INTERNATIONAL BLUE CRESCENT RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION has been providing humanitarian aid and support to the host community and thousands of Syrian refugees in the province of Kilis for about 6 years. As a continuation of these studies at the Community Center for refugees and host community in Kilis, the social work improvement project is carried out in partnership with GIZ-German International Cooperation Agency and SDC - Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency.
A fraternity and peace festival was organized on August 10, 2018 to ensure that Syrian refugees and local people in Kilis could come together, cultivate and live together in peace and tranquility. Our foundation, which is held simultaneously in Kilis Teachers' House garden and in the showroom, has opened stands for products and services in the IBC Community Center, and the products produced at the community center were exhibited to the local people of Syria and Kilis.
During the event, the participants had the chance to watch beautiful performances all day long. In the festival area, wall painting, portrait painting, balloon making, handicrafts, pantomime show and photo corner activities were performed in addition to Jongle and Puppet Show.
On stage, the music group formed by the participants of the Blue Crescent Society's Community Center took the stage and sung in Turkish and Arabic. Children and adults who have never seen a pantomime show and a Puppet Magic Show before say that they enjoy it very much.
The colorful exhibitions for the children were exhibited at the highly attended fraternity festival and there was an opportunity to inform the Kilis People about our events and courses with the information desk set up in the field.
Festival Contents
1) Open Field Activities:
2) Stage Events