Black Sea Earthquake Safety Net(work) -  ESNET Project

“The effects of natural hazards, such as earthquakes, are not limited by borders and that specialists from affected countries should work together in order to mitigate those effects.”

ESNET Project was finalized with success and Project Final Meeting dedicated its achievements in Istanbul on 25th April 2014

During the project, these ideas were confirmed, both in the scientific work itself and in the co-operation relationships that have been established between the project teams in the participating countries with this understanding and with the implementing objective of to contribute to the prevention of natural disasters generated by earthquakes in Black Sea Basin by developing a joint monitoring and intervention concept the ESNET Project has reached its end with success.

End of 26 months implementing period (01.03.2012 – 01.05.2014) ESNET Project the main achievements are:

>> 4 Country Assessment Reports elaborated on the basis of the country visits in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Republic of Moldova.

>> Black Sea Seismicity Monitoring and Early Warning System Alignment Plan that developed as an outcome of Regional Workshop that organized in İstanbul, Turkey.

>> One Network Agreement elaborated and signed by 25 sectorial members.

>> ESNET Seismic Safety Net(work) Web Portal developed and launched;

>> Black Sea Joint Seismicity Monitoring and Early Warning System was set up as a software tool.

>> ESNET e-group (e-group of the ESNET Network) crated and operational; (

>> A Regional Capacity Building Start-up curriculum developed and 80 sectorial members were trained through the curricula in 4 countries.

>> ESNET Project book was developed and published in Turkish, Romanian and Bulgarian.

>> 4 Educational Films were developed and published on TVs in 4 countries.

With the achievements mainly a better overview of the earthquakes potential in the participating countries, possible extension of the network to other/all countries in the Black Sea Basin, better reaction to earthquakes both from population and from related emergency units, thus reducing the damages in case of earthquakes were provided. As the IPA Leading Partner of the Project International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation showed a capacity in achieving a stronger regional partnership and cooperation and also contributing to a stronger and more sustainable economic and social development of the regions in the Black Sea Basin as an NGO with its National Academic Institutions National Institute of Research and Development for Earth Physics (NIEP) in Romania, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Science in Bulgaria (BAS NIGGG) and Institute of Geology and Seismology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova (IGS).

In this context, the Project final meeting was organized in Istanbul on 25th April 2014 by all project partners and also with the participation of ESNET Romanian, Moldavian and Turkish Stakeholder Institutions’ representatives.  

Within the meeting mainly outcomes of the Project was checked out according to Project logical frame; quantitative results were controlled through logical frame of the Project. All Project Managers and Coordinators agreed about project progress and results by assessing quantitative outcomes of the Project.The meeting ended statements of appreciations by all project partner institutions’ representatives about functioning and effective partnership that developed within the project to develop new possible projects with good wishes.


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