
Tags: idlib

The floods caused by the heavy rains in Afrin rendered the tents unusable for families who were vict ...

Date: 29-12-2021 17:29

Some of the families who had to flee their homes due to the conflicts in Idlib and Aleppo live in Af ...

Date: 07-05-2021 22:04

8-year-old Abdülrazak, who faced the risk of being blinded by a bomb attack in Idlib last Febru ...

Date: 12-06-2020 13:26

IBC started to work in 5 Quarantine Hospitals and Camps which are determined in Northern Syria withi ...

Date: 29-03-2020 23:19

The North Syrian Winter Clothing and Shelter Project, which is carried out by the International Blue ...

Date: 29-01-2020 10:21

The conference titled “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region” was held in Brusse ...

Date: 15-03-2019 13:27

International Blue Crescent and Medical Teams launched a campaign for delivery of medical equipment ...

Date: 11-04-2017 15:21

Source 13.06.2020: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/life/six-year-old-syrian-child-regains-eyesight-in- ...

Date: 13-06-2020 21:50