The devastating Flood disaster in August 2010 in Pakistan have swept out hundreds of villages and millions of people affe cted severely by losing their lives, properties and livestock.
Upon Pakistan Goverment's international appeal as all international NGO s IBC run to the field to provide emergency relief and organise its rehabilitation and recovery program in the disaster area.
Food parcels for 2000 families in villages of Basti Rindan (Muzaffargarh-Punjap) distirbuted to 2000 families for a period of three months.
Due to the lack of clean water ,water pumps in 10 villages in Muzaffargarh have renovated and new pumping systems installed with the purification facilities.Training to the families for safe water provided in the same villages.
International Blue Crescent(IBC) continues its activities by launchin a psycosocial treatment program by constructing playgrounds in ten vilages in Basti Rindan.
School bags ans stationery for 4000 children is distributed too.
IBC continues its campaign to construct village houses for 2000 families in the same region and regenerate the agricultural production through dsitribution of seeds and livestock and training of villagers.
As a show of interfaith solidarity UMCOR,AJJDC and Tag Development contributed to the campaign fort he projects on emergency food and psycosocial rehabilitation