The conflict between Russia and Ukraine since March 2022 has negatively affected the living conditions of civilians. On the night of 11 November, intense shelling continues to interrupt sleep with fear.

Our foundation, which has been closely following the developments since the beginning of the conflict, continues to work with great devotion in order to improve the living standards of civilians. Our foundation, which extended its helping hand to Ukrainian refugees in Southern Moldova from the very first day, expanded its emergency relief efforts from Bolhrad, the entry point of the relief exported from Turkey, to Mykolaiv and then to Kherson within a few months. Until today, it has continued to provide assistance under many important headings such as health, food, shelter, non-food products (NFI), water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Our foundation, which continues its sensitive approach to meet basic humanitarian needs, has launched Blue Crescent Ukraine in order to carry out its activities in Ukraine more urgently. Blue Crescent Ukraine inaugurated a new family medicine polyclinic in cooperation with Action Medeor last April in order to overcome the problems in the field of health.

Our Foundation continues to work in the field to meet the needs of civilians affected by the war. On 7 February, after starting the day with a massive bombardment in the Korabelny region of Mykolaiv city, hot soup and bread distribution started with donor Action Medeor within 2 hours in the region with the contact of UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on the day of the attack. In another attack carried out by Russian forces, after the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka hydroelectric dam, the city's water network collapsed and there were problems in accessing drinking water, our foundation quickly intervened in the situation and took action to distribute water to Kherson city together with Action Medeor. 7 water tanks were supplied to the city of Kherson, where 50 to 60 thousand people live, ensuring that all residents of the city have easy access to water.

Our team was on the field early in the morning.

While we continue to heal the wounds of those affected by the war and selflessly meet their needs, the Ukrainian people unfortunately came under another attack on the morning of 11 November. While the Russian army's attack on the houses caused a fire, unfortunately 5 civilians lost their lives. Our team went to the region with Action Medeor and distributed hot soup, bread and blankets to the people who woke up to a morning full of fear in Mykolaiv, the region of intense bombardment during the night. Along with our team, the local government and other aid organisations such as the Red Cross and UNHCR continued their support in the region.

Our support for the people of Ukraine who spent a night of fear...

Until the day when peace and tranquility will prevail again, we will continue to meet the needs of civilians who are struggling to survive in Ukraine and provide them with assistance.


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