The conflict in Yemen was entering its tenth year in 2024.[1] The ongoing conflicts bring with them many problems and make it difficult to find a solution. One of them is thirst...
The ongoing war has resulted in thousands of civilian deaths, displacement of hundreds of people, and problems in access to food and clean water. [2]
Since the initial UN-brokered truce between the warring parties expired in October 2022, the humanitarian needs have reached alarmingly levels. During this period, when the calendars showed 2024, the effects of the economic crisis began to manifest themselves more effectively and brought food insecurity with it. In addition to all these situations, the Yemeni people had to face problems in the new fronts opened. While the problems in access to clean water and the disruptions in health services made the living conditions of the Yemeni people very difficult, it also caused the emergence of water-borne diseases. [3]
International Blue Crescent Foundation (IBC), which has been following the developments in Yemen with great attention, has built water wells in the regions that have problems at this point with the support of IDRF Canada in order to find solutions for access to clean water. Hundreds of families struggling to live in great poverty in the regions where the wells were built have been able to easily access one of their basic humanitarian needs thanks to the water wells.The needy people in remote areas where the water wells named Khabat Sabkha, Alkhamela, Qabash, Markoda, Alhusen and Aslan were put into operation were happy to have easy access to one of the most important necessities for life.
Although the difficulties encountered in access to clean water have been overcome to a certain extent, shelter and food continue to be one of the most important issues. It is of great importance to meet the other needs of the people who are in the grip of great poverty due to the conflicts.
As IBC, we are determined to continue our work with great dedication to help people in need. We need the support of you, our dear donors, more than ever before in order to touch people in difficult situations and find a solution to their problems.