International Blue Crescent has successfully implemented Eid Ul-Fitr Project for IDP children in Mogadishu. In this project IBC, has distributed Eid sweets such as Biscuits and Eid Clothes. The clothes were given to the children both as Eid Present and School uniform. Each boy received a pair of trousers and a shirt. The girls received skirts and headscarves (Jalbaab). Each was also given a half kg biscuit ). Each was also given a half kg biscuit which were nutritious.

At first, each of them was allocated for one kg biscuit but children from other nearby schools overwhelmed, so we had to share all of them. More than 400 IDP children who were affected by the drought and war were reached. The children have been given a happy surprise-both clothes and cookies. 

There was something funny about the color of the clothes we have distributed. It was all blue! It resembled the colors of the flag of Somalia, and the colors of IBC. Azure means something to the hearts and minds of the Somali people. It is what they die for. Maybe it is going to be a sign for new hope in Somalia when all these young and beautiful children wear All Blue!

One parent who has visited us at the school immediately after his children were given clothes said, “As a parent I couldn’t afford to buy $30 Eid Clothes for my children. I thank God and IBC for this. Now it is good that my children are very happy today and after few days they will participate and enjoy Eid Ul Fitr ceremony with other children in the Muslim world.”

Children of Somalia are facing desperate circumstances of war and displacement. They are at risk of all forms of violation including physical and mental abuse. The parents of the children were so poor that they couldn’t afford decent clothes for their children let alone school uniform and school fees. IBC has constructed two schools in Jamacadaha areas to cater for these IDP children. The two schools are called Sabir Baca IDP School and Mohammed Muthane IDP School.

By June we have finished the construction. We have started the plan in May and in June we have completed them. The schools are composed of four classes which are 8m by 6m each, two offices, and two stores. The other school has also four classes, two offices, and two stores. So, in total we have constructed eight classes, four offices, and four stores. We made it a formal school whereby pupils are taught formal subjects. The classes taught will be from standard one to standard eight, but currently, the highest grade taught is Grade Four. It is not like other IDP schools that are intended for small kids.

The schools were opened officially in the month of July. The children together with their parents in Jamacadaha poured in to the school to be registered. Almost all the classes were filled instantly. At first, have recruited seven teachers for the school but we added one teacher at last to make them eight in number.  The numbers of pupils enrolled were 624. However, some of them don’t come on regular basis. The numbers that are regular pupils are between 438 and 463.

International Blue Crescent offered a key basic education intervention that aimed to allow all young generation in the camp to take advantage of the educational opportunities available. IBC interventions succeeded in strengthening the basic education sector capacity and promoting protection.




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