On 11/07/2019, the International Blue Crescent Relief and Development foundation, in collaboration with Union of Turkish Bar Associations, facilitated a legal session in IBC Kilis Community Center to raise awareness on “protection of personal data Law no. 6698” , which was issued on 07/04/2016.
During the session, Lawyer Makbule TOPAL gave information on the purpose and scope of the law explaining that the law was issued to guarantee the protection of fundamental rights, freedoms and privacy of individuals while processing personal data. The lawyer also explained the obligations and the rules to be followed by those who process personal data. While Lawyer Uğur Bekarlar provided information on how and where to file complaints in cases of violations of personal data law, that are not covered by exceptions of the law, without obtaining an obvious consent from the concerned individuals. Moreover, Lawyer Uğur Bekarlar provided information on a variety of other topics, such as Processing personal data, rights and responsibilities, filing complaints, register of personal data officers, crimes and misdemeanors, and authorities responsible for holding up personal data protection laws.
After the session, the lawyers stayed in the community center all day and answered the questions that our beneficiaries wanted to share in individual sessions. The number of participants in the session was high. The attendees were very pleased for attending the session and left the community center with a smile on their faces.