April 23 Children's Festival was celebrated in all Child Friendly Spaces established in Kilis by International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation with cooperation of Catholic Relief Services. Syrian parents in Kilis commemorate the first gathering of the Grand National Assembly which took place on April 23, 1920, by attending CFS ceremonies.
This festival gathered Syrian children from all over Kilis to four different points where the CFSs are located. As an opening speech of the celebrations the importance of National Sovereignty and Children’s Day was explained and children’s rights were read. Children of four CFSs actively took part in celebrations. They presented dance shows, theatre shows and read poetry. In the shows, children made circles which is symbolizing the world while holding each other’s hands as a sign of unity.All the Syrian children attended to CFS celebrations were happy with face painting, balloons, flags and some treats.Children wore clots they prepared on their own at CFSs.
All the Syrian children attended to CFS celebrations were happy with face painting, balloons, flags and some treats.