management Directorship, Kilis Governorship, UNHCR,Aleppo Governorate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objectives of this project are as follows: To provide medicine and food for Syrian families in North Syria To rehabilitate the water and sewage infrastructure of Aleppo City in the opposition controlled areas To collect garbage and deal with hygiene and sanitation needs of Aleppo City To provide 1000 heaters to camps in Northern Syria And to provide 315000 thermal blankets for distribution to the Syrian refugees in Turkey and North Syria In the operational context, IBC was acting as coordination partner and most of the activities were implemented through local NGO s in Northern Syria |
Ref 87 | Project title | Assistance for Urban Syrian Youth in Şanlıurfa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 227.110 USD | 100 % | IBC | NORWEGIAN REFUGEE COUNCIL | 01-05-2014 - 01-12-2014 01.05.2014 |
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Youth Tutorship Program strives firstly to provide much needed literacy and numeracy support to Syrian children who are struggling in class with the formal curriculum, and risk falling behind or dropping out of school. Secondly, this initiative provides the opportunity for refugee youth in Turkey to earn a modest income while ensuring that educationally vulnerable Syrian children stay in school. This project aims to target 10.000 children in Şanlıurfa, with literacy and numeracy support during the 2014 summer months. For two months, five days a week, children will attend either schools which have become empty during the summer or spaces identified for the YTP to enhance their reading skills in preparation for the 2014-2015 school year which will begin in September. This project aims to provide modest incentives to 500 youth who will be selected to act as literacy & numeracy tutors for Syrian children in Şanlıurfa. Children who have been identified by their teachers as severely in need of literacy & numeracy support, based on failing grades, will be eligible to participate in this program. Through the YTP, an additional aim is to promote and demonstrate an emphasis on education in the Syrian community in Turkey, thereby igniting the community to encourage their children to not drop out of school, and those out of school to attend school. - Return confidence in a child - Restore faith in the importance of education - Engage and ignite action among the youth population - Promote volunteerism Return a sense of normalcy in the community at large |
Ref 88 | Project title | Health Care and Emergency Aid for Internally Displaced Persons in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | SYRIA | 1.552.845,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Malteser International | 16-02-2014 - 13-02-2015 16.02.2014-31.08.2014 Extended to 13.02.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project 3 medical mobile units were set up inside Syria to provide medical assistance to internally displaced persons. These mobile units are movable containers equipped for provision of primary health care with one container having the infrastructure for upgrading into a field surgical unit. Services were provided via mobile medical units at IDP camps and other areas where internally displaced persons -that have limited or no access to local health services- were located. Additionally, at areas near Damascus and the north Syrian border, emergency aid was provided through distribution activities. These activities were a joint effort of IBC and MI. The food distribution kits included: 6kg of rice, 2 kg of lentils, 6kg of sugar, 2 kg of beans, 1kg of vegetable fat, 1l of vegetable oil, 500g of tomato paste, 500g of tea, 5 cans of tuna and 1kg of milk powder for infants. The hygiene distribution kits included: 5 toothbrushes, 1 toothpaste tube, 4 soap bars, 3kg of laundry detergent, 2 x 400 ml of shampoo, 2 packets of diapers, 2 packets of ladies sanitary items and 1 tube of diaper cream. Family kits (contents depending on the individual requirements of the IDPs and consisting of household items, hygiene items and food as needed), medicines and medical consumables were also distributed at IDP camps in Northern Syria. The project reached a total of 50.000 IDPs over the course of half a year. |
Ref 89 | Project title | Distribution of Start-up Kits to New Expatriates in Şanlıurfa Province | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 18.000,00 GBP | 100 % | IBC | WJR | 30-01-2014 - 31-03-2014 30.01.2014 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Start-up kits containing blankets, matresses and sheet sets from local Turkish markets were distributed to Syrian refugees residing in Şanlıurfa province of Turkey. The project reached 800 displaced families over the course of two months. Target beneficiaries were determined with the help of local authorities such as AFAD, the Governorate of Şanlıurfa, Syrian Guests Coordination Center and through the list of households, held by the municipality. This intervention was necessary in order to help allow Syrian families to, consequently, re allocate their expenses on other primary needs. |
Ref 90 | Project title | Education and Psychosocial Support for Syrian Refugee Children in Şanlıurfa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 206.341,02 USD | 100 % | IBC | UNHCR | 21-02-2013 - 31-12-2013 21.02.2013 |
AFAD – Disaster and Emergency Management Directorship, Şanlıurfa Governorship, Şanlıurfa Municipality, Ministry of Education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objectives of this project are as follows: To remediate the psychological conditions of children whose families were forced to flee to Turkey due to the civil war in Syria with the aim of helping such children to cope with the psychological impact of the events they witnesses, To contribute to the training of Syrian children whose education was interrupted due to fleeing Syria, To solve hygiene and health problems encountered by Syrian children caused by living with crowded families in tight spaces with unfavorable circumstances, To contribute to the solution of the nutrition problem of Syrian children by providing food packets, To allow Syrian children to socialize with Turkish children in the region where they seek refuge, To assist Syrian children in adapting to life and circumstances in the region and to help them in getting to know the society, To encourage children to make new friends in order to compensate for the friends they have lost in their homeland, To alleviate children’s anxieties for the future and to give them confidence for life, To develop artistic skills and competence in children, To attract children to get involved in fields such as music, theater, etc. an to support those with special talents, To improve competitiveness and self-confidence among children by organizing motivational competitions. And the operational context of the project is to build four child friendly spaces (tents) at locations in Şanlıurfa where the governorship allocated and they will get equipped for the needs of education and psychosocial support |
Ref 91 | Project title | Child Friendly Spaces for Syrian Refugees in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 128.002,00 USD | 100 % | 43 | IBC | CRS | 15-06-2014 - 15-09-2014 15.06.2014 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC’s Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) have been operating in Kilis since 2013. This project’s main aim is to continue the operation of existing Child Friendly Spaces and establish a new one. The strategic objectives of the project are as follows: Syrian refugee children (aged 14-17) participate in non-formal education activities in Turkey. Syrian refugee children demonstrate improved resilience to trauma and violence. As a result the percentage of regularly participating children reported an increased sense of well-being and resilience. Techniques such as puppetry and demonstration of peacebuilding movies were used. During the course of the project 96 trauma recovery sessions were also conducted at CFS locations. A total of 760 children between the ages of 4-18 attended a CFS at least once a week during this project. |
Ref 92 | Project title | Educational Assistance for Syrian Refugees in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 765.880,00 USD | 100% | IBC | CRS | 01-01-2014 - 16-09-2014 01.01.2014 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The main aim of this project is to enable urban refugee children’s (aged 5-18) access to quality educational opportunities and increase the overall sense of stability and well-being within the refugee population in Turkey. This project has reached 6060 refugees directly and 9970 indirectly. As building intercultural bonds was a sub-goal of the project, 3070 non-refugee individuals were also reached. The five schools for Syrians, existing prior to the start of this project t were able to serve 16% of school-aged Syrian children due to lack of space and limited funding. This project aimed to support existing works and develop new resources to provide Syrian children with educational assistance. Teacher training and incentives were also provided for 120 Syrian teachers. |
Ref 93 | Project title | Emergency Medical Care for Syrian Refugees in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 2.813.761,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Malteser International | 01-08-2014 - 30-04-2017 01.08.2014 – 31.12.2014 Extended to 31.01.2016 Extended to 30.04.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC established a temporary field hospital (TFH) in Kilis to serve medical needs of Syrian refugees. This project helped improve secondary healthcare, including pot-operative treatment for war-wounded, discharged from Kilis State Hospital. On the national level, the project is part of the local and international health coordination mechanisms facilitated by the WHO, UNHCR and Turkish Ministry of Health. Locally, the project is an integral part of the Kilis Governorate assistance to Syrian refugees and linked to regular AFAD reporting mechanisms. For efficient functioning of the temporary field hospital, the following supplies are regularly available: Drugs, medical consumables, medical equipment, food, patient clothes and mobility aid. One of the main aims of the project is to increase TFH capacities to respond to medical emergency. This has been accomplished through provision of at least 1 training for staff members every month and completion of a simulation, including triage, every two months. All staff members working at the TFH are certified Syrian doctors in order to decrease unemployment rates within the population and make sure Syrian patients get the healthcare they need without having to face language barriers. In March 2016 a clinic was established alongside the TFH in order to be able to provide more and a wider range of services. |
Ref 94 | Project title | Education and Protection for Syrian Refugees in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 1.807.998,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | CRS – Catholic Relief Services | 17-09-2014 - 16-09-2016 17.09.2014 – 16.09.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project provided children with access to quality education and children and families with tools for coping with trauma and displacement as they adapted to life in Turkey. To achieve this overall goal, project partners worked in two strategic objective areas: Vulnerable Syrian refugee children in Turkey learn in supportive educational environments and Vulnerable Syrian refugees in Turkey better cope with trauma and displacement. Geographic locations for this project had been selected primarily based on need of the target population. Necessary government and community relationships have been built to ensure smooth implementation. Education is foundational to child wellbeing and development. Interventions performed under this project are designed in accordance with International Network for Education in Emergencies’ (INEE) minimum standards for education; in particular the project has supported community initiatives to provide high quality, appropriate education for Syrian refugee children living in Turkey. |
Ref 95 | Project title | Improving the Life and Strengthening Resilience of Syrian Refugees in Kilis, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY | 509.980,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Malteser International | 01-09-2014 - 30-04-2015 01.09.2014 – 30.04.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project, IBC established a community center in Kilis for Syrian refugees. The center has been offering courses suitable to Syrian refugees of a wide range of backgrounds and age groups, constantly enlarging its diverse spectrum of courses since its inception. Courses offered at the center include but are not limited to: Languages, Computer literacy, First Aid & Healthcare, Rug & Carpet Making, Graphic & Media Design, Knitting & Crochet and Outdoor Activities. Each course module takes about three months before participants move onto the next level and new beneficiaries are registered through the waiting lists that are often full to the brim. Beneficiaries of all age groups have been exploring areas that are of interest to them and enlarging their skillsets. Some have been able to find jobs after finishing vocation-specific course modules at the IBC Community Center. The course schedule at the center is changed and adapted to beneficiary needs every month to ensure productivity and utility. |
Ref 96 | Project title | Assessment of the appropriateness for Cash-for-Work activities with IDPs in Duhok and Ninewa, Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | IRAQ | 24.990 USD | 100 % | IBC | The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 16-11-2014 - 24-11-2014 16.11.2014 – 24.11.2014 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC conducted rapid assessments to examine the appropriateness for cash-for-work with IDPs aiming to create employment opportunities and rehabilitate communal and agriculture assets of host communities in Duhok and Ninewa. This study revealed employment areas for IDPs in the areas of host communities, market and labor functionality, payments/cash disbursement mechanisms, challenges and suitability of implementing cash-for-work interventions in target areas. Key indicators were number of areas/districts identified for CFW activities where IDPs live amongst host communities, labor opportunities related to agriculture assets such as irrigation channels, water canals etc., number of unemployed IDPs seeking labor opportunities related to agriculture in target areas, functionality of markets, commodity prices and daily labor wages. |
Ref 97 | Project title | Emergency Response-Distribution of Hygiene Kits in Bab Al Salaam North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 69.496,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 15-04-2015 - 31-05-2015 15.04.2015 – 31.05.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
At the time of this project around 3000 IDPs were residing in 4 camps in Northern Syria. The biggest camp and the one facing the heaviest problems was Bab Al Salaam. IDPs were in lack of basic hygiene materials and risked suffering from scabies, a disease that thrives in an environment of water scarcity. Children at the camp were also suffering from lice. Targeted beneficiaries for this project were living in Bab Al Salaam. A total of 1695 families or 8354 individuals were reached through this project. IBC responded to the needs of said IDPs through the provision of Permithrin for scabies and Synamex lice lotion to fight the problem of lice. Each family received a set of each medicine. The package distributed also included a set of soap and a bottle of shampoo for protection purposes. |
Ref 98 | Project title | Mother-Baby and Psychosocial Counseling Center | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 136.599,11 EUR | 100 % | IBC | MSF | 15-10-2014 - 30-06-2015 15.10.2014 – 30.06.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project was carried out in Suruç through the establishment of a mother-baby & psychosocial counseling center. The main goal was to relieve levels of distress emerged as a result of the war and endured by displaced persons. The center was established to serve following purposes: -Help mothers with their newborns and with breastfeeding -Provide basic help and support to make sure the baby is fed fully -Provide specialized counseling if medical/therapeutic obstacles are faced -Provide psychosocial support to those referred by the mother-baby center as well as the general public -Provide social aid and trainings -Refer those who need psychiatric support to relevant service providers. |
Ref 99 | Project title | Helping Hands for Vulnerable Children and Babies in Delal and Berdar Cities in Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Northern Iraq | 50.000 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Hilfswerk der Deutschen Lions | 01-01-2015 - 01-01-2015 2 Weeks 2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Population in Iraq has been affected by a number of attacks and acts of terror. At the time of this project, civilians were having trouble accessing essential and vital needs such as food, shelter, water etc. The affected people had access to limited and often conflicting information regarding both aid provision and future plans for response. As a result levels of social tension had increased. The overall goal of this project was to provide winterization support to children between the ages of 4-17. In this regard pre-assessment tests were done by IBC to gather information about the number of children and their clothing and shoe sizes. Approximately 1250 direct child beneficiaries were provided with a winter coat, winter boots and winter socks. Distribution was completed in 7 days and at least one parent/family member was present to sign upon receipt of goods. |
Ref 100 | Project title | Cash-for-Work and Food Aid for Displaced People in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 738.380 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Help-Hilfe Selbsthilfe | 10-02-2015 - 09-06-2015 10.02.2015 – 09.06.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aimed to provide monthly food assistance for approximately 1850 families (9250 individuals) in accordance with WFP standards. In addition the project aimed to provide temporary employment opportunities to vulnerable groups and IDPs, to increase the household income and improve the livelihood of about 800 IDP families in the region of Dohuk. The program was designed to be completed in four months. Food supplied as part of this project are listed below. Sunflower Seed Oil Coarse Bulgur Dry Beans Red Lentils Chickpeas Granulated Sugar Pasta Rice for Pilaf Bread Wheat Flour Salt |
Ref 101 | Project title | Wheat Procurement Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 1.156.337,70 EUR | 100 % | IBC | GIZ | 01-01-2015 - 31-03-2015 01.01.2015 – 31.03.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The primary aim of this project was to stabilize the bread production cycle in liberated areas by providing assistance to enable the procurement and transportation of wheat. This overall objective is defined by the following benchmark: - The procurement and delivery of wheat to the Syrian partners at Zero-point of the Turkish-Syrian border. In order to achieve this aim an international tender was conducted for the procurement of approximately 2800 tons of wheat. This wheat was then transported to the Turkish-Syrian border. |
Ref 102 | Project title | Needs Assessment and Situation Analysis of Syrian Refugees in İstanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 18,960 USD | 100 % | IBC | IOM | 15-03-2015 - 30-04-2015 15.03.2015 – 30.04.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC conducted needs assessments to evaluate needs of the Syrian population living in Esenyurt, Küçükçekmece and Sultanbeyli districts of Istanbul. The specific objectives of this project were as follows: - Identifying and mapping with high needs to initiate potential assistance activities in consultation with local authorities including governarate, municipalities and district municipalities of Istanbul, religious figures, mukhtars and community leaders within Istanbul. - Generating a basic fact finding document and a basic response plan on how to set the program priorities |
Ref 103 | Project title | Implementation of Cash-for-Work Activities with Conflict Affected IDPs and Host Community in Zakho District of Rizgari and Darkar Rural Areas | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 90.801 USD | 100 % | IBC | FAO | 30-11--0001 - 30-11--0001 2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The main goal of this project was to rehabilitate and rebuild productive community assets and agriculture infrastructure through the cash for work (rehabilitation and cleaning of agricultural land for cultivation in the Zakho District of Dahuk) and to create employment opportunities, increasing purchasing power and improving access to food availability for conflict affected IDP communities in selected locations of Dahuk. A total of 400 beneficiaries (both women and men) were provided with cash assistance through temporary job placements, rehabilitating parks and other green areas and planting seeds in the host district of Diyala Governorate. |
Ref 104 | Project title | Emergency Relief to IDPs Fled Talafer and Mosul-Northern Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Northern Iraq | 84.500 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 30-12-2014 - 20-01-2015 30.12.2014 – 20.01.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project focused on meeting the food needs of 629 IDP families (approximately 3850 individuals) that have fled their homes as a result of the barbaric attacks of terrorists to safe areas in urban Duhok and Zakho. The project was implemented as a result of the following reasons: - Limited resources for general intervention programs for food, hygiene and shelter - Limited purchasing power of IDPs to buy sufficient complementary foods and hygiene packages - Heightened intolerance towards the IDP communities leading to a restriction in the number of new arrivals or access to services such as complementary foods and hygiene materials. This project provided food assistance in urban and rural areas of the KRG provinces of Duhok and Zakho and improved food security among vulnerable Kurdish rural communities hosting Syrian refugees. |
Ref 105 | Project title | Formation of two Child Friendly Spaces for Syrian Refugees Residing in Suruç Town, Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 420.488 USD | 100 % | IBC | CRS | 01-01-2015 - 30-09-2016 01.01.2015 – 30.09.2015 Extended to 30.09.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For the purposes of this project, 2 CFSs were established in the town of Suruç with the goal of achieving the following two objectives: - Syrian refugee children (aged 5-12) participate in non-formal education activities in Suruç - Syrian refugee children demonstrate improved resilience to trauma and violence CFSs operated two daily shifts six days a week over the course of the project. CFSs were launched to address gaps in education, unmet developmental and psychosocial needs, and community protection issues. Film puppetry methodology, which had been specifically developed to deal with Syrian refugee children. The films were focused on trauma healing and peace building based on puppet methodology, a proven psychosocial support mechanism, to complement and enhance the developmental and psychosocial benefits of the Child Friendly Spaces. |
Ref 106 | Project title | Winterization Support for IDPs and Host Communities in the Dohuk Governorate, Northern Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 501.450 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe | 01-12-2015 - 31-03-2016 01.12.2015 – 31.03.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aimed to safeguard the survival and to improve the living conditions of IDPs and host community members residing in urban areas of the KRG region of Dohuk Governorate. |
Ref 107 | Project title | Education and Psychosocial Support for Refugee Children from Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1.704.130,00 TRY | 100 % | IBC | UNHCR | 01-01-2015 - 31-12-2015 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project Syrian children received support in eight Child Friendly Spaces in Şanlıurfa and Gaziantep (4 in Şanlıurfa and 4 in Gaziantep). Children between the ages of 5-12 attended these spaces in order to overcome their post-traumatic experiences and benefit from educational and social activities. Additionally, psychological conditions of juvenile Syrian refugees in the cities of Urfa and Antep were highly remediated. Children were somewhat distanced from the psychological stress emerging from the war they had experienced in their homeland. |
Ref 108 | Project title | Mental Health and Psychosocial Care | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 644.093,60 TRY | 100 % | IBC | MSF | 01-01-2016 - 30-06-2016 01.01.2016 – 30.06.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project mental health support, in the form of individual and group counseling, was provided to Syrian refugees living in Şanlıurfa. Most vulnerable groups, namely women, children, elderly, victims of violence and GBV, and patients with a history of mental health disorders were the main target. Group discussions and psychoeducation about MH, stress, trauma, healthy living and coping mechanisms were conducted with Syrian refugee families. Services offered included home visits and a Child Friendly Space for children. Refugees were referred to other facilities if they presented psychiatric symptoms and needed psychiatric care. Assistance/advice in registration and medical translation services were also provided when necessary. The center also offered a number of courses such as first aid, health education, music, language, computer, community participation training and more. Campaigns were organized to integrate Syrian and Turkish communities. |
Ref 109 | Project title | Food Aid for Displaced People in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 85.002,60 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 28-12-2015 - 28-01-2016 28.12.2015 – 28.01.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The main goal of this project was to provide food assistance in rural areas of KRG Shekan District. A beneficiary assessment was conducted before the start of the project, in cooperation with relevant KRG authorities, Governorate of Duhok Board of Relief and Humanitarian Affairs-BRHA and Shekan District. As a result 865 parcels of food was distributed to beneficiaries during the last days of 2015 and first days of 2016. Development of beneficiary lists, packaging of items and distribution activities were realized by IBC expat teams under supervision of IBC field officers. |
Ref 110 | Project title | Strengthening Social Cohesion between Syrian Refugees and Turkish Host Communities – Multi Service Centers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 591,000.00 EUR | 100 % | 35 | IBC | Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) | 01-10-2015 - 31-03-2018 1/10/2015 To 31/03/2018 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Syrian refugees are already stressed with the uncertain future of the Syrian conflicts and their refugee status in Tukey. Under such a situation; unemployment, poverty, social instability, different kind of crimes and other negative coping mechanism, local conflicts increase rapidly among the refugee community. The project is aimed to provide psychosocial support to the Syrian refugees based in Kilis thought different kind of service to improve the integration within the host community and the well-being of Syrian refugees. The number of beneficiaries reaches at least 25,000 people in total. The main activities concerned the individual and group support thanks to counseling, stress management, psycho-education, workshops on Human Development, physical activities, peace-building activities, life skills training and employment skills trainings such as cooking course, first aid course, health education, language course, graphic/journal/media design, handicraft/music/computer/beauty/recycling course |
Ref 111 | Project title | Provision of School Kits to Syrian Children | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 20.000 GBP | 100 % | IBC | WJR | 17-09-2015 - 06-11-2015 17.09.2015 – 06.11.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project IBC was able to distribute school kits to Syrian refugee children attending its CFSs in Kilis, Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa. A total of 10600 school kits (composed of school bags, pencils, notebooks and other school material) were distributed to kids in order to encourage them to continue attending CFSs and improve their motivation. |
Ref 112 | Project title | Provision of Winter Clothes and Sleeping Sets to Syrian Children | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 150.000 GBP | 100 % | IBC | WJR | 01-10-2015 - 31-12-2015 01.10.2015 – 31.12.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As winter conditions in Southeast Turkey are very harsh and Syrian children do not have clothing items to protect them from the cold IBC decided to distribute winter kits. This was done to help protect kids from the cold, provide a warm sleeping environment and strengthen their health conditions. Kits consisting of coats, boots, socks, sportswear and sleeping bags were distributed to children between the ages of 5-12. An assessment was conducted before the procurement of kit items in order to identify beneficiaries and their sizes. |
Ref 113 | Project title | Distribution of Blankets in Takhar Afghanistan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 10.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | JDC | 09-11-2015 - 31-12-2015 09.11.2015 – 31.12.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project blankets were distributed to those in Takhar, Afghanistan affected by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake that struck Afghanistan and north Pakistan on the 26th of October, 2015. |
Ref 114 | Project title | Wheat Flour and Mobile Bakery Response for Bab al Salam Camp in North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 99.774 USD | 100 % | IBC | CRS | 01-11-2015 - 31-01-2016 01.11.2015 – 31.01.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Over the course of this project IBC ran a mobile bakery in Bab Al Salaam, providing wheat flour it procured from Turkey. The bakery, with the capacity of producing 5000 units of bread daily (two shifts) each 100 grams, was operated inside a mobile container. The bread produced was distributed to IDP in the camp to approximately 1400 registered families. Upon registration these families were provided with coupons that were later collected as per daily distribution plan. Camp management lists were used to ID beneficiaries and these documents were signed upon receipt of bread. For the elderly and gender-led families, delivery was one face-to-face by going to their tents. The project was implemented in close coordination with camp management and was supervised by IBC North Syria Program Coordinator. |
Ref 115 | Project title | Education and Protection for Syrian Refugees Living in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 2.044.512,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | CRS | 01-09-2014 - 16-09-2016 01.09.2014 - 16.09.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project sought to support vulnerable Syrian refugee children in Turkey learn in supportive and educational environment and to better cope with trauma and displacement. Under this project, 11.000 students were supported with supplies and 445 teachers and administrators received training and incentives. Additionally, the project established 10 Child Friendly Spaces supporting 5130 children and provided trauma recovery and peacebuilding sessions to 7720 children. The project also provided informational services and seminars to 28000 refugees. |
Ref 116 | Project title | Education and Protection for Syrian Refugees in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 26700 USD | 100 % | IBC | JDC | 28-09-2015 - 25-09-2016 28.09.2015 – 25.09.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project 2000 school kits were distributed to Syrian students in Gaziantep. Each kit contained the following items: - School bag - Pencil case - 3 pencils - 3 red pencils - 1 pen - 1 eraser - 1 pencil sharpener - 3 notebooks - 1 ruler - School uniforms/clothes These resources were distributed with the aim of helping families with multiple school-aged children, for whom school costs can be a burden. |
Ref 117 | Project title | Child Friendly Space Support for IDP Camps in 4 IDP Camps in KRG Region, Duhok Governorate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 204.671,83 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe | 01-08-2015 - 30-11-2015 01.08.2015 – 30.11.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aimed to improve social and environmental conditions for vulnerable and sensitive groups through Child Friendly Spaces in 4 IDP camps in KRG region, Duhok Governorate. |
Ref 118 | Project title | Emergency Food for Earthquake Affected People in Nepal | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Nepal | 50.000,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 15-06-2015 - 15-08-2015 15.06.2015 – 15.08.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project parcels of food were distributed to families that have been affected by the earthquake. A total of 1000 families were reached in Bhaktapur and Sindhupalchock. Parcels included the following items: |
Ref 119 | Project title | Rehabilitation of Roofs of 7 Schools | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 76.898,60 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe | 01-06-2015 - 31-08-2015 01.06.2015 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project IBC was able to rehabilitate the roofs of seven different schools in Zakho region in Iraq. Roofs were repaired and insulated in order to provide and ensure the necessary physical conditions for children |
Ref 120 | Project title | Improving Access to Services for Syrian Refugees Living in İstanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 438.000,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | IOM - EU | 14-07-2015 - 12-07-2017 14.07.2015 – 13.01.2017 Extended to 30.04.2017 Extended to 12.07.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A multipurpose center was established in Sultanbeyli to provide the following services: - Psychosocial support - Conflict resolution - Legal support - Skills training - Vocational skills training For this purpose a building consisting of 10 rooms was furnished and equipped with necessary materials. IBC organizes activities within the scope of this project in a participatory manner involving the target groups in order to determine their learning and educational needs for aforementioned subjects. Conflict management and cultural activities are also organized outside of the center within the body of this projects. Music nights, workshops and trainings are held in various locations across İstanbul to reach as many beneficiaries as possible. |
Ref 121 | Project title | Informal Educational and Recreational Activities Support for Syrian Children in Antep and Urfa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 2.810.010,00 TRY | 100 % | IBC | UNHCR | 01-01-2016 - 31-12-2016 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Since November 2013 IBC had been running a project in collaboration with UNHCR in Gaziantep/Islahiye and Şanlıurfa. The 2016 project included activities that took place in the same cities. Project implementation and activities were developed in cooperation with UNHCR multifunctional team. Activities revolved mainly around informal education support and recreational support. All children also attended 25 hours of classes each week. 11 hours of informal educational support was provided in the following subjects: Numeracy and literacy, English, Turkish and science in Arabic along with Turkish support to ensure the acquisition of conceptual knowledge and familiarizing children with Turkish terminology relevant to each subject area. Children attended 8 hours of recreational activities and 6 hours of Turkish language classes. Recreational activities focused on promoting social cohesion through cross cultural activities, game-based learning, joint activities between Syrian and Turkish children, daily nutritional support and regular vaccinations. The physical conditions of existing CFS buildings were also improved during this project. |
Ref 122 | Project title | BRIDGE – Building Refugee Initiatives for Child Development, Growth and Education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1.021.370,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | CRS | 17-09-2016 - 16-09-2017 17.09.2016 – 16.09.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project was developed to support vulnerable Syrian refugee families with access to quality formal and non-formal learning opportunities, psychosocial support services, and information and opportunities to foster a sense of belonging and well-being in Turkey. Services provided through this project are listed below: - Support formal schools (3 schools receive rent , utilities and rehabilitation support) - Organize catch up classes and provide materials - Provide tutoring and remedial support - Increase Turkish language skills - Create and support kids and youth clubs - Create and support parents’ clubs - Maintain child friendly space services - Provide information and referral services The project aimed to reach a total of 4610 individuals through activities listed below. |
Ref 123 | Project title | Provision of Food Assistance for Displaced People in the KRG, Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 85.000,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 07-10-2016 - 07-11-2016 07.10.2016 – 07.11.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ref 124 | Project title | Social Inclusion and Cohesion Program for Syrian Refugees in Turkey – Multipurpose Development Centers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 37.557,00 EUR 1.969.900,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Expertise France | 01-07-2016 - 14-06-2019 Inception Phase 01.07.2016 – 01.09.2016 – 14.06.2019 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project is consisted of two parts: Child Caravan and Youth Development Center. Main objectives of both establishments are as follows: - Contribute to enrollment of Syrian children in formal Turkish schools - Enhance levels of education - Enhance language capacities - Assist adaptation and orientation - Increase intercommunal communication - Alleviate hygiene and health related problems - Alleviate nutrition related problems - Develop artistic skills and competence - Involve children in music, theater and other related activities |
Ref 125 | Project title | Turkish Courses for Syrian Children in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 400.000,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | Theirworld | 01-08-2016 - 31-07-2017 01.08.2016 – 31.07.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project Turkish language courses were provided to Syrian children in Turkey to promote social inclusion and eliminate education barriers for refugee children. |
Ref 126 | Project title | Food Aid for Displaced People in the KRG | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 85.000,00 | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 16-06-2016 - 16-07-2016 16.06.2016 – 16.07.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project food assistance was provided to 865 families in rural areas of the KRG, Shekan District in Iraq. |
Ref 127 | Project title | Emergency Food Aid for IDPs Living in the Shekhan District, Ninive Governorate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 2.196.600,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Help | 01-04-2016 - 31-07-2017 01.04.2016 – 31.07.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project aimed to ensure the access of upto 2000 IDP families within the Shekhan District to essential food items through the monthly distribution of family food parcels. Over the period of the project IDP families received monthly food parcels that comply with the WFP/SPHERE standards for nutrition and covers up to 70% of the daily minimal calorie intake of 2100 kcal/family member. |
Ref 128 | Project title | Emergency Food Response to the Needs of Syrians in Qudsaya, Damascus, Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 80.000,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 04-04-2016 - 04-05-2016 04.04.2016 – 04.05.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This project helped facilitate 1000 IDP families or approximately 4600 individuals’ access to nutrition in Qudsaya, Syria. |
Ref 129 | Project title | Women’s Support Center | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 166.000,00 GBP | 100 % | IBC | WJR | 01-06-2016 - 31-03-2017 01.06.2016 - 01.12.2016 Extended to 31.03.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A center was established in Islahiye, Gaziantep to provide a variety of services to Syrian refugee women. Activities at the center included: - Pychosocial support (mental care) - Library and reading room - Language courses (Turkish and English) - Crafts classes - Computer course - Child and baby care Trainings and awareness raising campaigns also took place at and around the center. The target group of the establishment were Syrian refugee women over the age of 15 residing in Islahiye, outside the camps. Widows and the sexually abused women as well as orphans between the ages of 15-18 were prioritized and a total of 1000 women were targeted for registration. |
Ref 130 | Project title | Access to Quality Education for Syrian Children in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 250.250,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | NRC | 01-02-2016 - 15-06-2016 01.02.2016 – 15.06.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project provided a series of trainings to Syrian teachers working at Temporary Education Centers in Kilis. Main training subjects were first aid, occupational health and safety, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and conflict management, participation and active citizenship, teamwork, communication and motivation. These sessions increased teachers’ abilities to support social coherence processes and to boost a sense of wellbeing amongst children. Bridge building activities, attended by over a 1000 students, were organized to strengthen communication and intercultural learning between Turkish and Syrian children. Additionally over 1700 students were provided with clothing packages and 2500 hygiene kits were distributed. |
Ref 131 | Project title | Multipurpose Training Centers – Child Caravan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 209.850,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 28-11-2016 - 28-11-2017 28.11.2016 – 28.11.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project children in remote areas of İstanbul benefitted from basic non formal education, life skills, games and psychological support via a training program. Children followed computer based language training through specifically designed computer games and learned about Turkish cultural environment through cartoons and child documentaries. Children were also taught about personal hygiene and introduced to environmental protection. A basic curriculum was also followed as a way to adapt them to formal education system. Additionally young people and women were provided with health, hygiene education and psychosocial support through trainings, functional games and multimedia visuals so that they could be prepared emotionally for daily life in the country. |
Ref 132 | Project title | Improving the Learning Environment for Students in the Dohuk Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 1.238.570,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe | 24-10-2016 - 30-09-2018 24.10.2016 – 30.09.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aimed to sustainably improve the learning environment for up to 12700 students within the Dohuk Governorate by rehabilitating up to 20 school buildings. Furthermore, to ensure the sustainability of the improved learning environment in up to 20 schools, IBC held one-time information events, after the completion of construction works. The purpose of the events were to raise awareness and make sure school managements and respective teachers understood the importance of a safe and adequate learning environment and how to maintain it. |
Ref 133 | Project title | Provision of Food to Syrians in Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 10.000,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 23-11-2016 - 23-01-2017 23.11.2016 – 23.01.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the barbarous attacks of Syrian army and Russian planes to Eastern Aleppo tens of thousands civilians fled for security to other areas and aroynd 80000 evacuated to Idlib.From those left Aleppo around 45000 settled to Akhtarin,40 km far and almost doubled the population of the town. Most of the IDP s fled Akhtarin are in lack of basic needs as food,hygiene,winterization materials and stoves and gas. IBC launched a campaign to meet the basic needs of 1000 families identified through hous by house assessment in coordination with akhtarin local authorities and started to respond on food needs firstly The main objective was to cover the food needs of a family composed by 5-6 people at least in average. Through Penny Appeal funding 270 families will get monthly food package composed by include 5lt Oil-3kg Rice-2kg Beans -2 kg Red lentils -2kg-Green lentils-2kg cracked wheat -3 kg sugar- 3 kg Pasta-1 kg Tometo Paste ,0,5 kg tea.for the month of January 2017 |
Ref 134 | Project title | Provision of Food to Syrians in Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 24.990,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 14-11-2016 - 14-01-2017 14.11.2016 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of monthly food packages to Syrian refugees in Kilis.Total of 1000 monthly food packages are distributed tothose in emergency need in December 2016. |
Ref 135 | Project title | Education and Psychosocial Support for Syrian Refugee Children in Şanlıurfa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | TURKEY-SYRIA | 2.995.000 USD | 100% | 12 | IBC | Qatar red Crescent | 01-07-2013 - 31-12-2015 01.07.2013 |
AFAD – Disaster and Emergency Management Directorship, Kilis Governorship, UNHCR,Aleppo Governorate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The objectives of this project are as follows: To provide medicine and food for Syrian families in North Syria To rehabilitate the water and sewage infrastructure of Aleppo City in the opposition controlled areas To collect garbage and deal with hygiene and sanitation needs of Aleppo City To provide 1000 heaters to camps in Northern Syria To provide 7000 cotton family tents with liner and floor. And to provide 315000 thermal blankets for distribution to the Syrian refugees in Turkey and North Syria In the operational context, IBC was acting as coordination partner and most of the activities were implemented through local NGO s in Northern Syria |
Ref 136 | Project title | Emergency Response to Medical and NFI Needs of Displaced People in Syria (Damascus, Homs and Aleppo Governorates) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 1.936.650,00 USD | 100 % | 56 | IBC | IRC | 01-11-2014 - 31-08-2015 01.11.2014 – 31.08.2015 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of Monthly food packages, hygiene packages, winterization items, shelters,heaters to IDP s fled from ISIS attacked areas to safe neighbourhoods of Damascus, Reef Damascus, Homs and Aleppo |
Ref 137 | Project title | Regional Youth Research-Training | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 5989,55 USD | 100 % | 22 | IBC | NRC | 20-01-2016 - 02-02-2016 20.01.2016 – 02.02.2016 |
NONE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1500 Syrian young refugees are identified and trained on different skills in Sanliurfa Province of Turkey |
Ref 138 | Project title | Turkish Language Courses for Syrian Children and Youth | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 405.600,00 TRY | 100 % | IBC | THEIRWORLD | 26-10-2016 - 26-09-2017 26.10.2016 – 26.09.2017 |
İstanbul Aydın University – Bağcılar Municipality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Through this project Syrian refugee children and youth between the ages of 5-6 and 16-17 were provided with Turkish classes by officially certified teachers. They were also provided with Tömer books, adapted to their needs. Graduates of the course were given certificates by Istanbul Aydın University. The project was developed to reach a total of 1200 Syrians over the course of 11 months. |
Ref 139 | Project title | Provision of Winterization Kits to Syrian Refugee Children in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 4010,00 USD | 100 % | IBC | Hands International | 15-02-2017 - 15-03-2017 15.02.2017 – 15.03.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Syrian Refugees living in Kilis are exhausting resources such as food, shelter, health, hygiene materials, clothes and shoes for the children and also educational material for Syrian students. IBC tried to cover some part of these needs with help project but did not meet the needs of all 120.000 community based refugees With this program IBC is able to cover the winter needs of 100 children living in rural areas of Kilis. The total number of that will benefit is 163 and each winter package will include a winter coat boots ,sweater ,gloves, beanie and socks |
Ref 140 | Project title | Empowerment of Employability in North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 101,077 USD | 100 % | IBC | Lutheran World Relief | 01-01-2017 - 25-09-2017 01.01.2017 – 30.06.2017 Extended to 25.09.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Syrian Civil War has caused the displacement of approximately millions of people in Northern Syria alone and the lack of basic food. Due to the fighting, bread production has decreased and people don’t have the means to produce the bread. Also many bakeries in Aleppo have been bombed and destroyed during the course of the conflict. After detailed evaluation of the situation of bakeries in Northern Syria, IBC proposes to renovate and provide raw materials for bakeries in Akhhtarin and Sawran which is district of Aleppo and employ 30 bakery worker in two bakeries which will produce 9 tons breads on a daily basis. |
Ref 141 | Project title | Rehabilitation of Production ın Marea Bakery- North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 50.000 USD | 100% | IBC | Lutheran World Relief | 01-07-2017 - 30-09-2017 01.07.2017 - 30.09.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The main objective of this project is to implement the bread production in Marea region and in the neighboring villages supporting the only oven in the city center of Marea which provides the regular apportion of bread needed by the people of the region. The amount of beneficiaries is more than 7000 families, for these people the price of the bread is around 200-250 Syrian liras per pack, with the support of the oven can be decrease in half. The regular maintenance and fuel provided is important to maintain a fixed and appropriate price to allow people to get it easily, as it is a basic staple of the local diet. The goals achieved are the reduction and the stability of the bread price; the production of a sufficient quantity of bread on a daily basis; the periodic maintenance and fuel of the oven; the provision of a wheat flour and the capacity to maintain a fully staffed of 15 people with well-paid employees. |
Ref 142 | Project title | Emergency Food Distribution to İnternally Displaced People in Akhtarin, Aleppo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Aleppo-North Syria | 19,845 USD | 100 % | IBC | International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF) | 15-02-2017 - 31-03-2017 15.02.2017 – 31.03.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level of conflict across Syria has gradually increased since April 2016. Akharin is a small city which is 40 km away from Aleppo and started to receive IDP’s from Aleppo. With this program IBC is able to cover food needs of 400 families newly arrived for living in Aktharin Main goal of this project is to ensure access for food needs of IDP’ who fled to North Syria from Aleppo. IBC ensure to access food for 400 Syrian Households in Akharin. 400 food packages which included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice kg beans, 2 kg green lentils ,2 red lentils kg, 2 cracked wheat , 3 kg sugar, 3 kg pasta ,1 kg tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute . |
Ref 143 | Project title | Akçakale Mental Health and Psychosocial Community Canter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 513,635 TRY | 100 % | IBC | Medecin Sans Frontieres MSF | 01-01-2017 - 30-06-2018 01.01.2017 – 30.06.2017 Extended 30.06.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project is aimed to alleviate suffering caused by mental health disorders among the refugee population living in Akçakale, Turkey. Main activities will be individual and group counselling , services to build capacities and skills and increase awareness on MHPSS services , The humanitarian assistance provided by the project based in Şanlıurfa-Akçakale is focused on the alleviation of suffering caused by mental health disorders among the refugee population living in Akçakale. The specific objectives are as follows: Individual and group counseling; The elaboration of building skills activities to facilitates the integration into a new society; The organization of events to promote mental health and the creation of psychoeducation sessions; The identification and mapping of community stakeholders and service providers in order to provide an efficient service. Considering this point, it is also important the organization of training for staff, the weekly supervision and the regular screening and reports provided to control the quality of MHPSS services. |
Ref 144 | Project title | Building Refugee Initiatives for Child Development , Growth and Education - BRIDGE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1.021,370 USD | 100 % | IBC | Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | 16-09-2017 - 30-09-2018 16.09.2017 Extended to 16.12.2017 Extended to 31.09.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Program seeks to support vulnerable Syrian refugee families with access to quality formal and non-formal learning opportunities, psychosocial support services ,and information and opportunities to foster a sense of belonging and well-being in Gaziantep and Kilis. The Sub-recipient agrees to provide the following services and deliverables in support of the overall success of the Project; Services Deliverable Support formal schools 3 schools receive rent, utilities and rehabilitation support Organize catch-up classes and provide materials 800 students attend catch up classes and receive necessary textbooks and materials (300 students in Gaziantep- 500 students in Kilis ) Provide tutoring and remedial support 400 students receive tutoring services (200 beneficiaries in Gaziantep- 200 beneficiaries in Kilis) Increase Turkish language skills 1,050 people attend Turkish language classes (450 beneficiaries in Gaziantep- 600 beneficiaries in Kilis ) Create and support kids and youth clubs 1,280 kids and youth participate in clubs (384 Syrian and 96 Turkish beneficiaries in Gaziantep ) (640 Syrian and 160 Turkish beneficiaries in Kilis ) Create and support parents groups 360 parents over 18 participate in clubs (136 Syrian and 24 Turkish beneficiaries in Gaziantep ) (170 Syrian and 30 Turkish beneficiaries in Kilis ) Maintain child friendly space 320 children whose age between 5-12 will participate in CFSs (120 beneficiaries in Gaziantep- 200 beneficiaries in Kilis ) Provide information and referral services 400 people receive information and referrals (200 beneficiaries in Gaziantep- 200 beneficiaries in Kilis ) |
Ref 145 | Project title | Food Distribution for Syrian Communities in Akhtarin – North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | £4300 | 100 % | IBC | World Jewish Relief (WJR) | 10-01-2017 - 18-02-2017 10.01.2017 – 18.02.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Akharin is a small city which is 40 km away from Aleppo and started to receive IDP’s from Aleppo. With this program IBC is able to cover food needs of 143 families newly arrived for living in Aktharin Main goal of this project is to ensure access for food needs of IDP’ who fled to North Syria from Aleppo. IBC ensure to access food for 143 Syrian Households in Akharin. 143 food packages, each included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice ,2 kg beans, 2 kg red lentils, 2 kg cracked wheat 3 kg sugar ,2 kg pasta 830 gr tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute . |
Ref 146 | Project title | Emergency Food Relief to Internally Displaced Syrians in Akhtarin-Aleppo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 76.200 USD | 100 % | IBC | Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief | 20-12-2016 - 15-03-2017 20.12.2016 – 15.03.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project was targeting the distribution of monthly food packages to the families in Aleppo to Akhatarin . Type of population served is IDPs lled from civil war in Aleppo and moved to Akhtarin for safety. IBC ensure to access food for 2000 Syrian Households in Akharin. 11680 food packages, each included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice ,2 kg beans, 2 kg red lentils, 2 kg green lentils ,2 kg cracked wheat, 3 kg sugar ,3 kg pasta ,1 kg tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute. |
Ref 147 | Project title | Emergency Food Relief to Internally Displaced Syrians in Akhtarin-Aleppo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 84.900 USD | 100 % | IBC | United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) | 02-01-2016 - 27-01-2017 02.01.2016 – 27.01.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project was targeting the distribution of monthly food packages to the families in Aleppo to Akhatarin . Type of population served is IDPs led from civil war in Aleppo and moved to Akhtarin for safety. IBC ensure to access food for 2200 Syrian Households in Akharin. 2200 food packages, each included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice ,2 kg beans, 2 kg red lentils, 2 kg green lentils ,2 kg cracked wheat, 3 kg sugar ,3 kg pasta ,1 kg tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute . |
Ref 148 | Project title | 5 Solar Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Somalia | 75,000 £ | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal UK (PA UK) | 01-08-2017 - 15-10-2017 1/08/2017 To 15/10/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The main goal of this project is the rehabilitation of 5 solar water wells in Kismayo Somalia in order to increase the access to safe and clean water for IDPs and host communities and to improve the hygienic and sanitary facilities and services in Kismayo IDP Camps. This goal is achieved thanks to the construction of 3 new shallow wells, the conduction of sanitation awareness campaigns in the target camps namely: Xadi one, Xaashi, Farxaan, Bus one, Bus two, Bus three, Yamman, Baraawe, Waamo one, Waamo two and Xamdi two and the distribution of water collection containers to IDP households. The total number of beneficiaries is 2,498 families. |
Ref 149 | Project title | Distribution of Ready to Eat Met Curry Paks in N. Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 2.813.761,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal UK (PA UK) | 01-09-2017 - 30-10-2017 1/09/2017 To 30/10/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The distribution of pack composed by 250 gr of uncooked meat and 250 gr of sauce. The selection of beneficiaries is based on the level of poverty and impossibility to manage the run of the family, the total number amounts to 15360 families settled in different camps in Azez district of Aleppo North Syria, the camps are Bab al Salaam, Scu, Bab al Nour ve Eman. |
Ref 150 | Project title | Provide information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Turkey, and linking them to protection services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 789,034.45 USD | 100 % | IBC | World Vision International | 12-05-2017 - 31-03-2018 12/05/2017 To 31/03/2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The estimated number of beneficiaries target by action is 71.885, the vulnerable refugees and their needs are identified and are linked with the right information to regularize their status to access social service and to improve their living conditions and well-being. The principal objective is to ensure that vulnerable refugees in Turkey are protected from harm, until lasting solutions are modeled and integrated into government systems. |
Ref 151 | Project title | Distribution of Food Parcels to Refugees in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 40,740.00 USD | 100 % | IBC | Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS) | 15-07-2017 - 15-12-2017 15/07/2017 To 15/12/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Kilis city center there are more than seven thousand Syrian household, meaning 120000 individuals. Through this project, IBC provides food parcels to 150 Syrian households in Kilis for 6 months. There are no specific criteria for selected the beneficiaries within this population. Each food parcel include: 2 liters of sunflower oil, 2 kg of granulated sugar, 1 kg of sugar cubes, 500 grams of black tea, 2 kgs of flour, 750 grams of tomato paste, 750 grams of canned peas, 1 kg of pasta, 500 grams of orzo, 500 grams of semolina, 400 grams of black olives, 2 Kgs of rice, 1 kg of red lentils, 1 kg of bulgur, 750 grams of salt, 1 jar of jam, 2 packs of instant soup. |
Ref 152 | Project title | Women Support Centre-Sultanbeyli, Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 100000 GBP | 100 % | IBC | World Jewish Relief | 01-06-2017 - 28-02-2018 1/06/2017 To 31/10/2017 extended until 28.02.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The total number of beneficiaries of this project is 1600 women between the ages of 18-59, 405 girls between the ages of 15-18 and 100 children under 15 years old. The objects of the present project are creating an opportunity for women to set up and maintain their own business through microfinance, improving life skills capacity of Syrian Women living in Sultanbeyli for their empowerment. The concrete outcomes of the objects are the provision of courses on entrepreneurship, vocational, skills trainings, capacity building in order to develop their capacity to maintain their wellbeing. |
Ref 153 | Project title | Ramadan Food Pack Distribution | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 8,000 £ | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 24-05-2017 - 18-06-2017 24/05/2017 To 18/06/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project is aimed to provide a food parcels to be distributed to the people in need during Ramadan, the beneficiaries are in particular the Syrian Refugees families in Sultanbeyli district of Istanbul where more than 36000 Syrian live with heavy poverty problems, running of food, hygiene and other basic needs and depending on humanitarian support. The total number of beneficiaries is 300 Syrian families (1256 individuals). |
Ref 154 | Project title | Emergency food response for ID s fled Idlb | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 10,000 £ | 100 % | IBC | UMCOR | 30-04-2015 - 10-04-2017 30.04.2015 - 10.04.2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Targeted beneficiaries for this project were living in Idlb. After the Chemical attack around 40000 people fled the towns and run to the countryside for safety. One of the emerging needs was for hygiene and utensils, in this framework a total of 300 families or 1412 individuals were reached through this project. The activities conducted were focused on the distribution of monthly food packages planned between 10-30 April and implemented between 20-30 th April. |
Ref 155 | Project title | Educational and Recreational Activities Support for Syrian children in Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1,068,670.00 TRY | 100 % | IBC | UNHCR | 01-01-2017 - 30-09-2017 01/01/2017 – 30/09/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project was carried out in Islahiye/Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa. The main goal was to improve Turkish language skills of Syrian children primarily between 5-12 years old, it aims to bridge the language skills gap. |
Ref 156 | Project title | Cash-for-Work and Food Aid for Displaced People in Sultanbeyli and Küçükçekmece | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 987.885,00 EUR | 100 % | IBC | GIZ-Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit | 15-11-2017 - 15-04-2018 15.11.2017 - 15.04.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In three months, this project aimed to stabilized the economic living conditions of 320 Syrian refugees and 80 vulnerable Turkish households in the work places of Küçükçemece and Sultanbeyli municipalities (Istanbul) through Cash-for-Work measures. |
Ref 157 | Project title | Emergency Food Aid Project for Conflict Affected Communities in West Mosul, Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 99,998 USD | 100 % | IBC | United Methodist Committee on Relief of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church (UMCOR) | 19-11-2017 - 26-12-2017 19/11/2017 To 26/12/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Project purpose is to provide emergency food aid to approx. 5,200 vulnerable, conflict-affected beneficiary individuals in West Mosul. |
Ref 158 | Project title | Capacity Bulding of Schools Affected by Van Earthquake | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 100,00 £ | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-11-2017 - 01-02-2018 15/11/2017 To 01/02/2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Van earthquake was a destructive magnitude 7.1 M earthquake that struck eastern Turkey near the city of Van on Sunday, 23 October 2011. 47 schools in city of Van and 26 in the countryside of province of Van are damaged. The Goal of the Project is providing schools affected by the earthquake with computers an IT system. Computers classes will be established in seven schools in İpekyolu town of Van, each school will have a computer class of 15 computers, one server, one projector, one printer scanner and copy machine, 15 tables, 15 chairs. Thank to that 600 students from each school in total around 4200 children will have access to computer. |
Ref 159 | Project title | Hygiene Needs Response to Syrian refugee families in Kilis Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Internatıional Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 13,000 £ | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 20-10-2017 - 20-11-2017 20/10/2017 To 20/11/2017 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kilis is the district that hosts Syrian refugee population more than its own population. That creates huge nutrition, health and infrastructure problems for the local authority and state organs that struggling to meet the needs of the refugee community. In this context, the aim is the distribution of Hygiene kits and first aid kits to Syrian refugees fled to Turkey and accommodated in Kilis, to fulfill the demand of hygiene materials of the Syrian families. In total 650 families will benefit from the project and get monthly hygiene materials. The packages are composed by: Shampoo - 759 ml Shaving foam - 250 ml Gillete - 5 pieces Tooth brush for adults - 4 pieces Tooth brush for children - 2 pieces Tooth paste - 100 ml Tooth paste - 200 ml Women ped -10 pieces Nail cutter Soap - 5 pieces Children pumpers Plastic pot Hand towel Detergent - 2 kg Baby powder First aid kit |
Ref 160 | Project title | Food Packages Response to Syrian refugee families in Klis-Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | £5000 | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 27-11-2017 - 27-02-2018 27.11.2017 – 27.02.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project was targeting the distribution of monthly food packages to the families in Kilis. IBC ensure to access food for 200 Syrian Households in Kilis. 200 food packages, each included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice ,2 kg beans, 2 kg red lentils, 2 kg green lentils ,2 kg cracked wheat, 3 kg sugar ,2 kg pasta ,830 gr Tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute. |
Ref 161 | Project title | Rehabilitation of 3 Existing Solar Water Wells and Solar Grid in Kismayo Surrounding Districts IDPs and Host Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Somalia | 69,185.50 USD | 100 % | IBC | Penny Appeal | 28-11-2017 - 28-02-2018 28.11.2017 – 28.02.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The center of the problem is who governs the Port City of Kismayo. In mid -2012 , AMISOM / KENDA DEFENSE FORCES (KDF )and Somalia National Army took control of Kismayo .The escalation of the conflict resulted in more insecurity, trade distribution , a restricted flow of commodities and the poor purchasing power of people in conflict affected district such as Kismayo ,Afmadow and Badhaadl. There are about 30,600 IDPs in the region displaced from Kismayo alone. Due to long dry spell and Gu’ failures , frequently most surface water dry up leading to a high concentration of pastoralist around borehole areas. Increased cases of acute watery diarrhea (awd) are reported in Kismayo as a result of poor water quality The project will target increased access to safe and clean water for IDPs and host communities in Kismayo and Afmadow districts of IDP Camps. Also to give solar generated electricity to 3 more schools, mosques and other public buildings with activities of rehabilitation of 3 more existing shallow wells in IDPs camps. Total number of beneficiaries will be 1078 families |
Ref 162 | Project title | Building Refugee Initiatives in İstanbul- Sultanbeyli | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 250.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | International Organization for Migration | 01-09-2017 - 31-03-2018 01.09.2017 – 28.02.2018 Extended until 31.03.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aims to help alleviate, to a degree, the effect of the migrations in the form of language barriers, absence of non-formal education opportunities , lack of safe spaces and support for children and youth due to poor housing and domestic conditions , level of distress within households stemming especially from financial challenges and post-war traumas, or a general lack of information in regard to access to rights, emerging as a direct result of aforementioned problems IBC aim to establish a community hub in Sultanbeyli that will provide beneficiaries with a number of necessary services under one roof . The project will target Syrian students, Syrian and Turkish children and adolescents, Syrian and Turkish parents, and non Syrian refugee parents and individuals. Main activities to be implemented during to course of this project are non-formal education and psychosocial support through the establishment of kids ,youth and parent clubs and information dissemination and legal assistance through the establishment of an info hub and outreach teams in Sultanbeyli |
Ref 163 | Project title | Provide Health Assistance to vulnerable populations | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 4.876.000 USD | 100 % | IBC | Medical Teams Internatıonal | 01-09-2017 - 30-09-2018 01.09.2017 – 30.09.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The project aim is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of vulnerable communities (including but not limited to asylum seekers,refugees,internaly displaced persons and host communities) through the provision of medical and health products, (MHP) , primary healthcare , and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) In this frame every month one or two containers of medical consumables and devices are distributed to respond the needs of the hospitals and clinics in Idleb and Aleppo provinces of North Syria |
Ref 164 | Project title | Supporting the Turkish Ministry of Health to Provide Specialized and Preventive Health Care to Syrian Refugees | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 461,590 USD | 100 % | IBC | Relief International | 01-01-2018 - 24-09-2018 01.01.2018 - 24.09.2018 |
NONE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
IBC will target all age and gender groups among refugees in Gaziantep and Sanliurfa, with a focus on children aged 8-13 and 15-18 – ages at the highest risk of dental caries. In addition to IBC’s community centers and child friendly spaces, mobile outreach teams will deliver the activities in community centers and child friendly spaces managed by other relief organizations. Refugees living in urban areas will mainly be targeted; however, the mobile teams will also be able to reach refugees living in rural places around the above-mentioned areas of operation in Gaziantep and Sanlıurfa. |
Ref 165 | Project title | Building Refugee Initiatives for Child Development , Growth and Education - BRIDGE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1,315,381 USD | 100% | IBC | US Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and migration BPRM via Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | 01-01-2018 - 16-11-2018 01 January 2016 – 16 November 2018 |
Municipality of Kilis, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Family and Social Policy, Public Education Centers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Budget of Activity: 2016 302,625 [USD], 2017 694,493 [USD], 2018 318,263 [USD], Total 1,315,381 [USD] Target Group: Vulnerable Syrian refugee families in Gaziantep and Kilis, Turkey Sector: Work opportunities, psychosocial support Related to (sub)theme Theme I, III: The BRIDGE project provided Turkish courses for Syrian mother clubs, father clubs and youth clubs, integrating them with host communities, and providing an essential skill that facilitates more job opportunities in the local market. These students received certificates that are recognized by Turkish authorities, a difficult yet critical recognition for obtaining employment. The project also opened new courses for mother clubs such as mosaic creation, ceramics and jewelry design, in response to beneficiary requests, as a way to improve their skills that can contribute to income generation. The program provided vulnerable Syrian refugee families with access to quality formal and non-formal learning opportunities, psychosocial support services, and information and opportunities to foster a sense of belonging and well-being in Gaziantep and Kilis. Outcome(s) Increased Turkish Language Skills • 1,050 people attended Turkish language classes • 450 beneficiaries in Gaziantep, 600 beneficiaries in Kilis Provided information and referral services: • 400 people receive information and referrals • 200 beneficiaries in Gaziantep, 200 beneficiaries in Kilis Created and Supported Parents Groups: • 360 parents over the age of 18 participated in clubs • 136 Syrian and 24 Turkish beneficiaries in Gaziantep • 170 Syrian and 30 Turkish beneficiaries in Kilis Organized catch-up classes and provided materials for students: • 800 students attended catch up classes and received their necessary textbooks and materials • 300 students in Gaziantep, 500 students in Kilis Provided tutoring and remedial support: • 400 students received tutoring services for 14 months • 200 beneficiaries in Gaziantep, 200 beneficiaries in Kilis Supported Formal Schools: • 3 schools received rent, utilities and rehabilitation support for 14 months Created and Supported Kids and Youth Clubs • 1,280 kids and youth participate in clubs • 384 Syrian and 96 Turkish beneficiaries in Gaziantep • 640 Syrian and 160 Turkish beneficiaries in Kilis Maintained Child Friendly Spaces: • 320 children aged between 5-12 participated in CFSs • 120 beneficiaries in Gaziantep, 200 beneficiaries in Kilis |
Ref 166 | Project title | Strengthening Social Cohesion between Syrian Refugees and Turkish Host Communities – Multi Service Centres (MSC) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 828,435 EURO | 100% | IBC | Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) | 01-04-2018 - 31-05-2019 01 April 2018 – 31 May 2019 |
Municipality of Kilis, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Family and Social Policy, Public Education Centers | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Related to (sub) theme Theme I, III: The project provides various services to Syrian refugees based in Kilis through activities to improve economic and social integration within the host community and to promote the well-being of Syrian refugees through psychosocial support and related care. To bolster the life skills and employment prospects of participants, the program offers vocational courses in Hairdressing, Computers, Recycling, Cooking, Marketing and Entrepreneurship, and Rug & Carpet Making activities. These are also complemented with Turkish language courses, and other related courses include first aid, health education, and graphics, journalism and media design. Participants also receive individual and group support through to counseling, stress management, psycho-education, workshops on human development, physical activities, and peace-building activities. Outcome(s) By the end of the program, it will reach at least 25,000 beneficiaries. So far, the following have been reached through the vocational and income-generation focused courses: • Vocational Courses: 342 beneficiaries completed so far. • Hairdressing Course: • Home Decoration: # • Recycling Course: # • Turkish Language Course: 421 beneficiaries completed. |
Ref 167 | Project title | Cash for Work – In İstanbul Province, Sultanbeyli and Küçükçekmece Counties for Syrian Refugees and Host Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 2,491,216 EURO | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 15-11-2017 - 31-12-2018 15 November 2017 – 31 December 2018 |
Küçükçekmece and Sultanbeyli Municipalities and local refugee solidarity associations. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian migrants who are under temporarily protection (50%) and host community members (50%), between the ages of 18-65 in Küçükçemece and Sultanbeyli Sector Work opportunities Related to (sub)theme Theme III: Through this program, Syrians and selected host community members received temporary employment through a cash for work scheme that partnered with municipalities to address public infrastructure needs. This included small rehabilitation works, repairs and cleaning of schools, and the program supported provided them with monthly wages of about €500 per month, and covered the costs associated with work permits for Syrian beneficiaries, overcoming a major obstacle for some employers. Outcome(s) • Short-term response increased income generation options of Syrian and host community populations (1100 beneficiaries) who are in need through temporary employment, providing needed cash to selected families. • Opportunities generated for recovery and rehabilitation of infrastructure in selected locations of intervention zones/counties of the project. |
Ref 168 | Project title | Improving Access to Services for Syrian Refugees Living in İstanbul; and Building Refugee Initiatives in İstanbul-Sultanbeyli | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 408,803 EURO + 504,226 USD | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration | 01-09-2017 - 31-03-2019 1 September 2017 – 31 March 2019 |
Sultanbeyli Municipality, Mülteciler Foundation, Kizilay (Turkish Red Crescent), Public Education Center, Sabancı University, Maltepe University, Koç University, YUVA, ASBİM | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Budget of Activity 2016:408,803 [EURO], 2017: 252,113 [USD], 2018 :252.113 [USD], Total : 408,803 [EURO]+504,226 [USD] Target Group Syrian students, Syrian and Turkish children and adolescents, Syrian and Turkish parents, and non-Syrian refugee parents and individuals in İstanbul Turkey Sector Improving prospects for refugees Related to (sub)theme Theme II, III: This program provided Turkish and English language courses through Public Education Center Curriculum (i.e., those formally recognized by the Government of Turkey and thereby critical for further education or employment opportunities) to selected beneficiaries of non-formal education. In prior iterations of this program, it also included sewing courses. Non-Formal Education: The project aimed to help alleviate, to a degree, the negative effects of migration in the form of language barriers, absence of non-formal education opportunities, lack of safe spaces and support for children and youth due to poor housing and domestic conditions, levels of distress within households stemming especially from financial challenges and post-war traumas, and a general lack of information in regard to access to rights, emerging as a direct result of aforementioned problems. Outcome(s) IBC established a community hub in Sultanbeyli that provided beneficiaries with a number of necessary services under one roof. The main activities implemented during the course of this project were non-formal education and psychosocial support through the establishment of kids, youth and parent clubs and information dissemination and legal assistance through the establishment of an information hub and outreach teams in Sultanbeyli. Estimated numbers of beneficiaries reached around 30,000 individuals in İstanbul with at least one of the services provided. Specifically, the program improved the living conditions of refugee and host community children, youth and parents through psychosocial support. Approximately 500 person benefits from PSS activities in Sultanbeyli per month. It also improved access to non-formal education for children, youth and parents. Approximately 50 individuals benefits from language courses per month. Finally, it improved knowledge and awareness on legal rights and available services through information dissemination and legal assistance. Approximately 900 beneficiary benefits from this services per month. |
Ref 169 | Project title | Supporting Specialized and Preventive Health Care Services for Refugee Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 622.261,53 USD | 100% | IBC | Relief International | 01-01-2018 - 15-11-2018 1 January 2018-15 November 2018 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Health Care Services Related to (sub)theme The goal of the project is to improve the oral health of the refugee population, including children, living in urban and rural reas in Gaziantep and Sanliurfa through dental hygiene promotion. The expected outcome will be reached through two means: fixed team and outreach team. Indeed, IBC has community centres and child friendly spaces in the mentioned areas of operation. A room within those facilities will be re-decorated and furnished appropriately to hold the dental hygiene promotion activities. The dental hygiene activities will be delivered in IBC’s mentioned facilities but they will also be delivered by the outreach team who will deliver the activities in other community centres and child friendly spaces managed by other relief organizations (for example ASSAM, UOSSM facilities). This combined approach will allow to reach different areas of Gaziantep and Sanliurfa and will allow better coordination and integrated approaches between the different relief organizations. Outcome(s) The estimated number of beneficiaries target by action was 10.000. However we reached 12.800. |
Ref 170 | Project title | Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Turkey, and linking them to protection services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1.647.597 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision | 01-04-2017 - 31-03-2019 1 April 2017-31 March 2019 |
IGAM, Watan | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector PSS and protection Related to (sub)theme Principle objective: Ensure that vulnerable refugees in Turkey are protected from harm, until lasting solutions are modelled and integrated into government systems - resulting in sustainable and equitable access to services for refugees Specific Objective: Vulnerable refugees and their specific needs are identified, and are linked with the right information to regularize their status to access social services and to improve their living conditions and well-being. Project aims to reach 7.500 direct beneficiaries in four locations. Expected Results: 1-Refugees are aware of their rights and obligations 2-The most vulnerable refugees identified are able to access quality services in accordance to Turkish law and regulation (TP and IP) 3-Protection situations are locally monitored and advocacy with key stakeholders is enhanced Outcome(s) The estimated number of beneficiaries target by action was 2060 |
Ref 171 | Project title | Provision of Winterization Kits to Syrian Refugee Children in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 4010,00 USD | 100% | IBC | Hands International | 15-02-2017 - 15-03-2017 15 February 2017 – 15 March 2017 |
Hands International | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Syrian Refugees living in Kilis are exhausting resources such as food, shelter, health, hygiene materials, clothes and shoes for the children and also educational material for Syrian students. IBC tried to cover some part of these needs with help project but did not meet the needs of all 120.000 community based refugees With this program IBC is able to cover the winter needs of 100 children living in rural areas of Kilis. The total number of that will benefit is 163 and each winter package will include a winter coat boots ,sweater ,gloves, beanie and socks |
Ref 172 | Project title | Empowerment of Employability in North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 101,077 USD | 100% | IBC | Lutheran World Relief | 01-01-2017 - 25-09-2017 01 January 2017 – 25 September 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Livelihood Related to (sub)theme The Syrian Civil War has caused the displacement of approximately millions of people in Northern Syria alone and the lack of basic food. Due to the fighting, bread production has decreased and people don’t have the means to produce the bread. Also many bakeries in Aleppo have been bombed and destroyed during the course of the conflict. After detailed evaluation of the situation of bakeries in Northern Syria, IBC proposes to renovate and provide raw materials for bakeries in Akhhtarin and Sawran which is district of Aleppo and employ 30 bakery worker in two bakeries which will produce 9 tons breads on a daily basis. |
Ref 173 | Project title | Rehabilitation of Production ın Marea Bakery - North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 50.000 USD | 100% | IBC | Lutheran World Relief | 01-07-2017 - 30-09-2017 01 July 2017 – 30 September 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Livelihood Related to (sub)theme The main objective of this project is to implement the bread production in Marea region and in the neighboring villages supporting the only oven in the city center of Marea which provides the regular apportion of bread needed by the people of the region. The amount of beneficiaries is more than 7000 families, for these people the price of the bread is around 200-250 Syrian liras per pack, with the support of the oven can be decrease in half. The regular maintenance and fuel provided is important to maintain a fixed and appropriate price to allow people to get it easily, as it is a basic staple of the local diet. The goals achieved are the reduction and the stability of the bread price; the production of a sufficient quantity of bread on a daily basis; the periodic maintenance and fuel of the oven; the provision of a wheat flour and the capacity to maintain a fully staffed of 15 people with well-paid employees |
Ref 174 | Project title | Emergency Food Distribution to Internally Displaced People in Akhtarin, Aleppo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Aleppo-North Syria | 19,845 USD | 100% | IBC | International Development and Relief Foundation (IDFR) | 15-02-2017 - 31-03-2017 15 February 2017 – 31 March 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme Level of conflict across Syria has gradually increased since April 2016. Akharin is a small city which is 40 km away from Aleppo and started to receive IDP’s from Aleppo. With this program IBC is able to cover food needs of 400 families newly arrived for living in Aktharin Main goal of this project is to ensure access for food needs of IDP’ who fled to North Syria from Aleppo. IBC ensure to access food for 400 Syrian Households in Akharin. 400 food packages which included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice kg beans, 2 kg green lentils, 2 red lentils kg, 2 cracked wheat , 3 kg sugar, 3 kg pasta ,1 kg tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute. |
Ref 175 | Project title | Akçakale Mental Health and Psychosocial Community Center | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 513,635 TRY | 100% | IBC | Medecin Sans Frontieres MSF | 01-01-2017 - 30-07-2017 01 Janury 2017-30 July 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector PSS Related to (sub)theme The project is aimed to alleviate suffering caused by mental health disorders among the refugee population living in Akçakale, Turkey. Main activities will be individual and group counselling , services to build capacities and skills and increase awareness on MHPSS services. The humanitarian assistance provided by the project based in Şanlıurfa-Akçakale is focused on the alleviation of suffering caused by mental health disorders among the refugee population living in Akçakale. The specific objectives are as follows: Individual and group counseling; The elaboration of building skills activities to facilitates the integration into a new society; The organization of events to promote mental health and the creation of psychoeducation sessions; The identification and mapping of community stakeholders and service providers in order to provide an efficient service. Considering this point, it is also important the organization of training for staff, the weekly supervision and the regular screening and reports provided to control the quality of MHPSS services. |
Ref 176 | Project title | Emergency Food Relief to Internally Displaced Syrians in Akhtarin-Aleppo | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 84.900 USD | 100% | IBC | United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) | 02-01-2016 - 27-01-2017 02 January 2016 - 27 January 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme The project was targeting the distribution of monthly food packages to the families in Aleppo to Akhatarin . Type of population served is IDPs led from civil war in Aleppo and moved to Akhtarin for safety. IBC ensure to access food for 2200 Syrian Households in Akharin. 2200 food packages, each included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice ,2 kg beans, 2 kg red lentils, 2 kg green lentils ,2 kg cracked wheat, 3 kg sugar ,3 kg pasta ,1 kg tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute . |
Ref 177 | Project title | 5 Solar Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Somalia | 75,000 Euro | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal UK (PA UK) | 01-08-2017 - 15-10-2017 01 August 2017 – 15 October 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Somalian Families Sector Water Wells Related to (sub)theme The main goal of this project is the rehabilitation of 5 solar water wells in Kismayo Somalia in order to increase the access to safe and clean water for IDPs and host communities and to improve the hygienic and sanitary facilities and services in Kismayo IDP Camps. This goal is achieved thanks to the construction of 3 new shallow wells, the conduction of sanitation awareness campaigns in the target camps namely: Xadi one, Xaashi, Farxaan, Bus one, Bus two, Bus three, Yamman, Baraawe, Waamo one, Waamo two and Xamdi two and the distribution of water collection containers to IDP households. The total number of beneficiaries is 2,498 families. |
Ref 178 | Project title | Distribution of Ready to Eat Met Curry Paks in N. Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 2.813.761 Euro | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal UK (PA UK) | 01-09-2017 - 30-10-2017 01 September 2017 – 30 October 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Water Wells Related to (sub)theme The distribution of pack composed by 250 gr of uncooked meat and 250 gr of sauce. The selection of beneficiaries is based on the level of poverty and impossibility to manage the run of the family, the total number amounts to 15360 families settled in different camps in Azez district of Aleppo North Syria, the camps are Bab al Salaam, Scu, Bab al Nour ve Eman. |
Ref 179 | Project title | Distribution of Food Parcels to Refugees in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 40,740.00 USD | 100% | IBC | Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS) | 15-07-2017 - 15-12-2017 15 July 2017 – 15 December 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme In Kilis city center there are more than seven thousand Syrian household, meaning 120000 individuals. Through this project, IBC provides food parcels to 150 Syrian households in Kilis for 6 months. There are no specific criteria for selected the beneficiaries within this population. Each food parcel include: 2 liters of sunflower oil, 2 kg of granulated sugar, 1 kg of sugar cubes, 500 grams of black tea, 2 kgs of flour, 750 grams of tomato paste, 750 grams of canned peas, 1 kg of pasta, 500 grams of orzo, 500 grams of semolina, 400 grams of black olives, 2 Kgs of rice, 1 kg of red lentils, 1 kg of bulgur, 750 grams of salt, 1 jar of jam, 2 packs of instant soup. |
Ref 180 | Project title | Ramadan Food Pack Distribution | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 8000 EURO | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 24-05-2017 - 18-06-2017 24 May 2017 – 18 June 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme The project is aimed to provide a food parcels to be distributed to the people in need during Ramadan, the beneficiaries are in particular the Syrian Refugees families in Sultanbeyli district of Istanbul where more than 36000 Syrian live with heavy poverty problems, running of food, hygiene and other basic needs and depending on humanitarian support. The total number of beneficiaries is 300 Syrian families (1256 individuals). |
Ref 181 | Project title | Educational and Recreational Activities Support for Syrian children in Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 1,068,670.00 TRY | 100% | IBC | UNHCR | 01-01-2017 - 30-09-2017 01 January 2017- 30 September 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Non Formal Education Related to (sub)theme The project was carried out in Islahiye/Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa. The main goal was to improve Turkish language skills of Syrian children primarily between 5-12 years old, it aims to bridge the language skills gap. |
Ref 182 | Project title | Emergency Food Aid Project for Conflict Affected Communities in West Mosul, Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 99,998 USD | 100% | IBC | United Methodist Committee on Relief of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church (UMCOR) | 19-11-2017 - 26-12-2017 19 November 2017 – 26 December 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Mosul Citizens Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme The Project purpose is to provide emergency food aid to approx. 5,200 vulnerable, conflict-affected beneficiary individuals in West Mosul. |
Ref 183 | Project title | Capacity Bulding of Schools Affected by Van Earthquake | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 100.000 EURO | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-11-2017 - 01-02-2018 15 November 2017 – 01 February 2018 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Earthquake victims Sector Natural Disasters Related to (sub)theme The Van earthquake was a destructive magnitude 7.1 M earthquake that struck eastern Turkey near the city of Van on Sunday, 23 October 2011. 47 schools in city of Van and 26 in the countryside of province of Van are damaged. The Goal of the Project is providing schools affected by the earthquake with computers an IT system. Computers classes will be established in seven schools in İpekyolu town of Van, each school will have a computer class of 15 computers, one server, one projector, one printer scanner and copy machine, 15 tables, 15 chairs. Thank to that 600 students from each school in total around 4200 children will have access to computer. |
Ref 184 | Project title | Hygiene Needs Response to Syrian refugee families in Kilis Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 13.000 EURO | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 20-10-2017 - 20-11-2017 20 October 2017 – 20 November 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Health Assistance Related to (sub)theme Kilis is the district that hosts Syrian refugee population more than its own population. That creates huge nutrition, health and infrastructure problems for the local authority and state organs that struggling to meet the needs of the refugee community. In this context, the aim is the distribution of Hygiene kits and first aid kits to Syrian refugees fled to Turkey and accommodated in Kilis, to fulfill the demand of hygiene materials of the Syrian families. In total 650 families will benefit from the project and get monthly hygiene materials. The packages are composed by: Shampoo - 759 ml Shaving foam - 250 ml Gillete - 5 pieces Tooth brush for adults - 4 pieces Tooth brush for children - 2 pieces Tooth paste - 100 ml Tooth paste - 200 ml Women ped -10 pieces Nail cutter Soap - 5 pieces Children pumpers Plastic pot Hand towel Detergent - 2 kg Baby powder First aid kit |
Ref 185 | Project title | Food Packages Response to Syrian refugee families in Kilis-Turkey | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 5000 Euro | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 27-11-2017 - 27-02-2018 27 November 2017 – 27 February 2018 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme The project was targeting the distribution of monthly food packages to the families in Kilis. IBC ensure to access food for 200 Syrian Households in Kilis. 200 food packages, each included 5 lt Oil, 3 Kg Rice ,2 kg beans, 2 kg red lentils, 2 kg green lentils ,2 kg cracked wheat, 3 kg sugar ,2 kg pasta ,830 gr Tomato Paste, 0.5 kg tea will distribute . |
Ref 186 | Project title | Rehabilitation of 3 Existing Solar Water Wells and Solar Grid in Kismayo Surrounding Districts IDPs and Host Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Somalia | 69,185.50 USD | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 28-11-2017 - 28-02-2018 28 November 2017-28 February 2018 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Somalian Families Sector Water Wells Related to (sub)theme The center of the problem is who governs the Port City of Kismayo. In mid -2012 , AMISOM / KENDA DEFENSE FORCES (KDF) and Somalia National Army took control of Kismayo .The escalation of the conflict resulted in more insecurity, trade distribution , a restricted flow of commodities and the poor purchasing power of people in conflict affected district such as Kismayo ,Afmadow and Badhaadl. There are about 30,600 IDPs in the region displaced from Kismayo alone. Due to long dry spell and Gu’ failures , frequently most surface water dry up leading to a high concentration of pastoralist around borehole areas . İncreased cases of acute watery diarrhea (awd) are reported in Kismayo as a result of poor water quality The project will target increased access to safe and clean water for IDPs and host communities in Kismayo and Afmadow districts of IDP Camps. Also to give solar generated electricity to 3 more schools, mosques and other public buildings with activities of rehabilitation of 3 more existing shallow wells in IDPs camps. Total number of beneficiaries will be 1078 families |
Ref 187 | Project title | Provide Health Assistance to vulnerable populations | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 200.000 USD | 100% | IBC | MTI Medical Teams International | 01-09-2017 - 30-09-2017 01 September 2017 – 30 September 2017 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities and host communities Sector Health Assistance Related to (sub)theme The project aim is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of vulnerable communities (including but not limited to asylum seekers,refugees,internaly displaced persons and host communities) through the provision of medical and health products, (MHP) , primary healthcare , and mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) |
Ref 188 | Project title | Social Inclusion and Cohesion Program for Syrian Refugees in Turkey – Multipurpose Development Centers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Turkey | 2.007.457 EURO | 100% | IBC | Expertise France | 01-07-2016 - 30-06-2019 01 July 2016 – 30 June 2019 |
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugee Communities Child and Youth Sector Social Cohesion Related to (sub)theme This project is consisted of two parts: Child Caravan and Youth Development Center. Main objectives of both establishments are as follows: - Contribute to enrollment of Syrian children in formal Turkish schools - Enhance levels of education - Enhance language capacities - Assist adaptation and orientation - Increase intercommunal communication - Alleviate hygiene and health related problems - Alleviate nutrition related problems - Develop artistic skills and competence Involve children in music, theater and other related activities |
Ref 189 | Project title | Provision of Winterization kits to Syrian Refugees in Istanbul – Sultanbeyli District | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 19,080,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 03-12-2018 - 03-02-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Türkiye Target Group Vulnerable Syrian refugee families in the Sultanbeyli district of Istanbul, Türkiye Sector Winterization kits Outcome 2000 refugees got winterization kits in the Sultanbeyli District of Istanbul |
Ref 190 | Project title | Supporting Health Services Providers in North Syria with the Distribution of Medical Consumables | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 11,400,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 23-10-2018 - 31-12-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region North Syria Target Group Syrian Health Services Providers Sector Health Outcome(s) Health materials, medical consumables and disinfection materials provided to four PHU s in N Syria |
Ref 191 | Project title | Temporary Cash Aid Project for Syrian Refugees in Küçükçekmece and Sultanbeyli Districts of İstanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,773,559,27 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 15-11-2017 - 31-12-2018 | Küçükçekmece (Istanbul) and Sultanbeyli (Istanbul) Municipalities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Syrian Refugees above age 18 Sector Cash For Work Outcome(s) 250 Syrian refugees and 250 local poor Turkish citizens are employed in municipalities of Sultanbeyli and Küçükçekmece Municipalities to overcome the burden that influx of tens of thousands new refugees caused for the municipality services (local) partners Küçükçekmece(Istanbul) and Sultanbeyli(Istanbul) Municipalities |
Ref 192 | Project title | Supporting the Turkish Ministry of Health to Provide Specialized and Preventive Health Care to Syrian Refugees | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 622,261,53 USD | 100% | IBC | Relief International | 01-01-2018 - 15-11-2018 | Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Istanbul Sancaktepe - Sultanbeyli Districts and Bursa Health Ministry Directorates | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Istanbul-Sultanbeyli, Istanbul-sancaktepe, and Bursa. Türkiye Target Group Syrian refugees Sector Protection Outcome(s) Contribute to building a more resilient and informed refugee community in Türkiye through the provision of specialized and preventive health services, which reduces the burden on the Turkish health care system-Hygiene training in Kilis Gaziantep and Sanlıurfa to hundreds of Syrian refugees provided and around 2000 refugee families get hygiene packages support for six months (local) partners Gaziantep,Şanlıurfa,Istanbul Sancaktepe-Sultanbeylki Districts and Bursa Health Ministry Directorates |
Ref 193 | Project title | Rehabilitation of Water System in Karakopru Camp, Azaz, Aleppo District Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 17,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-06-2018 - 15-09-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Syrian IDPs in Azaz, Aleppo Sector Wash Related to (sub)theme Karakopru camp is a camp consisting of 544 containers where 544 Syrian families 2916 people live in severe conditions. After war in Afrin and eastern Ghuta more people moved to barracks around the camp. This way the needs for food, water, hygiene, and watsan increased dramatically. The only water well and distribution system in karakopru is established for a capacity of 2500 people in the region and needs its capacity to be increased to 5500 people in order to meet the clean water needs of the people in camp and settled around the camp in addition to the rehabilitation and capacity building of the water well in needs the laying additional pipes for delivery to the barracks around. Outcome(s) Hygiene packages distributed to 500 IDP families living in the camp |
Ref 194 | Project title | Improving Access to Services for Syrian Refugees Living in Sultanbeyli, İstanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 252,113 USD | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 15-06-2018 - 15-12-2018 | Sultanbeyli Municipality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Syrian Refugee Communities Sector Protection Related to (sub)theme
Outcome(s) More than 3000 Syrians got different vocational skills and Turkish language training, legal and health and psychosocial support provided to more than 5000 Syrian refugees live in the district of Sultanbeyli Istanbul through the community center IBC run |
Ref 195 | Project title | Multipurpose Training Centre – Child Caravan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 72,428 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-06-2018 - 30-11-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Protection and Education Outcome A child caravan was generated and settled to the Refugees Center in Sultanbeyli to serve the educational and psychosocial needs of Syrian and host children. Through the project more than 2000 children managed to have access to different educational activities and use the digital systems and library of the child caravan. The caravan moved to different schools hosting both Turkish and Syrian children and different integration activities implemented too |
Ref 196 | Project title | Supporting the Turkish Ministry of Health to Provide Specialized and Preventive Health Care to Syrian Refugees | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 461,590,90 USD | 100% | IBC | Relief International | 01-01-2018 - 24-09-2018 | Ministry Of Health Bursa, Gaziantep, Sanliurfa and Istanbul Sancaktepe and Sultanbeyli Departments | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Gaziantep, Sanliurfa, Istanbul-Sultanbeyli, Istanbul-sancaktepe, and Bursa. Türkiye Target Group Syrian refugees Sector Health Outcome Contribute to building a more resilient and informed refugee community in Türkiye through provision of specialized and preventive health services, which reducing the burden on the Turkish health care system-2000 Syrian families got hygiene kits and around 2000 families got training on hygiene needs especially dental health (Mainly children and young groups)through IBC Community Centers |
Ref 197 | Project title | Improving protection, Social cohesion, and skills development services for Syrian and host communities in Kilis, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 385,701 EUR | 100% | IBC | Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Cooperation Office Amman | 01-04-2018 - 31-05-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Killis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian Refugees and host communities Sector Food Assistance Outcome Contributing to the improvement of the wellbeing of Syrian refugees, strengthening social cohesion between host and Syrian communities and improving staff capacity in Kilis, Türkiye-Around 7000 refugees benefited Percentage of the activity budget allocated via local partners Activities and budget described above were implemented 100 % by IBC and 47% of funds provided by FDFA Swiss cooperation office Amman |
Ref 198 | Project title | Emergency Food Relief Eastern Ghuta, Damascus | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 15,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 22-02-2018 - 22-03-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Southwestern Syria, Al Ghuta Damascus Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Food Assistance Outcome Access to 500 IDPs families in the besieged Eastern Ghouta and providing them with meals in the shelters |
Ref 199 | Project title | Syria Emergency Food Distribution – Ramadan 2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-05-2018 - 01-06-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Syria, Azaz Target Group IDPs Sector Food Assistance Outcome The project’s aim was to respond the monthly food needs of 1200 families living scattered around the camps. This project took place during the month of Ramadan and food packages were provided for families one-month nutritional needs.
Ref 200 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 50,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-11-2018 - 14-12-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni Families Sector Food Assistance Outcome The project’s aim was to respond the monthly food needs of 500 families living scattered around the camps. This project took place during the month of Ramadan and food packages were provided for families one-month nutritional needs. The food packages contain lentils, rice, pasta, oil, sugar, and chickpeas. |
Ref 201 | Project title | Early Recovery Shelter Aid Project for Conflict-Affected Communities in Iraq | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Iraq | 505,500 USD | 100% | IBC | UMCOR | 22-10-2018 - 22-03-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Bardarash, Akre District, Shekhan, Baadre, Al Shikhan District, Ninewa, Iraq Target Group Iraqi Families Sector Shelter-Cash for Work Outcome Through the Project immediate shelter stabilization provided to 3750 vulnerable displaced and returning households in Ninewa, Iraq. |
Ref 202 | Project title | Supporting the Turkish Ministry of Health to Provide Specialized and Preventive Health Care to Refugees | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 3,195,199 USD | 100% | IBC | Relief International | 01-01-2018 - 24-09-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Health Outcome Contribute to building a more resilient and informed refugee community in Türkiye through provision of specialized and preventive health services, which reducing the burden on the Turkish health care system.Hygiene packages mainly related with dental health provided to 2000 refugee families in six provinces in Türkiye |
Ref 203 | Project title | Cash for Work for Refugees and Host Communities in Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 1,476,398,40 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 15-09-2017 - 31-07-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and Host Communities Sector Protection Outcome This project was designed cash for work – CFW activities to temporarily stabilize the economic living conditions of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Turkish households. 650 refugees got skill training and then employed by the municipalities of Sultanbeyli and Küçükçekmece Istanbul for different municipalities services |
Ref 204 | Project title | Improving Social Services of Communıty Centers for Refugees and Host Communities in Kilis, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 439,234 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-04-2018 - 31-05-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and Host Communities Sector Protection Outcome Projects objective is contributing to the improvement of wellbeing of Syrian refugees, strengthening social cohesion between host communities and refugees and improving staff capacity in Kilis..250 refugees and Turkish citizens paid by the project budget employed by Kilis municipality for different municipality services after they got training through IBC Community Center in the city |
Ref 205 | Project title | Multi Purpose Training Center, Child Caravan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 20,985 USD | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 19-03-2018 - 19-08-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee children Sector Protection and Education Outcome The overall goal of the project is to provide a safe space for refugee children to access play and educational opportunities. A separate playground and kindergartens established I Kilis Community Center for the refugee children of mothers attending vocational trainings in the center |
Ref 206 | Project title | Building Refugee Initiatives in Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 252,254 USD | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-09-2017 - 31-03-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee communities Sector Protection` Outcome More than 2000 Syrians got different vocational skills and Turkish language trainings, legal and health and psychosocial support support provided to more than 5000 Syrian refugees live in the district of Sultanbeyli Istanbul through the community center IBC run
Ref 207 | Project title | Accessing Syrian Refugees Families to Formal and Non-formal Education | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 997,956 USD | 100% | IBC | Catholic Relief Services (CRS) | 17-12-2017 - 16-09-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee Communities Sector Education and Protection Outcome Six child friendly services in Kilis and Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa established and Turkish language, skills trainings, psychosocial activities implemented. More than 5000 Syrian children benefited from the project |
Ref 208 | Project title | Strengthening the Social Cohesion between Syrian Refugees and Turkish Host Communities – Multi Service center Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 585,613,50 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-10-2015 - 31-03-2018 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and Host Communities Sector Protection Outcome The project’s main objectives will be: Psychosocial support to Syrian Urban refugees in Kilis City through standard psychosocial services and interventions Provision of life skills to the Syrian Urban Refugees in Kilis Peacebuilding activities for social harmonization between the Turkish Host and the Syria Refugee community in Kilis Women’s solidarity area |
Ref 209 | Project title | Protection Assistance to Syrian Refugees and Social Cohesion for Communities in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 423,230,20 EUR | 100% | IBC | Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Cooperation Office Amman | 30-09-2019 - 31-05-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Kilis, Türkiye Partner PDoFLSS, Kilis Municipality, Provincial Director of Health Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Outcome This project in contributed to improving the protection of vulnerable Syrian refugees, and to supporting the cohesion atmosphere between communities. More than 6000 refugees mainly women and children benefited from the project |
Ref 210 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food and Wash response 2019-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 309,236 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-10-2019 - 15-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni Families Sector Food Assistance Outcome The project’s aim was to provide emergency food response to 2000 IDP families in Yemen. The food packages contain lentils, rice, pasta, oil, sugar, and chickpeas. Also installation of 11 water well, 8 regular and 3 solar-All activities implemented
Ref 211 | Project title | Strengthening Resilience of Refugee Hosting Countries in Response to the Syrian and Iraqi Crisis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 429,422,50 EUR | 100% | IBC | Expertise France | 01-09-2016 - 31-08-2020 | Küçükçekmece Municipality(Istanbul) Istanbul Aydin University | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugees and host communities Sector Protection Outcome 1200 Syrian refugees got Turkish language training at TOMER Center of Istanbul Aydin University, More than 2000 young Syrians got vocational training and school curriculum completion trainings at Küçükçekmece Youth Center run by IBC for this entire period |
Ref 212 | Project title | Emergency Response to Elazig earthquake – Distribution of heaters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 622,261,53 USD | 100% | IBC | American Jewish Joint Committee (JDC) | 05-02-2020 - 15-02-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Malatya. Türkiye Target Group Turkish IDPs Sector Protection Related to (sub)theme
Outcome(s) The project focused to provide heater-stoves for earthquakes in Eastern Türkiye. Around 10,000 people abandoned their homes and living in tents and barracks adjacent to their buildings collapsed or damaged. Totally 150 heater was distributed to earthquake victim families living in tents in Doganli town Balaca neighborhood in the temporary tent camps established by AFAD. |
Ref 213 | Project title | Improving the well Being of Syrian refugees in Urban and Remote Places and Social Cohesion Between Host and Syrian Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 532,311,86 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-08-2019 - 31-05-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Outcome Projects objective is to contribute to the improvement of wellbeing of Syrian refugees, strengthening social cohesion between host communities and refugees and improving staff capacity in Türkiye. The projects will contain, Social cohesion, non-formal education, advisory and information/PSS, logistic, facilitations, and transportation, awareness raising and empowerments activities. More than 2000 refugee families and around 500 Turkish families benefited from the activities |
Ref 214 | Project title | Yemen Qurbani 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 50,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-07-2019 - 20-08-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni IDPs Sector Food Assistance Outcome Qurbani scarification program coordinated and meat of 125 cows distributed to 5250 IDPs in 875 families in Yemen |
Ref 215 | Project title | Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Türkiye and enhancing community-based protection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 560,716,42 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision International | 15-05-2019 - 15-11-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host community Sector Protection Outcome Info Hub Centers are established in Istanbul, Kilis, Bursa, Konya and Gaziantep to provide health, legal, psychosocial, emergency support to Syrian refugees living in those provinces. A hotline system generated and cases reported to relevant authorities and institutions and IBC legal, health and logistic staff mobilized to cover those needs. Around 40000 refugees benefited, more than 120000 cases recorded |
Ref 216 | Project title | Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Türkiye and linking them to protection services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 77,166 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision International | 15-10-2018 - 15-03-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee community Sector Protection Outcome Info Hub Centers activities in Istanbul, Kilis, Bursa, Konya and Gaziantep to provide health, legal, psychosocial, emergency support to Syrian refugees living in those provinces continued. Through the hotline system cases reported to relevant authorities and institutions and IBC legal, health and logistic staff mobilized to cover those needs. Around 37000 refugees benefited, more than 107000 cases recorded |
Ref 216 | Project title | Emergency food distribution in Yemen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
American Jewish Joint Committee (JDC) | Yemen | 20,000 USD | 100% | IBC | American Jewish Joint Committee (JDC) | 15-10-2018 - 15-03-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Hodeideh, Yemen Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food assistance Related to (sub)theme
Outcome(s) The main goal of the project was to contribute to the alleviation of nutrition needs of the suffering people who are in a desperate position without any access to food around Hodeidah. IBC provided food parcel to 1000 families in Hodeidah in Yemen. |
Ref 217 | Project title | Providing educational support and access to social and legal services for Syrian refugees through community centers in Kilis and Gaziantep – Bridge project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 942,059 USD | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-06-2018 - 31-12-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Gaziantep, and Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Projects in Kilis and Gaziantep contains of activity such as; Turkish courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs Vocational and life skills courses Social cohesion events Kids and youth club Adult and parents club Awareness raising activities
Ref 218 | Project title | Improving protection, Social cohesion, and skills development services for Syrian and host communities in Kilis, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 334,200 EUR | 100% | IBC | Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA Swiss Cooperation Office Amman | 01-04-2018 - 31-07-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Killis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian Refugees and host communities Sector Protection Outcome Contributing to the improvement of the wellbeing of Syrian refugees, strengthening social cohesion between host and Syrian communities and improving staff capacity in Kilis, Türkiye-Around 1500 refugees benefited |
Ref 219 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food Response 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 100,000 USD | 100% | IBC | UMCOR | 13-05-2019 - 13-08-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Zinjabar, Abyan province, Yemen Target Group Yemeni IDPs Sector Food Assistance Outcome Project’s purpose was to address the humanitarian needs of IDPs on the outskirts of the Zinjabar city, IBC Yemen provided two months food rations to 400 households living in makeshift camps. The food parcels contains wheat flour, rice, kidney beans, oil, sugar, and salt which was distributed nearly to 2800 individuals. |
Ref 220 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 647,049 USD | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-12-2018 - 30-06-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Gaziantep, and Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Projects in Kilis and Gaziantep contains of activity such as; Turkish courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs Vocational and life skills courses Social cohesion events Group counselling Kids and youth clubs Adult and parents club Awareness-raising activities Staff training for Syrian volunteer staff Around 5000 refugees benefited |
Ref 221 | Project title | Cash for Work for Refugees and Host Communities in Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,965,070,49 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-08-2018 - 31-01-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and Host Communities Sector Protection Outcome This project was designed cash for work – CFW activities to temporarily stabilize the economic living conditions of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Turkish households. To rehabilitate local/municipal infrastructure and as well as livelihood development intervention to increase employability of impacted communities including Syrian under temporarily protection and Turkish host community members specific in Istanbul, Sultanbeyli and Küçükçekmece country of Türkiye Istanbul. 750 Syrian and Turkish citizens benefited as getting training and salaries.Emt,re communities of those municipalities benefited from the additional services |
Ref 222 | Project title | Distribution of Food Parcels to Families in Yemen | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 20,000 USD | 100% | IBC | American Jewish Joint Committee (JDC) | 15-10-2018 - 15-03-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food assistance Outcome The main goal of the project is to contribute to the alleviation of nutrition needs of the suffering people who are in a desperate position without any access to food around Hodeidah. IBC provided food parcel to 1000 families in Hodeidah in Yemen. |
Ref 223 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food, Wash, and Health Integrated Response 2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 232,030 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-02-2019 - 01-05-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni Families Sector Food, wash and health Outcome The main objective of the project is to provide food, wash, and health assistance to those affected by the Yemeni crisis through the delivery of 1000 food packages, the construction of 5 solar-powered shallow wells and the delivery and use of an ambulance. |
Ref 224 | Project title | Multi Development Centers – Child Caravan and Youth Development Center | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,145,000 EUR | 100% | IBC | Expertise France | 01-01-2016 - 01-01-2019 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye- Istanbul / Küçükçekmece Target Group Refugees and host community Sector Education / Social İnclusion / Livelihood Outcome in this project, 39 courses under long-term activities and 150 short term activities were implemented so far. The number of beneficiaries (participations) has reached to 2937 in overall. Among this population, 2015 beneficiaries are Syrians while 922 is Turkish citizens. Turkish Language Courses level are: (A1 Level), English Language Course (A1 Level), 2 Office Programs Courses,Other activities were: Pastry Cook Apprentice Course, LAS, Culinary Workshops, Turkish Speaking Clubs, Methods forOvercoming the Exam Anxiety Seminar, Peer Relationships Seminar, Stress and Crises Management Seminar, Choice of Profession Seminar and Outdoor Cultural (Visits) Activities
all beneficiaries are expected to have a better support in academic and social skills. 361 participations were taken during this reporting period.
Ref 225 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 495,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 16-09-2019 - 15-06-2020 | Şanlıurfa, Konya and Bursa Municipalities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Sanliurfa, Konya and Bursa, Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Outcome The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location. Local Partners Şanlıurfa,Konya and Bursa Municipalities |
Ref 226 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food and Wash response 2019-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 459,236 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-10-2019 - 15-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni Families Sector Food Assistance and Wash Related to (sub)theme The project’s aim was to provide emergency food response to 2000 IDP families in Yemen. The food packages contain lentils, rice, pasta, oil, sugar, and chickpeas. The project also included the installation of 11 water wells, 8 regular and 3 solar.
Ref 227 | Project title | North Syria Ramadan Food Packages, Wash, Shelter, and Covid19 Integrated Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 199,998 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 03-04-2020 - 31-07-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region North Syria Target Group Syrian Families Sector Food Assistance and Wash Outcome The project’s aim was to provide emergency food response to 1000 IDP families in North Syria during Ramadan month. The Project also resulted in the construction of 24 shelters, rehabilitation of 16 water wells as well as distribution of 500 Covid-19 kits to health units in North Syria.
Ref 228 | Project title | Food and Winter Cloths Assistance to Uyghur Turks in Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-01-2020 - 25-12-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Uyghur Turk Refugees Sector Protection, and Food Assistance Outcome The project’s aim was to provide essential food package and winterization to 500 Uyghur Turk refugee families living in Istanbul, Türkiye.
Ref 229 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food and Wash Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 532,311,86 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-10-2019 - 15-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni families Sector Protection Outcome The project provided emergency food packages for 2000 families in Yemen. And also included the installation of 11 water wells, 8 regular 3 solar. |
Ref 230 | Project title | Emergency Relief for IDPs in Idleb, Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 52,055,50 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 10-03-2020 - 10-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Syria Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Emergency Relief Outcome The project distributed food parcels to 1000 IDPs families for 1 month, 1000 families got tents for protection and 24 families got 200GBP work of Zakat distribution in Tel Jibbin area of Azaz. |
Ref 231 | Project title | Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Türkiye and enhancing community-based protection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 1,140,894,38 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision International | 15-05-2019 - 30-09-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host community Sector Protection Related to (sub)theme The result of the project was facilitated access to services for the refugees, especially the most vulnerable, through information sharing, individual protection assistance, psychosocial support, and case management. More than 20000 refugees benefited
Ref 232 | Project title | Providing educational support and access to social and legal services for Syrian refugees through community centers in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli districts, Istanbul – Bridge project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 1,727,205 TRY | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-06-2018 - 30-06-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Projects in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli contains of activity such as; Turkish, English ,and Computer courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs 20 Social cohesion events Kids and youth club Adult and parents club Awareness raising activities Providing staff training to Syrian volunteer staff
Ref 233 | Project title | Promotion of Economic Prospects (PEP) for Refugees in Host Communities in Kilis, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,095,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-06-2019 - 15-04-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and Host community Sector Protection Overall Objectives The overall objective of the project was to promote the economic prospects through cash-for-work activities for Syrian under temporary protection and the Turkish host communities-250 refugees and host citizens employed in municipality services in Kilis
Ref 234 | Project title | Türkiye Border and Northeast Syrian Emergency Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Hasakkah and Aleppo, Syria and Kilis, Türkiye | 76,150 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-10-2018 - 15-01-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Hasakkah and Aleppo, Syria. And Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian IDPs and Syrian Refugees Sector Food assistance Related to (sub)theme
Outcome(s) Was to provide nutritional assistance to 1000 families selected from 2500 in the outskirts of Hasakkah and Aleppo that are in need of urgent food assistance. In addition, 100 families in Kilis benefited from the food response. In total 5,500 IDPs and refugees were benefited from this project. |
Ref 235 | Project title | Strengthening the Turkish Refugee Council and Promoting the rights of refugees and host communities in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 469,686,65 EUR | 100% | IBC | European Union | 01-04-2020 - 01-04-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and Host Communities Sector Protection Partner İltica ve Göç Araştırma Merkezi (İGAM) Outcome The overall objectıves of the project was to improve policies and programs designed to protect and promote the rights of refugee and host communities in Türkiye, by strengthening the Turkish Refugee Council (TRC) as a network that facilitates the participation of refugee led and host community civil society organizations in decision making and policy-making processes on forced migration at local, national and international levels. The specific objective of the projects was: To strengthen the TRC as an active and impactful network that convenes diverse refugee-led and host community civil society organizations around common goals, To strengthen the capacity of the TRC and its members to engage in and contribute effectively to policy and decision-making processes at multiple levels. |
Ref 236 | Project title | Health, Psychosocial and Legal Assistance to Uyghur Refugees in Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 50,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-04-2020 - 15-10-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Uyghur Refugees Sector Protection Outcome Projects main objectives: Provision of Health Assistance to Uyghurs in Istanbul (6500 Uyghurs) mainly women and children get health and psychosocial assistance Psychosocial support to 6500 refugees in Istanbul Legal assistance to Uyghur Refugees in Istanbul |
Ref 237 | Project title | Corona virus Protection Response in North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 25,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 01-04-2020 - 30-06-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Uyghur Refugees Sector Health, Outcome The project is focused to assist the hospitals and public health centers with provision of test and protective kits as well as the doctors with protective masks from potential infected people during treatment. In total 8 hospitals and 9 public health centers will get 500 corona test kits and 500 professional masks for the doctors and 500 antiseptic liquids to be used by the doctors at the hospital and clinics. |
Ref 238 | Project title | Yemen Capacity Building for Hospitals during Covid-19 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 30,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-06-2020 - 15-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Hospitals in Yemen Sector Health Outcome Project Objective is to provide Covid-19 assessment test and protection kits to Aden hospital and 26 emergency operation centers in Aden, Abeyn, Lahj, Zinjabar and Mukalla region in Yemen.
Ref 239 | Project title | Improving Social Services of Community Centers for Refugees and Host communities in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 793,591,34 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-08-2019 - 28-02-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugees and Host Communities Sector Protection Outcome The main outputs of the projects are: Social cohesion Non-formal education Advisory and Information / PSS Access, logistic facilitation, and transportation Awareness raising and empowerment Public health awareness and protection campaign -6000 beneficiaries benefited |
Ref 240 | Project title | North Syria Emergency Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 300,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 07-07-2020 - 15-09-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region North Syria Target Group Syrian families Sector Food assistance Outcome The goal of the project is to provide 4500 food parcels to IDP families in the need in northern Syria Azaz camps. |
Ref 241 | Project title | Yemen Emergency Food and Covid-19 Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 320,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 07-07-2020 - 15-09-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Albayn and Lahj, Yemen Target Group Yemeni IDPs in camps Sector Food assistance and health Outcome The goal of the project is to provide essential food items to 3200 IDP yemen families. A component of this project will also include the facilitation of Covid-19 testing in IDP camps in Albayn and Lahj in Yemen. |
Ref 242 | Project title | Providing educational support and access to social and legal services for Syrian and Non-Syrian refugees through Youth Development Centers in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli districts, Istanbul – Bridge project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 3,536,296,06 TRY | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Projects in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli contains of activity such as; Turkish language courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs 20 Social cohesion events Kids and youth club Adult and parents club social and legal services Awareness raising activities Providing staff trainings to Syrian volunteer staff 650 refugees and host citizens employed in those municipalities and all communities living in these districts benefited |
Ref 243 | Project title | Emergency Response to Sudan Floods | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 48,084,24 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 28-09-2020 - 30-10-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sudan Target Group Sudani IDPs Sector Food assistance and Shelter, Emergency relief Outcome The goal of the project was to provide 100 internally displaced households 600 individuals with emergency food parcels and shelter kits in Sudan. |
Ref 244 | Project title | Promotion of Economic perspective for Refugees and Host Communities in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,171,251,49 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 17-08-2020 - 16-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugees and Host Communities Sector Protection Outcome Project activities will be: Turkish Language and illiteracy courses Turkish ethic and culture training Occupational health and safety trainings Financial and nonfinancial support Temporarily employment in Public Sector Vocational trainings Social cohesion Around 7000 refugee and Turkish citizen workers employed in these |
Ref 245 | Project title | Emergency Tent Shelter Project in North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 40,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 01-08-2020 - 30-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Aleppo, Syria Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Shelter Outcome Ten clinic tents established in N Syria and used for Covid 19 response activities where MOH provided relevant services of vaccination and treatment |
Ref 246 | Project title | Yemen Qurbani 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 100% | IBC | 175,000 CAD | 07-07-2020 - 15-08-2020 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food Assistance Outcome The project’s aim was to provide Qurbani meat from 346 cows to 6055 IDP families in Yemen. |
Ref 247 | Project title | Syria Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 30,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 07-07-2020 - 15-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Northern Syria Target Group Syrian families Sector Food Assistance Related to (sub)theme The aim of the project was to provide Qurbani meat from 50 cows to vulnerable IDP families in Northern Syria. 2500 families got meat |
Ref 248 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 495,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 16-09-2019 - 31-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sanliurfa, Bursa, and Konya, Türkiye Target Group Refugees in Türkiye Sector Protection Partner Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) Outcome The project focuses on the most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by a one refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syrian (majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and other geographic location. |
Ref 249 | Project title | Bridge Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 3,759,415 TRY | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-01-2018 - 31-12-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Education and Protection Outcome Activities under bridge project are: social inclusion program providing educational support, language and vocational courses, PSS and access to social and legal services for Syrian and non-Syrians and host community members through youth development centers in Kucukcekmece district. Turkish, computer, and English courses Kids and youth club Adults and parents club 22 awareness-raising activities 30 social cohesion events Providing staff training to Syrian volunteer staff |
Ref 250 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 695,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 20-09-2019 - 15-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sanliurfa, Bursa and Konya,Türkiye Target Group Refugees and the host community Sector Protection Outcome The project focuses on the most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by a one refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syrian (majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and other geographic location. More than 10000 beneficiaries benefited |
Ref 251 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 793,591,34 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 25-07-2019 - 10-06-2020 | Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Outcome The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location. |
Ref 252 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Enhancing Community-Based Protection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 555,093,26 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision | 01-12-2020 - 31-05-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugees and host communities Sector Protection Outcome Basic protection assistance on health legal sector psychosocial protection child protection and gender violence issues tackled and assistance provided to more than 4500 people through the info hub centers established in four different locations in Türkiye |
Ref 253 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 495,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 16-09-2019 - 31-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Partner Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) Outcome The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location. |
Ref 254 | Project title | Provision of Winterization Kits and Hygiene Packages to Syrian Refugees in Kilis and Sanliurfa, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 19,932,90 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 01-12-2020 - 31-01-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sanliurfa and Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian Refugees Sector Protection Outcome 250 Syrian and host families got winterization kits in both provinces |
Ref 255 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 695,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 20-02-2019 - 07-08-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sanliurfa, Bursa, and Konya, Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Partner Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) Outcome The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location. |
Ref 256 | Project title | Yemen Zinjabar Food and Wash Relief | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 50,000,40 USD | 100% | IBC | UMCOR | 17-11-2020 - 17-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Zinjabar, Abyan, Yemen Target Group Syrian Refugees Sector Protection Related to (sub)theme The aim of the project was to provide for the food and wash needs of 392 households living in IDP camps in Zinjabar, Abyan governorate for the period of one month. |
Ref 257 | Project title | Emergency Relief to Izmir Earthquake victims | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 50,000 USD | 100% | IBC | Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) | 01-11-2020 - 30-11-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Izmir, Türkiye Target Group Izmir Earthquake victims Sector Emergency relief Outcome The project’s aim was to distribute: 100 Hygiene kits, including toilet paper, women pads, baby diapers, hand sanitizer and wet wipes. 500 baby diapers 1000 sleeping bags |
Ref 258 | Project title | Sahel Africa Food and Water Relief Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Niger | 61,898,20 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 16-11-2020 - 16-02-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Chad, Burkina Faso, Niger Target Group People in Chad, Burkina Faso, Niger Sector Food and Wat-San Outcome The project’s aim was to improve the health and wellness of 8150 individuals across chad, Burkina Faso and Niger through the distribution of food packages and improved access to clean water |
Ref 259 | Project title | Yemen Respiratory Therapy Center for Nurse Practitioners | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 100,000,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 09-11-2020 - 31-03-2021 | Yemen Ministry of Health | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Makalla City, Hadramud Governorate, Yemen Target Group Nurses in Mukalla City of Yemen Sector Health, Education Outcome The project aims to address critical labor shortages in intensive care and respiratory care units through specialized medical training for nurse practitioners. Through this project, 30 nurses (83% female), will receive respiratory Therapy training consisting of 325 lecture hours covered in 63 days over 4 months. |
Ref 260 | Project title | Syria Winterization Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 48,867,31 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 02-11-2020 - 02-12-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Azaz Syria Target Group Syrian IDP families Sector Food and Emergency Relief Outcome The goal of the project is to protect and support the most vulnerable internally displaced Syrian households during the winter months, enhancing their resilience through the provision of food packages, fuel, and winter clothing. An anticipated 500 households will be reached through this project, this is an estimated 4,400 direct beneficiaries. |
Ref 261 | Project title | Emergency Response to Sudan Floods 2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Somalia | 48,084,24 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 28-09-2020 - 30-10-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Omdurman, Somalia Target Group Somalian IDPs Sector Emergency relief and Food Related to (sub)theme The project aims to provide 100 internally displaced households (600 individuals) with emergency food packages and shelter kits.
Ref 262 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Enhancing Community Based Protection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 1,008,368,30 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision | 15-05-2019 - 31-10-2020 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugees and Host communities Sector Protection Partner Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) Outcome The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location |
Ref 263 | Project title | North Syria, Igde Camp Emergency Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 46,118 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-07-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Igde Camp , North Syria Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Outcome The project’s aim was to provide emergency 1-month food response to 800 IDP families in Igde Camp in North Syria. |
Ref 264 | Project title | Providing information and protection assistance to vulnerable refugees in Türkiye and enhancing community-based protection | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 574,642 USD | 100% | IBC | World Vision International | 01-12-2020 - 31-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host community Sector Protection Outcome The result of the project was facilitated access to services for the refugees, especially the most vulnerable, through information sharing, individual protection assistance, psychosocial support and case management. More than 20000 refugees benefited |
Ref 265 | Project title | Afrin District Food and Water Support | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 85,613,03 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-03-2021 - 28-05-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Afrin, Syria Target Group Syrian Families Sector Food Assistance and Wash Outcome The project’s aim was to address critical water shortages across 2 IDP camps in Jandairi and across 2 villages in Raju sub-district of Olive Branch Operation Region in the Aleppo Governorate in North-West Syria. This project addresses critical water shortages by providing good quality fuel and technical personnel required for the maintenance of the water system in the IDP camps for 3 months. The project supported 750 households through the distribution of monthly food packages. Each food package contains 1 kg tomato paste, 1kg salt, 1lit edible oil, 0.5 kg tea, 5kg flour, 5kg rice, 2kg of chickpeas, 2kg beans, and 2 kg sugar. Overall this project supported 13,844 direct beneficiaries.
Ref 266 | Project title | Improving Protection, Social Cohesion and Skills Development Services for Syrian and Host Communities in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 859,069,51 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 10-06-2020 - 16-02-2021 | Kilis municipality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian refugees and host communities Sector Protection Outcome The project’s aim was to improve the well-being of Syrian refugees in urban and remote places and social cohesion between host and Syrian communities in Kilis. The project’s outpits are: Social cohesion Non-formal education Advisory and Information/ PSS Access, logistic facilitation, and transportation Awareness raising and empowerment Project sustainability Public health awareness and protection campaign More than 10000 refugees benefited |
Ref 267 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 942,763,72 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 20-11-2019 - 08-02-2021 | Şanlıurfa, Konya and Bursa Municipalities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Sanliurfa, Konya and Bursa, Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Outcome The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location. |
Ref 268 | Project title | Mobile Clinic and Water Sanitation Activities (WATSAN) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 568,692,55 USD | 100% | IBC | MSF | 01-06-2021 - 01-03-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Syria Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Health and Wash Outcome The general outcomes of the project are: Increase access to health care in the camps by providing regular and free comprehensive mobile clinic in Al-Bab Improving accesss to clean water and drinkable water in Al Imane and Mukayeme camps of Azaz. Thousands of IDP s benefited from the health service |
Ref 269 | Project title | Psychosocial, Health, Legal, and Food Support to the Uyghur Community in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 167,501 GBP | 100% | IBC | World Jewish Relief | 19-04-2021 - 01-02-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Uyghur Refugee Communities Sector Health, Food, and Protection Outcome Within the scope of the projects below activities were done during this project: Distribution of food packages to 750 families during Eid 2021 Psycho-social and legal support Gender-based violence awareness sessions for women and girls Traditional handicraft workshops Turkish and Uyghur language courses Establishing a Library Contracting with a hospital where Uyghur Turks can be referred, medical examination in the hospital including but not limited to: Internal diseases, general surgery, gynecology, pediatry, otolaryngology, radiology, laboratory tests
Ref 270 | Project title | Emergency Tent Shelters Projects in North Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 23,554,53 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 01-08-2020 - 15-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Aleppo, North Syria Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Shelter Outcome 4000-floor tiles with the size of 90 sq cm for each tent, were purchased and delivered to North Syria for IDPs |
Ref 271 | Project title | Food Relief for Uyghurs in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 29,444,18 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 08-02-2021 - 08-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Uyghur Refugees Sector Food Outcome The overall objective of the project was to improve food security for 500 Uyghur refugee households in Türkiye through the provision of monthly food packages for 1 month. |
Ref 272 | Project title | Improving Protection, Social Cohesion and Skills Development Services for Syrian and Host Communities in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 793,591,34 | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-08-2019 - 30-04-2021 | Kilis Municipality | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian refugees and host communities Sector Protection Outcome The project’s aim was to improve the well-being of Syrian refugees in urban and remote places and social cohesion between host and Syrian communities in Kilis. The project’s outpits are: Social cohesion Non-formal education Advisory and Information/ PSS Access, logistic facilitation, and transportation Awareness raising and empowerment Project sustainability Public health awareness and protection campaign |
Ref 273 | Project title | Emergency response to Flood victims in Afrin, North-West Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 49,500 USD | 100% | IBC | MSF | 02-02-2021 - 01-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Afrin, Syria Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Shelter Outcome The activities which the project included was: Graveling 4000 square meters in 5 camp locations in Raju Distribution of 300 blanket kits including 2 blanket, 2 plastic sheets for tents, and 1 carpet Distribution of 300 tarpaulins
Ref 274 | Project title | Syria Winterization Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Syria | 48,867,31 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 02-11-2020 - 02-01-2021 | Şanlıurfa, Konya and Bursa Municipalities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Syria Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Shelter and Food Outcome The main objective of the project was to provide emergency winterization aid to 500 households through the distribution of food packages, winter clothing and fuel cylinders for heating and cooking for IDPs in Syria in Winter time 2020. |
Ref 275 | Project title | Providing Information and Protection Assistance to Vulnerable Refugees in Türkiye and Linking Them to Services | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 840,800 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 16-11-2019 - 30-04-2021 | Şanlıurfa,Konya and Bursa Municipalities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Şanliurfa, Konya and Bursa, Türkiye Target Group Refugee and host communities Sector Protection Related to (sub)theme The project focuses on most vulnerable refugees and those residing outside of their province of registration, and will consider supporting measures to facilitate registration and to improve the legal documentation of refugees in partnership with Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) and the civil registry, the action will be followed by refugee approach, focused on the protection needs of all vulnerable refugees, which means that assistance will be provided to refugees from Syria (Majority) as well as from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and any other geographical location. More than 7500 refugees benefited |
Ref 276 | Project title | Winter and Food Relief for Uyghur Refugees in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 29,444,18 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 08-02-2021 - 08-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Türkiye Target Group Uyghur Refugees Sector Food Outcome Project Objective is to improve food security for 500 Uyghur families in Türkiye through the provision of monthly food packages for 1 month.
Ref 277 | Project title | Providing educational support and access to social and legal services for Syrian refugees through community centers in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli district, Istanbul – Bridge project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,346,970 TRY | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-06-2018 - 30-06-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Projects in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli contains of activity such as; Turkish, English and Computer courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs 20 Social cohesion events Kids and youth club Adult and parents club Awareness raising activities Providing staff trainings to Syrian volunteer staff Involving 650 Syrian and Turkish workers for the municipalty services Entire populations of two districts benefited |
Ref 278 | Project title | Emergency response to Sudan floods | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 98,084,24 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 28-09-2020 - 29-01-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sudan Target Group Sudanese families Sector Emergency relief Outcome The goal of the project was to provide food packages for 100 IDPs in East Sudan |
Ref 279 | Project title | Yemen Food and Water Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 143,774,14 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 16-11-2020 - 19-02-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Lahj, Abyan, and Aden, Yemen Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food assistance and health Outcome The goal of the project was to improve food security for 800 IDP families in Abyan and Lahj through the distribution of food packages. A total of 5000 individuals were supported and improved access to food for a duration of 1 month. The projects also aimed to improve access to clean water through the construction of 8 water wells in Abyan and Aden and one solar well. A total of 77.000 individuals were reached. |
Ref 280 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 5000 GBP | 100% | IBC | ZAIMAH | 21-09-2021 - 21-10-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Mazar-e-Sharif and Kabul, Afghanistan Target Group Afghan Families Sector Food and NFI Outcome The project aimed to distribute of Food and Hygiene packages to Afghanis families in Mazar-e-sharif and Kabul. |
Ref 281 | Project title | Sahel Africa Food Response Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 216,750 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sudan Target Group Sudani IDPs Sector Food assistance and Shelter, Emergency relief Outcome The goal of the project was to provide food parcels to 950 families in Chad, Burkina Faso, and Niger. The project supported the basic nutrition needs of the most vulnerable population across Sahel Africa. |
Ref 282 | Project title | Yemen Solar and Ordinary Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 224,873,32 | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-09-2021 - 01-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni Families Sector Wash Outcome The aim of the project was to build 6 solar water wells and 22 ordinary water wells in Aden and Hadramouad benefitting 80.000 Yemenis and contributing to healthy potable water for personal and agricultural purposes. |
Ref 283 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 5000 GBP | 100% | IBC | ZAIMAH | 21-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Mazar-e-sharif, Afghanistan Target Group Afghan Families Sector Food Outcome The project aimed to distribute food and Hygiene NFI to afghan families in Mazar-e-sharif -250 families benefited |
Ref 284 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif, Afghanistan Target Group Afghani families Sector Food Outcome The project’s aim was to provide food parcels to 500 displaced families and also hygiene kits in Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif. |
Ref 285 | Project title | Education, Protection and Skills Devolopment Skills for Refugees and Host Communities in Kilis, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 145,122,30 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 07-09-2021 - 07-03-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kilis, Türkiye Target Group Syrian refugees and host communities Sector Education and Protection Outcome The aim of the project was to improve the well-being of Syrian refugees and host communities in urban and remote location of Kilis through the provision of protection, education and skills improvement services. Thıousands of refugees benefited |
Ref 286 | Project title | Providing educational support and access to social and legal services for Syrian refugees through community centers in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli district, Istanbul – Bridge project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 367,202,58 TRY | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-06-2018 - 31-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Türkiye Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Activities under bridge project are: social inclusion program providing educational support, language and vocational courses, PSS and access to social and legal services for Syrian and non-Syrians and host community members through youth development centers in Kucukcekmece district. Projects in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli contains of activity such as; Turkish, English and Computer courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs 20 Social cohesion events Kids and youth club Adult and parents club Awareness raising activities Providing staff trainings to Syrian volunteer staff |
Ref 287 | Project title | North Syria Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 60,114 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Idleb, Damascus and Aleppo, Türkiye Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Food Outcome Qurbani meat was distributed to 6600 IDPs from 60 cows around 13.200kg meat to 1320 families in Idleb and Aleppo in Syria. |
Ref 288 | Project title | Sahel Africa Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Niger, Sudan and Mali | 80,303,82 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Chad, Niger, Sudan and Mali Target Group People in need in Chad, Niger, Sudan and Mali. Sector Food Outcome The projects aimed to provide relief and to share the joy and happiness of Eid al Adha with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people to give them a sense of living and strength. 120 cows were sacrificed supporting 2400 families for two months. |
Ref 289 | Project title | Yemen Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 187,424 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country/Region Yemen Target Group Yemeni family Sector Food Outcome The projects aimed to provide 220 kg of meat on Eid Al-Adha to 2,250 of the most vulnerable families in Aadan and Abyan camps in Yemen for 1 month. |
Ref 290 | Project title | Yemen Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemeni | 142,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 20-06-2021 - 20-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Yemeni Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food Outcome The projects aimed to provide monthly food parcels to 2200 IDP families in Abyan, Mukala, Aden and Lahj for Six months. |
Ref 291 | Project title | Emergency Food Response for Tigray Refugees and Sudanese Flood Victims | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 103,130 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Sudan Target Group Tigray Refugees and Sudanese Flood Victims Sector Emergency response Outcome The project's aim was to provide food parcels to 1300 Tigray refugees in Al Rakuba camp and 1200 Sudanese flood victims in Um Durman for two months. |
Ref 292 | Project title | Emergency Food Support for Uyghurs in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 54,266 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kayseri and Istanbul , Türkiye Target Group Uyghur refugees Sector Food Outcome The aim of the project was to provide monthly food packages for 1000 Uyghur households in Istanbul and Kayseri for one month. |
Ref 293 | Project title | Sahel Africa Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger | 210,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger Target Group Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger Sector Food Outcome The aim of the project was to provide monthly food packages for 940 families in Chad, Burkina Faso, and Niger. This project supported the basic nutrition needs of the most vulnerable populations across Sahel Africa. |
Ref 294 | Project title | Sahel Africa Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso | 179,118,78 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso Target Group Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger Sector Wash Outcome The aim of the project was to build 55 water wells for community and agriculture use in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Chad benefiting a total of 95,684 people. |
Ref 295 | Project title | Promotion of Economic Prospects for Refugees and Host Communities in Türkiye (PEP) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 736,274,48 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2021 - 31-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Konya, Türkiye Target Group Refugees and host communities Sector Protection, and Education Outcome The overall objective of the project is to meet the capacity and vocational development needs of refugees under temporary protection and host community members in Türkiye, in Istanbul and Konya provinces by implementing multipurpose measures constituted form conditional cash assistance, literacy, language, vocational skill development, and capacity building course and complimentary services, including social cohesion, daily child care, and special education and intercultural learning support. |
Ref 296 | Project title | Provision of Protection Services and Basic Needs and Social Cohesion Activities for Afghan Refugees and Host Community Members in Istanbul and Konya | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 350,000 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2021 - 31-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul and Konya, Türkiye Target Group Afghan refugees and host communities in Türkiye Sector Protection Outcome The project included activities such as: Protection services such as case management PSS Referral Legal counseling translation Child protection and GBV Social cohesion and peacebuilding activities Distribution of basic needs Provision of winterization and school kits for children Rental aid More than 5000 refugees benefited |
Ref 297 | Project title | Afghanistan Winterization Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 75,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-11-2021 - 10-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kabul, Heart and Kunduz, Afghanistan Target Group Afghan IDPs Sector Shelter and Food Outcome The aim of the project was to provide food and winter packages in Kabul, Heart and Kunduz to 4500 individuals for one month in winter. |
Ref 298 | Project title | Sahel Africa Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger | 234,878,60 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad Target Group Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger Sector Wash Outcome The aim of the project was to build 55 water wells for community and agriculture use in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Chad benefiting a total of 95,684 people. |
Ref 299 | Project title | Emergency Food Relief to Afghan IDPs in Kunduz, Afghanistan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 50,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-09-2021 - 15-11-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kunduz, Afghanistan Target Group Afghan IDPs Sector Emergency relief and Food Related to (sub)theme The project aims to provide the internally displaced with emergency food packages in Kunduz Afghanistan for 2 months. 1000 families benefited |
Ref 300 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif, Afghanistan Target Group Afghan IDPs Sector Food Outcome The project aims to provide 500 internally displaced families with emergency food packages in Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif. |
Ref 301 | Project title | Promotion of Economic Prospects for Refugees and Host Communities in Türkiye (PEP) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 2,455,597,04 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-11-2021 - 31-12-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Country / Region Istanbul, Konya, Türkiye Target Group Refugees and host communities Sector Protection, and Education Outcome The overall objective of the project is to meet the capacity and vocational development needs of refugees under temporary protection and host community members in Türkiye, in Istanbul and Konya provinces by implementing multipurpose measures constituted form conditional cash assistance, literacy, language, vocational skill development, and capacity building course and complimentary services, including social cohesion, support. |
Ref 302 | Project title | Sahel Africa Food Response Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger | 216,750 USD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Most vulnerable populations across Sahel Africa Sector Food Security & Nutriton, Emergency, Relief Outcome To provide food parcels for one month to 950 families (5450 people). |
Ref 303 | Project title | North Syria Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | North Syria | 66,264 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Families displaced from civil war in Idleb and Aleppo Sector Food Security Outcome The Project focuses to the scarification of 60 cows (around 13,200kg) meat) and distribution of meat of 2 kg to 6600 beneficiaries around 1,320 families displaced from civil war in Idleb and Aleppo. |
Ref 304 | Project title | Yemen Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 1,148,750,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 20-06-2021 - 20-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group 2200 IDP families in Abyan, Mukalla, Aden, Lahj Sector Food Security & Nutrition Outcome The project aims to distribute monthly food packages for six months to 2200 IDP families (13,600 Individuals) that fled from fighting and resided in settlements in Mukallah and camps in Aden, Abyan, Lahj. |
Ref 305 | Project title | IBC MSF Floor Response Kastamonu Region | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kastamonu, Türkiye | 19,500 USD | 100% | IBC | Medecins Sans Frontieres | 30-08-2021 - 30-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group People affected by the floods in Kastamonu Sector Basic Needs Outcome Emergency response to villages in remote areas in Kastamonu. Project claims to implement the provision of essential food and hygiene items to 500 House Holds in 25 villages. |
Ref 306 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Aghanistan/ Kabul, Mazar-I Sharif | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Displaced Families Sector Food Security Outcome To provide 500 displaced families (3800 individuals) with food packages and hygiene kits in Kabul and Mazar-I Sharif. |
Ref 307 | Project title | Sahel Africa Water Well | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger | 179,118,78 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Local Groups Sector Health, Economic Development, WASH Outcome Project aims to build 55 water wells for community agricultural use in Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad benefiting a total of 95,684 people. |
Ref 308 | Project title | Response of the Afghan Refugee Crisis in Istabul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye, Istanbul | 58,005,00 GBP | 100% | 2021 | 2021 | 06-09-2021 - 31-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan Refugees Sector Health, Food, and Protection Outcome Support project for Afghan refugees in Istanbul. |
Ref 309 | Project title | Africa Water Well | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad | 10,000 USD | 100% | IBC | AKEV | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Local Groups Sector WASH Outcome Building water wells for community and agricultural use in Niger, Chad and Burkina Faso. |
Ref 310 | Project title | Food Relief for Uyghurs in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 29,444.18 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 08-02-2021 - 08-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Uyghur Refugees Sector Food Outcome The overall objective of the project was to improve food security for 500 Uyghur refugee households in Türkiye through the provision of monthly food packages for 1 month. |
Ref 311 | Project title | Promotion of economic prospects for refugees and host communities in Turkey (PEP) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye/Istanbul, Konya | 736,274,48 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian refugees and host communities Sector Development Project, Protection Outcome The primary objective of the Multipurpose capacity and vocational skill development project for refugees and host community financed by the grant is to meet capacity and vocational development needs of international, under temporary protection refugees and host community members in Türkiyei in Istanbul and Konya Provinces. |
Ref 312 | Project title | Emergency response to Flood victims in Afrin, North-West Syria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afrin, Syria | 49,500 USD | 100% | IBC | MSF | 02-02-2021 - 01-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Shelter Outcome The activities which the project included was: Graveling 4000 square meters in 5 camp locations in RajuDistribution of 300 blanket kits including 2 blanket, 2 plastic sheets for tents, and 1 carpet Distribution of 300 tarpaulins |
Ref 313 | Project title | Improvement of Community Based Social Services for Refugees and Vulnerable Residents of the Host Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 350,000,00 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2021 - 31-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan Refugees Sector Protection, Basic Needs Outcome The Primary objective of the Provision of protection services and basic needs and social cohesion activities for Afghan refugee and host communities’ members in Istanbul and Konya. |
Ref 314 | Project title | Afghanistan Winterization Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 75,000 USD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-11-2021 - 10-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Locals Sector Protection Outcome To provide food and winter packages in Kabul, Herat and Kunduz to 4500 individuals for one month. |
Ref 315 | Project title | Winter and Food Relief for Uyghur Refugees in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 29,444.18 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 08-02-2021 - 08-03-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Uyghur Refugees Sector Food Outcome Project Objective is to improve food security for 500 Uyghur families in Türkiye through the provision of monthly food packages for 1 month. |
Ref 316 | Project title | Yemen Solar and Ordinary Water Wells Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 224,873,32 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-02-2021 - 01-04-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Locals Sector Development Outcome Building six solar wells and 22 ordinary water wells in Aden and Hadramout benefitting 80,000 Yemenis and contributing to healthy potable for personal and agricultural purposes. |
Ref 317 | Project title | Emergency response to Sudan floods | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 98,084.24 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 28-02-2020 - 29-01-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Sudanese families Sector Emergency relief Outcome The goal of the project was to provide food packages for 100 IDPs in East Sudan |
Ref 318 | Project title | Yemen Food and Water Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Lahj, Abyan, and Aden, Yemen | 143,774.14 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 16-11-2020 - 19-02-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food assistance and health Outcome The goal of the project was to improve food security for 800 IDP families in Abyan and Lahj through the distribution of food packages. A total of 5000 individuals were supported and improved access to food for a duration of 1 month. The projects also aimed to improve access to clean water through the construction of 8 water wells in Abyan and Aden and one solar well. A total of 77.000 individuals were reached. |
Ref 319 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Mazar-e-Sharif and Kabul, Afghanistan | 5,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | ZAIMAH | 21-02-2021 - 21-10-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan Families Sector Food and NFI Outcome The project aimed to distribute of Food and Hygiene packages to Afghanis families in Mazar-e-sharif and Kabul. |
Ref 320 | Project title | Sahel Africa Food Response Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 179,11810,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Sudani IDPs Sector Food assistance and Shelter, Emergency relief Outcome The goal of the project was to provide food parcels to 950 families in Chad, Burkina Faso, and Niger. The project supported the basic nutrition needs of the most vulnerable population across Sahel Africa. |
Ref 321 | Project title | Yemen Solar and Ordinary Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 224,873.32 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-09-2021 - 01-03-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Yemeni Families Sector Wash Outcome The aim of the project was to build 6 solar water wells and 22 ordinary water wells in Aden and Hadramouad benefitting 80.000 Yemenis and contributing to healthy potable water for personal and agricultural purposes. |
Ref 322 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Mazar-e-sharif, Afghanistan | 5000 GBP | 100% | IBC | ZAIMAH | 21-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan Families Sector Food Outcome The project aimed to distribute food and Hygiene NFI to afghan families in Mazar-e-sharif -250 families benefited |
Ref 323 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif, Afghanistan | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghani families Sector Food Outcome The project’s aim was to provide food parcels to 500 displaced families and also hygiene kits in Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif. |
Ref 324 | Project title | Education, Protection and Skills Devolopment Skills for Refugees and Host Communities in Kilis, Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kilis, Türkiye | 145,122.30 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 07-09-2021 - 07-03-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian refugees and host communities Sector Education and Protection Outcome The aim of the project was to improve the well-being of Syrian refugees and host communities in urban and remote location of Kilis through the provision of protection, education and skills improvement services. Thıousands of refugees benefited |
Ref 325 | Project title | Providing educational support and access to social and legal services for Syrian refugees through community centers in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli district, Istanbul – Bridge project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, Türkiye | 367,202.58 [TRY] | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-06-2018 - 31-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugees Sector Protection and Education Outcome Activities under bridge project are: social inclusion program providing educational support, language and vocational courses, PSS and access to social and legal services for Syrian and non-Syrians and host community members through youth development centers in Kucukcekmece district. Projects in Kucukcekmece and Sultanbeyli contains of activity such as; Turkish, English and Computer courses Turkish speaking and conversation clubs 20 Social cohesion events Kids and youth club Adult and parents club Awareness raising activities Providing staff trainings to Syrian volunteer staff |
Ref 326 | Project title | North Syria Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Idleb, Damascus and Aleppo, Türkiye | 60,114 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian IDPs Sector Food Outcome Qurbani meat was distributed to 6600 IDPs from 60 cows around 13.200kg meat to 1320 families in Idleb and Aleppo in Syria. |
Ref 327 | Project title | Sahel Africa Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Niger, Sudan and Mali | 80,303.82 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group People in need in Chad, Niger, Sudan and Mali. Sector Food Outcome The projects aimed to provide relief and to share the joy and happiness of Eid al Adha with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people to give them a sense of living and strength. 120 cows were sacrificed supporting 2400 families for two months. |
Ref 328 | Project title | Yemen Qurbani | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 187,424 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-07-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Yemeni family Sector Food Outcome The projects aimed to provide 220 kg of meat on Eid Al-Adha to 2,250 of the most vulnerable families in Aadan and Abyan camps in Yemen for 1 month. |
Ref 329 | Project title | Yemen Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemeni | 142,000.00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 20-06-2021 - 20-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Yemeni families Sector Food Outcome The projects aimed to provide monthly food parcels to 2200 IDP families in Abyan, Mukala, Aden and Lahj for Six months. |
Ref 330 | Project title | Emergency Food Response for Tigray Refugees and Sudanese Flood Victims | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Sudan | 103,130 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Tigray Refugees and Sudanese Flood Victims Sector Emergency response Outcome The project's aim was to provide food parcels to 1300 Tigray refugees in Al Rakuba camp and 1200 Sudanese flood victims in Um Durman for two months. |
Ref 331 | Project title | Emergency Food Support for Uyghurs in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kayseri and Istanbul , Türkiye | 54,266 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Uyghur refugees Sector Food Outcome The aim of the project was to provide monthly food packages for 1000 Uyghur households in Istanbul and Kayseri for one month. |
Ref 332 | Project title | Sahel Africa Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger | 210,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2021 - 15-08-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger Sector Food Outcome The aim of the project was to provide monthly food packages for 940 families in Chad, Burkina Faso, and Niger. This project supported the basic nutrition needs of the most vulnerable populations across Sahel Africa. |
Ref 333 | Project title | Sahel Africa Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso | 179,118.78 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger Sector Wash Outcome The aim of the project was to build 55 water wells for community and agriculture use in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Chad benefiting a total of 95,684 people. |
Ref 334 | Project title | Promotion of Economic Prospects for Refugees and Host Communities in Türkiye (PEP) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, Konya, Türkiye | 736,274.48 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2021 - 31-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugees and host communities Sector Protection, and Education Outcome The overall objective of the project is to meet the capacity and vocational development needs of refugees under temporary protection and host community members in Türkiye, in Istanbul and Konya provinces by implementing multipurpose measures constituted form conditional cash assistance, literacy, language, vocational skill development, and capacity building course and complimentary services, including social cohesion, daily child care, and special education and intercultural learning support. |
Ref 335 | Project title | Provision of Protection Services and Basic Needs and Social Cohesion Activities for Afghan Refugees and Host Community Members in Istanbul and Konya | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul and Konya, Türkiye | 350,000.00 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2021 - 31-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan refugees and host communities in Türkiye Sector Protection Outcome The project included activities such as: Protection services such as case management PSS Referral Legal counseling translation Child protection and GBV Social cohesion and peacebuilding activities Distribution of basic needs Provision of winterization and school kits for children Rental aid More than 5000 refugees benefited |
Ref 336 | Project title | Afghanistan Winterization Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kabul, Heart and Kunduz, Afghanistan | 75,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-11-2021 - 10-12-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan IDPs Sector Shelter and Food Outcome The aim of the project was to provide food and winter packages in Kabul, Heart and Kunduz to 4500 individuals for one month in winter. |
Ref 337 | Project title | Sahel Africa Water Wells | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad | 234,878.60 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-12-2021 - 31-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Families in Burkina Faso, Chad and Niger Sector Wash Outcome The aim of the project was to build 55 water wells for community and agriculture use in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Chad benefiting a total of 95,684 people. |
Ref 338 | Project title | Emergency Food Relief to Afghan IDPs in Kunduz, Afghanistan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kunduz, Afghanistan | 50,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | Penny Appeal | 15-09-2021 - 15-11-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan IDPs Sector Emergency relief and Food Related to (sub)theme The project aims to provide the internally displaced with emergency food packages in Kunduz Afghanistan for 2 months. 1000 families benefited |
Ref 339 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif, Afghanistan | 100.000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-08-2021 - 25-09-2021 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan IDPs Sector Food Outcome The project aims to provide 500 internally displaced families with emergency food packages in Kabul and Mazar-e-sharif.
Ref 340 | Project title | Promotion of Economic Prospects for Refugees and Host Communities in Türkiye (PEP) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, Konya, Türkiye | 2,455,597.04 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-11-2021 - 31-12-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugees and host communities Sector Protection, and Education Outcome The overall objective of the project is to meet the capacity and vocational development needs of refugees under temporary protection and host community members in Türkiye, in Istanbul and Konya provinces by implementing multipurpose measures constituted form conditional cash assistance, literacy, language, vocational skill development, and capacity building course and complimentary services, including social cohesion, support. |
Ref 341 | Project title | Mazar-I Sharif and Kunduz Emergency Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 381,400,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-09-2022 - 31-08-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghan Families Sector Food Security Outcome The project aims to cover the nutrition needs of 350 Shia Hazara families(around 2000 people) living in Fakirabad and Saidabad Mazar-I Sharif and in Kunduz province. |
Ref 342 | Project title | Afghanistan Earthquake Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 50,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 12-09-2022 - 12-11-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group People living in Khost and Paktika Sector Emergency Food - Nutrition Outcome To provide emergency food parcels improving the food security for the people imflicted Afghanistan earthquake. |
Ref 343 | Project title | Logar Floods Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 50,200,64 CAD | 100% | IBC | 50,200,64 CAD | 15-09-2022 - 15-12-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group IDP Families in the region Sector Emergency Food - Nutrition Outcome The project aims to provide emergency food parcels to 250 IDP families in Loger, Afghanistan. |
Ref 344 | Project title | Humanitarian Response to Flooding in Pakistan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Pakistan | 25,000 GBP | 100% | IBC | World Jewish Relief | 15-09-2022 - 31-10-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group People Affected by Flood Sector Basic Needs Outcome Providing basic needs and assistance to people affected by floods. |
Ref 345 | Project title | Odessa and Mikolayiv Oblast Food and Medical Relief | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Mikolayiv Oblast, Bolhrad, Izmail, Artsyz, Reni, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine | 947,190 USD | 100% | IBC | United Methodist Committee on Relief of Global Ministries, Inc. (UMCOR) | 09-09-2022 - 09-04-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group IDP Families in Ukraine Sector Basic Needs Outcome To provide for the humanitarian needs of IDPs and those effected by the war in Ukraine in Mikolayiv and Odessa oblasts through food and medical supplies relief. |
Ref 346 | Project title | Access to Health Care, PSS and Legal Counselling Services for Uighurs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 20,276 GBP | 100% | IBC | World Jewish Relief | 26-09-2022 - 31-01-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Uighur Turks in Türkiye Sector Basic Needs Outcome PSS and Legal Counseling support to Uyghur Turks in Turkey. |
Ref 347 | Project title | Ramadan Hot Meals Distributions to Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye, Kilis | 169,982,98 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-04-2022 - 10-09-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian Refugees Sector Nutrition Outcome To distribute hot meals during Ramadan to the most vulnerable populations in Kilis, Turkiye. This project supports 2000 individuals daily for two months. |
Ref 348 | Project title | Qurbani/Udhiya 2022 for Syrian and Uighur Refugees | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kilis and Istanbul, Türkiye | 50,584,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2022 - 15-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian Refugees Sector Food Security Outcome Distribution fresh meat to Syrian and Uighur Refugees in Türkiye. |
Ref 349 | Project title | Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainian Refugees in the Odessa Region and Ukrainian Refugees in Moldova | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Moldova and Ukraine/Odesa | 16,500,00 EUR | 100% | IBC | Terzi Olena | 18-07-2022 - 18-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukranian Refugees Sector Basic Needs Outcome Food and basic needs assistance to refugee Ukrainians. |
Ref 350 | Project title | Afghanistan Qurbani (Food Aid) Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan Kunduz Region | 50,000,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2022 - 15-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Locals Sector Food Security Outcome Project provide fresh Qurbani meat to families in Afghanistan.. |
Ref 351 | Project title | Yemen Qurbani/Udhiya | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 85,000,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2022 - 15-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Displaced People in Yemen Sector Food Security Outcome Distribute fresh meat to IDPs in Yemen. |
Ref 352 | Project title | Sahel Afriva Qurbani/Udhiya Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Tchad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Sudan | 70,400,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-06-2022 - 15-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Poor families and those effected by insecurity. Sector Food Security Outcome Distribute fresh meat to families in need across Sahel Africa. |
Ref 353 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Food and Health Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan, Kabul- Mazar-I Sharif | 206,979,66 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-05-2022 - 01-01-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Locals Sector Food Security and Health Outcome To provide 225 families with food packages and 3000 people with medical consumables to the Hazara communities in Kabul for eight months. |
Ref 354 | Project title | Yemen Food Response and Water Trucking | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 340,000,00 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 15-03-2022 - 15-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Yemen, Abyan and Aden IDP camps Sector WASH, Education Outcome To provide 1000 food packages and clean drinking water 10L per day to 1000 families for two months. |
Ref 355 | Project title | Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainian Displaced and Ukrainian Refugees in the Republic of Moldova | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Odesa/Ukraine, Moldova | 809,960,00 EUR | 100% | IBC | Action Medeor | 01-04-2022 - 30-09-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukrainian Refugees Sector Distribution of Food and NFI Outcome Support for Ukrainian Displaced (in UA) and Refugees in Moldova (MD) and their hosting communities. Contribution towards improved quality of life of vulnerable families who are affected by the Ukraine war. |
Ref 356 | Project title | Turkish Language Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 100,860,00 USD | 100% | IBC | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 01-10-2022 - 31-03-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugees Sector Education Outcome Providing Turkish language courses to the beneficiaries. In order to encourage women and mothers to attend the courses, supporting their children with social cohesion activities moderated by facilitating animators while women are in the course.
Ref 357 | Project title | Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainian Displaced and Ukrainian Refugees in the Republic of Moldova | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Moldova, Odesa/Ukraine | 2,548,840 EUR | 100% | IBC | Action Medeor | 27-05-2022 - 27-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukrainian IDPs Sector Distribution Food and NFI Outcome Distribution of food supplies, winter clothing and NFI to privately hosted refugees (MD) and displaced (UA) and social waek parts of the local population Support to Reception and Accomodatşon Centres (RAC), in Moldova and in Ukraine Strengthening the local health system in the Moldovan border towns of Ceadir-Lunga and Vulcanesti by providing requested medical equipmen, supplies and consumables Distribution/installation of stoves and heating material to IDP-families in UA Rehabilitation of private shelter/housing in UA Setting up a production line heating fuel Installing and management of a Community Shelter during winter time in UA Organization of cash-aid, non formal education/leisure activities for Children Construction of semi-permanent PHC premises in Bolhrad an one-upon approval from medeor – in the Mykolavska/Chersonska region |
Ref 358 | Project title | Social, Education and Protection Support to Vulnerable Children and Adults in Kilis And Istanbul | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kilis and Istanbul (Esenyurt) | 221,049,60 | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 25-11-2022 - 25-05-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Refugees Sector Emergency, Relief, Education Outcome The project aims to implement our wide range of protection and relief services for refugees and host community members in need. Based on the continuous high protection needs of the refugee population in Türkiye, especially in Istanbul and Kilis, individual level monitoring of beneficiaries and lessons learned from the previous actions. |
Ref 359 | Project title | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Syrian Refugees and Residents of Host Communities in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 124,976,25 EUR | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 01-12-2022 - 31-05-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian Refugees in Türkiye Sector
Outcome The goal of the project was to provide food parcels to 950 families in Chad, Burkina Faso, and Niger. The project supported the basic nutrition needs of the most vulnerable population across Sahel Africa. |
Ref 360 | Project title | Ramadan Sahel Africa Food Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso | 264,614,82 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-04-2022 - 10-06-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Local Groups Sector Food Security & Nutrition, Emergency, Relief Outcome To provide food aid to Chad, Niger and Burkina Faso during the months of Ramadan via food parcels. This project is projected to support 10,000 individuals. |
Ref 361 | Project title | Ramadan Food and Clothing Assistance to Uighur Refugees in Türkiye | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye, Istanbul | 100,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-04-2022 - 10-05-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Uighur Refugees in Istanbul Sector Food Security & Nutrition, Emergency, Relief, Education Outcome To provide emergency food packages and clothing during Ramadan and Eid to 9000 Uighur refugees in Istanbul, Türkiye. |
Ref 362 | Project title | Ukraine Emergency Response in Moldova | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Moldova | 25,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 20-03-2022 - 20-04-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukrainian IDPs Sector Protection Outcome To provide weekly food parcels, blankets and mattress to 300 displaced Ukrainian families in Moldova for two months. |
Ref 363 | Project title | Education, Protection and Skill Development Services for Refugees and Host Communities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kilis, Türkiye | 198,207,72 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 01-03-2022 - 01-09-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian Refugees in Kilis Sector Emergency, Relief, Education Outcome To improve well being of 3695 Syrian refugees and Turkish host communities residing in Kilis, Türkiye and contribute to their education and life skill development. |
Ref 364 | Project title | Shanshaade Village Water Well Project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Toghdeer, Shanshaade Village | 284,812,50 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 14-02-2022 - 24-03-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Local Groups Sector WASH Outcome To build a deep water well in the Shanshaade Village in Somaliland to support the provision of sustainable clean water to health centres and schools. |
Ref 365 | Project title | Afghanistan Emergency Winterization Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Kunduz and Herat Provinces, Afghanistan | 350,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-02-2022 - 30-04-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Local Groups Sector Emergency, Winterization and Food Response Outcome The project aims to provide access to essential services by distributing food parcels and winter kits to 6,750 individuals in Kunduz, Herat and Kabul. |
Ref 366 | Project title | Ramadan Yemen Food and Water Trucking Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Yemen | 500,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-04-2022 - 10-06-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Local Groups Sector Food Security Outcome To contribute to the alleviation of nutritional needs of people who are in a desperate need without any access to food or clean water in camps in Aden, Abyan and Makallah Yemen. |
Ref 367 | Project title | Ramadan Hot Meals Distributions to Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Kilis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Türkiye | 99,982,98 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-04-2022 - 10-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian Refugees in Kilis Sector Food Security & Nutrition, Emergency, Relief Outcome To distribute hot meals during Ramadan to the most vulnerable populations in Kilis, Türkiye. This project supports 2000 individuals daily for two months. |
Ref 368 | Project title | Ukraine – Odessa Oblast Emergency Food and Heaelth Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Izmail, Bolgrad, Artyz and Odessa-area, Ukraine | 249,958,40 USD | 100% | IBC | UMCOR | 18-04-2022 - 18-07-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukrainian IDPs Sector Emergency, Relief, Health Outcome To provide ready to eat meals for people at border crossings in Izmail, food rations for IDPs in Odessa Oblast and medical supplies for Bolgrad and Artsyz area hospitals. |
Ref 369 | Project title | IBC Afghanistan Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Mazar-I Sharif, Afghanistan | 98,760 USD | 100% | IBC | UMCOR | 25-02-2022 - 01-06-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Afghani IDPs Sector WASH Outcome To provide 900 internally displaced households in Mazar-I Sharif with two months of supplemental relief and WASH support. |
Ref 370 | Project title | Ukraine Emergency Response - Moldova | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Comrad and TsadeLunga, Moldova | 50,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-03-2022 - 10-04-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukrainian IDPs Sector Emergency, Relief Outcome After the brutal Russian invasion to Ukraine around 600,000 civilians fled to neighboring countries. Among them 65,000 fled to neighboring Moldova Republis through four entry points and mainly from Otaci and Palanka. |
Ref 371 | Project title | Afghanistan Winterization Response | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Afghanistan | 75,000 CAD | 100% | IBC | IDRF | 10-11-2022 - 20-03-2023 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Ukrainian IDPs Sector Emergency, Relief Outcome After the brutal Russian invasion to Ukraine around 600,000 civilians fled to neighboring countries. Among them 65,000 fled to neighboring Moldova Republis through four entry points and mainly from Otaci and Palanka. |
Ref 372 | Project title | Decent Employment for All | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name of legal entity | Country | Overall project value | Proportion carried out by legal entity |
No of staff provided | Name of client | Origin of funding | Dates (start/end) |
Name of partners if any | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation - IBC | Istanbul, Kilis | 2,570,990,65 | 100% | IBC | GIZ | 13-02-2022 - 13-02-2022 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Detailed description of project | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Target Group Syrian Refugees Sector Education Outcome To promote economic prospects and meet decent employment needs of refugee and host community in Istanbul and Kilis provinces, by implementing effective measures including basic accelerated literacy, language, vocational courses, complementary services and social cohesion support. |