Women Affected by the Earthquake Are Now More Hopeful for the Future
Since September, we have been organizing activities with women living in the Türkiye - Korea Friendship City in Serinyol. After the February 6 Earthquakes, we believe in the facilitation of art to work with emotions that are difficult to express and we use art as a healing tool.
In our Trauma Preventive Art Program, we aim to help them take a closer look at themselves and rebuild their support mechanisms by using different themes and different art materials every week through group discussions.
Women who participate in the committees within the camp take part in the fields they feel competent in and produce. Women in the sewing, embroidery and knitting committee contribute to the common life by giving the winter hats and scarves they knit as gifts to the children living in the camp.
Women who beautify what they touch also beautify the areas in the city with art. With this project, they instill hope for the coming days by coloring the common areas.