Last week, the International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC); participated in the evaluation workshop within the scope of " TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR COOPERATION WITH CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE FIELD OF MIGRATION AND INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION " project carried out jointly by the Directorate General of Migration Management of the EU and the Ministry of Interior.
The Ministry of Civil Society Affairs General Directorate of Turkey, the EU Presidency of Turkey, the Turkish Red Crescent, AFAD, Immigration Administration General Directorate, UNHCR, UNICEF, IOM, GIZ, the DRC, WFP STL, MÜDEK Sultanbeyli Refugees Association participated the workshop.
Foreigners and International Protection Act and in accordance with the EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement requirements, what the main purpose of the Project is that including international protection, the development of administrative infrastructure in the field of migration management. It is also aimed to improve the capacities of NGOs which working in the field of migration and international protection and cooperation with EU counterparts and public institutions, including decision-making processes.
Target groups of the project include both of NGOs which are working in the field of migration and international protection and Provincial Directorates of Migration Management. Therefore; because of the number of immigrants increased in recent years, the development of services and methods are the main agenda items.
Within the scope of the project, NGOs working in the field of migration were mapped; needs analysis was made for training and accordingly, it is decided to provide training to NGOs by expert teams in the fields they need.
In the workshop, both of these mapping results and the results of the needs assessment survey which was completed by the institutions were shared.
During the implementation process of the project; topics were covered such as supporting the NGO network in the field of migration at national level and organizing study visits, researching CSO funding mechanisms to support the sustainability and independence of CSOs, and organizing good practice conferences on public-NGO dialogue on migration issues.