On 18/09/2018, International Blue Crescent Relief and Development Foundation (IBC) Kilis Community Center facilitated an " Breathing Therapy Activity " 27 Participants: 2 social workers, 1 field workers, 2 dissemination officers, 1 team leader, 1 women center officer, 2 officers, 1 translator, 1 hairdressing course teacher and 17 beneficiaries.
Activity Subjects: Respiratory system, correct breathing, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises.
Expected Effects:
Activity Objective:
Activity Content:
Activity Program:
After providing information about the content and objective of the activity, the instructor explained the importance of taking breath properly to relaxation.
Then the instructor went on with applying breath exercises. After an exercise on how to inhale and exhale properly, the instructor applied with the attendees some muscle relaxation exercises. In muscle relaxation exercises, we contract and then relax each muscle group with certain moves. After applying some moves with the attendees, which helped fill them with positive energy, get rid of stress and relax, the instructor moved on to the blank sheet relaxation technique.
In the blank sheet relaxation technique, the attendees were asked to fill an imaginary sheet with an image they of their choice. Then, the attendees are asked to describe the image they choose to the other attendees. The objective of this technique is to help the attendees relax and get closer to each other by describing their imaginary images to each other. After having the attendees sharing their feelings with each other, the instructor conclude the activity.