The floods caused by the heavy rains in Afrin rendered the tents unusable for families who were vict ...
Some of the families who had to flee their homes due to the conflicts in Idlib and Aleppo live in Af ...
8-year-old Abdülrazak, who faced the risk of being blinded by a bomb attack in Idlib last Febru ...
IBC started to work in 5 Quarantine Hospitals and Camps which are determined in Northern Syria withi ...
The North Syrian Winter Clothing and Shelter Project, which is carried out by the International Blue ...
The conference titled “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region” was held in Brusse ...
International Blue Crescent and Medical Teams launched a campaign for delivery of medical equipment ...
Source 13.06.2020: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/life/six-year-old-syrian-child-regains-eyesight-in- ...