The conference titled “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region” was held in Brussels. Several issues were discussed by the participants of 500 NGOs notably from Turkey and Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, some EU countries and the USA during the 2 days long conference in 6 different panels. Among them;
1. Youth economic and civic empowerment in Syria and the region: key priorities and needs
2. Displacement and comprehensive solutions
3. Addressing inclusive socio-economic recovery in hosting countries
4. Protection
5. Justice and social cohesion in Syria
6. Education and child protection
On the second day of the conference, reports treating the issues in the panels were prepared. These reports are going to be evaluated by the 80 delegates from participating 55 countries and international organisations in Brussels Summit that took place on 15.03.2019 and will provide insights for the decisions-to-make for both the region and Syria.
On the closing session, Federica MOGHERINI, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, states that the European countries have learned to live together after WWII and reached the prosperity that they have today. She also highlights that this should be the path that the Middle East might follow it to have peace finally. MOGHERINI also made call for emergent ceasefire notably in Idlib and Syria.
International Blue Crescent Foundation was represented with Vice President Muzaffer Baca at the conference.
Muzaffer Baca briefed on the operations and projecst of the IBC in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia to the members of various international organisations including Panos Moumtzis (Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis), Katharin Lumpp [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative in Turkey], Nadim Karkutli (Manager of the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the Madad Fund) and brought up the opportunities for collaboration to the agenda.