International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation gives educational support for over 600 Syrian refugee children with education centers in Şanlıurfa and Siverek. In addition to the education within the context of the project IBC meets the daily needs of the children.
Contributing to the training of Syrian children whose education was interrupted due to forced refuge is an important problem in Urfa, Siverek. Şanlıurfa is one of the city that have intense Syrian refugee population. International Blue Crescent Relief and Development provides educational support to over 600 Syrian children in Hayyati Harrani and Siverek education centers. After the necessary improvements in the Siverek education center’’s building, 320 primary level students start to receive basic courses such as Arabic, painting and physical education in 20 classrooms since November. Siverek education center is in the city center, for this reason students who lives far from the city center are taken from their homes by service cars to go to school.
Hayyati Harrani education center also located in the center of the Urfa, has 300 Syrian students and 15 teacher. In both two education centers children’s stationery and other needs provided by the project. In addition to this in school time children’s daily food any drink needs are provided, too.
Siverek education center has 320 students, 16 teachers and 2 administrators. Ahsen Al Jalbe is one of these teachers. Jalbe gives maths cources to primary level students. She also states her pleasure to IBC for their educational support to Syrian refugee children. She mentioned that “ we tried to reach Syrian refugee children in small groups up until now. We didn’t have a proper building and education equipments. IBC gives us this educational support by determining the number of children in need of education. Every needs of this children are provided by IBC.”