In the third year of Syrian Crisis, medical services have been interrupted in the conflict areas. Medical staff have been incapable to work due to security conditions in the country where notably civilian population are at risk to be injured and to depopulate because of epidemic diseases. On the other hand, lack of medicine, incapacity of medical equipment and disability of patient care units for service subject many civilian to death and epidemic diseases. International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation ( IBC) in cooperation with International Rescue Committee ( IRC) has developed a capacity building program for Syrian Medical Staff in order to secure medical personnel to be able to work under prevailing conditions and gave training support to 80 participants from the medical sector.
In the three days trainings which were organized by the consultants and trainers from Akademi Network, medical personnel such as doctors, nurses, anesthetist etc. were given information about emergency operations, preventive and intensive care as well as community health. Capacity building trainings for Syrian medical staff is anticipated to be continued in the upcoming months to prevent civilian death and epidemic diseases.