Date: 01/06/2003
Background Information: The earthquake in 6, 4 Richter scale that has occurred on May 1 2003, 03:27 hours has caused 177 causalities and over 500 injuries with the most affected being the Celtiksuyu Regional Boarding Primary School.
Project Summary: Taking action in short time IBC distributed children’s napkins, feeding bottles and preservative cooling machines to the territory.
Project Goals: The aim of action was to distribute the necessities required within the rural territory.
Project Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries were the inhabitants of the territory covering 600 families.
Implemented Activities:
Information has been obtained from the crisis center governed by the Governor for the necessities. The priorities were determined as nourishment and napkins of being essential for hygiene. Packing preparations for distribution took place within the semi-damaged gym of the Genc District with the necessary permission and securities provided beforehand from the District Governor. With the escort of a military team in order to provide security distribution has been made to the nearby villages which were in need.