Date: 20/07/2015
With the growing humanitarian crisis in Iraq IBC implements providing food assistance to the most vulnerable families who found sanctuary in the Northern Iraq after fleeing their homes. In Northern Iraq core relief and food items are the most commonly cited needs for displaced families.
Duhok Governorate is home to the second largest concentration of post June – December 2014 IDPs in the three Northern Governorates. The majority lives in Akre District and Duhok Centre, with others in the Districts of Zakho, Shekhan, Sumel and Amedi. About 20% of all new IDPs in the Governorate of Dahuk are children and according to UNFPA records more than 40 babies are being born to internally displaced families every day in Duhok governorate within Kurdistan Region, official statistics show. According to Duhok Health Directorate figures, approximately 2700 newborns to internally displaced families were registered in two months as of second half term of 2014. In this context to meet the food needs is extremely important
Within the framework of IBC Northern Iraq ongoing emergency response programs cooperating with United Methodist Committee on Relief - UMCOR IBC delivered its emergency food aid parcels in Shekhan District to reach over 3500 IDPs.
During the field activities and the field visits the IDP families interviewed with they have immediate family still in their area of origin and most of them are not able to communicate with them. And IDPs in the project area live under very poor conditions. In this respect, IBC reaching to the neediest families, the true beneficiaries made to meet their food security requirements.
For more information :
Nalan ÜKER
Program Director
[email protected]