Date: 01/03/2003
Background Information: The earthquake in 6, 4 Richter scale that has occurred on May 1 2003, 03:27 hours has caused 177 causalities and over 500 injuries with the most affected being the Celtiksuyu Regional Boarding Primary School. Most of the damage was on educational and health buildings, avoiding the health centers from giving service. The public hospital at the city center and the related health centers within the surrounding districts were unable to operate due to the fear of the earthquake. The population of the district was 45.994 according to the census of 2000 wherein 18.345 being in district center, 4.521 in Servi Municipality, 2.255 in Caytepe Municipality and 20.873 in the surrounding villages. There has not been an increase in the population as of today due to non- migration.
Project Summary: IBC has taken action in order to renovate the health center in Genc province of Bingol.
Project Goal: The aim of the project was to provide health services to the 25.000 inhabitants of the surrounding territory.
Project Beneficiaries: 25.000 individuals living in the Province of Genc and the surrounding villages.
Implemented Activities:
The crisis center that has been formatted by the Deputy Governor of Bingol has been visited and information has been gathered about the necessities and the damage occurred. Situation assessment has been made by the participation of the Head of The Crisis Center, the Deputy Governor, District Governor of Genc, Bingol Health Director, District Health Director of Genc and the IBC representative where the situation of the provinces were discussed since the reconstruction or renovation of the public hospital was to be handled by the Government itself. It was determined that the health center in Genc was highly damaged however the possibility of renovation being possible. The health center that had the possibility of giving considerable service was found worth to be renovated since giving service to the province and the surrounding villages and a protocol has been signed between IBC and the Head of the Crisis Center for renovation. IBC organized a technical team to overcome the burden taking into consideration the local suppliers that have been affected by the earthquake in priority in material supply. The construction works took place within three months and the health center of Genc was taken into operation.