International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation accelerated its relief efforts for the Western Black Sea, which was shaken by the flood disaster.
Kastamonu-Bozkurt district with a population of 5400, which was most affected by the floods caused by the heavy rain in the region is the place where the most loss of life was experienced in the flood disaster. IBC Emergency Relief Team, which has been on alert in the region since the first day of the disaster; After the need assasment and damage assessment studies it carried out, it provided support to the cleaning works by providing the materials needed for the cleaning of the streets covered with mud, which is 1.5 meters high. Later, with the coordination of Red Crescent and the support of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), work began to meet the basic needs of 500 families. While the distribution of food and hygiene parcels to the disaster victims was completed last week, the work for the victims who lost their homes and settled in the dormitories will continue.