International Blue Crescent and Medical Teams launched a campaign for delivery of medical equipment to health units in North Syria.First delivery of medical equipment (700000 USD) completed in Aleppo and Idlib governorates of North Syria.
Medical equipment distributed in coordination with the Turkish Red Crescent for custom clearance and transport and Lattakia and Idlib Health Directortaes.
Al Kinane,Al Maarah,Dar El Ezzeh hospitals and scores of clini,cs and health center benefited from the distribution.
First aid kits,operation units,electrocardiyography devices etc were distributed to the health units in desperate needs because of the civil war conditions.
Assesment for further needs and operational capacities of the medical units completed and a new shipment is programmed fort he next month
Intermnational Blue Crescent,is campaigning for equipping the ambulances in Idlib with chemical first response facilities too