International Blue Crescent(IBC) has completed its projects in AJK Kashmir Pakistan by submitting the six basic health units and a school and community center to the local Pakistan authorities.
The BHU s have been constructed by funds provided from Malteser International which supervised all Project.
BHU s in Bagh,Komikot,Pagwan Dupatta,Kharal Maldian,Kharal Abbasian and Bararkot have been equipped with relevant Technologies for emergency therapy and first aid as well as with earthquake alarmaing (Secty) systems.
Additional facilities fort he accomodaiton of BHU staff is constructed and refurbished.
The BHU s will serve to local commun ities through staff appointed by AJK Health Department.
On the other hand the Project fort he construction and organization of a school for 200 children and a communtiy center in the highest settlement of AJK ,Sarbala is completed and the school and community center submitted to AJU authorities.
The Project of commun ity center and school funded by AJJDC