In order to reiterate the importance of recycling economically and socially, the International Blue Crescent Relief and Development foundation facilitated a “Green Ants Workshop” from 22 till 25/07/2019 in IBC Kilis Community center.
The workshop, which was facilitated by founder of Recycling Organization, Art Teacher and writer of “Green Ants” Mr. Niyazi Selçuk and Art Teacher Delal Kazıcı, aimed at raising awareness of children and adults on how to live without harming nature.
The book ”Green ants”, which explains the importance of recycling and separation of household waste by the eyes of children, was signed and presented by Niyazi Selçuk to 250 children beneficiaries.
Within the context of the fıve-days training, the children were divided into groups of 25 to attend “ an awareness session” at first, and later a workshop, where the facilitator demonstrated to children how to make a shopping bag out of water, glue, and newspapers without cutting trees down. Then the facilitator had the children drawing with acrylic colors over the paper they made.
The children who participated in the event shared the knowledge they learned with their families and shared the joy and happiness of contributing to nature by making recycling bins at home and being an example to others.